Wind And Sail game

In the game “Wind and Sail” you have to control a sailboat and collect lifebuoys. 

The physics of the game is simplified as much as possible: the sail is a completely flat canvas, the boat is not blown away by side winds, and so on.

Lower control unit

The triangle button on the left in the bottom row rotates the sail 22.5 degrees clockwise each time you press it.

The current sail angle is shown by the number on the right.

Move your finger along the long white rectangle between the button and the number left and right to rotate the sail to an arbitrary angle.

Click on the number if you want to return the sail to its original position.

The second row of controls from the bottom is designed to change the course of the boat and works in a similar way.

When the boat turns, the sail turns with it.

When you click on the number showing the angle of rotation of the boat, both the boat and the sail rotate to their original position.

The third row of controls from the bottom changes the direction of the wind.

Do not use changes in wind direction to steer your boat as this will prevent you from gaining sailing skills.

The top row of controls is designed to change the wind speed.


Click on the number showing the wind speed.

Pressing this number again will return the wind speed to the previous value.

Top buttons

By tapping the button in the upper right corner, you can set a checkered background to better visually perceive the speed and direction of the boat.

If you tap the same button again, large numbers will appear on the screen showing the potential speed of the boat for a given boat heading, sail angle and wind direction.

You can move these numbers with your finger up or down on the screen within certain limits.

The number next to the letter x shows the speed of the boat's horizontal displacement.

If there is a minus sign in front of the number, it means the boat is moving to the left.

The number next to the letter y shows the speed of the boat's vertical displacement.

If there is a minus sign in front of the number, this means that the boat is moving upward.

By pressing the second button from the right you can return the boat to its original position.

By successively pressing the second button on the left, you can turn on and off the mode of random change in wind direction. The number on the button shows the period of change in wind direction.


You can drag the boat to the place you need at any time.


At the top center of the screen is a stack of 10 lifebuoys. You can drag 9 of them anywhere on the screen.

When the center of the boat passes over the lifebuoy, the lifebuoy returns to its original position.

If you have enough experience, you can try to collect lifebuoys in constant changing wind direction mode.

If you want to return any of the lifebuoys to their place, tap on it.

To return all lifebuoys to their place, press any of them for 1 second.

How to sail the boat across the wind?

After starting the game, click on the second button from the bottom 4 times. The boat will turn to the right at an angle of 90 degrees.

Click on the number in the bottom row to set the sail vertically.

Move the top slider to the right a little to turn on the wind.

Moving your finger along the long white rectangle in the center of the bottom row to the left or right, slightly turn the sail in one direction or another from the vertical position and watch for changes in the movements of the boat. 

How to sail the boat against the wind?

The boat cannot go straight into the wind, but it can zigzag at certain angles into the wind.

If any numbers are different from zero, reset them to zero one by one by clicking on them.

Move the boat to its original position.

By moving your finger along the long rectangle in the second row from the bottom, set the angle of the boat to approximately 120 degrees.

By moving your finger along the long rectangle on the bottom row, set the sail angle to approximately 150 degrees.

Move the slider in the top row to the right to turn on wind

The boat will begin to move to the right and down.

To better see the boat's movement, you can turn on the background grid by clicking on the button in the upper right corner.

By the next click on the same button, you can turn on the numbers showing the displacement of the boat along the axes. We are interested in the number located next to the letter y - it shows the speed of the boat's downward displacement.

After a while, turn off the wind by moving the top slider to the left.

If the boat has moved significantly down or to the side, drag the boat closer to the center.

By moving your finger along the long rectangle in the second row from the bottom, set the angle of the boat to approximately 240 degrees.

By moving your finger along the long rectangle on the bottom row, set the angle of the sail to about 30 degrees.

Move the slider in the top row to the right to turn on wind

The boat will begin to move left and down.

Thus, by constantly changing course, the boat can move in zigzags against the wind.

How does the wind affect the sail?

The closer the angle between the plane of the sail and the wind is to 90 degrees, the stronger the effect of the wind.

Wind blowing from the side does not affect a flat sail.

How does the sail affect the boat?

The boat in its underwater part has a keel, which allows it to move only in the direction where its bow is pointed and also in the opposite direction. That is, the boat behaves like a carriage on rails.

Therefore, if the force acting on the boat from the sail is directed perpendicular to its course, then the boat will not move.

If this force is directed towards the bow of the boat, then it will float forward.

If the force is directed toward the stern, the boat will float backward.

Therefore, regardless of the direction of the wind, the boat will be motionless in two cases:

- when the plane of the sail is parallel to the wind, as the wind flies past the sail

- when the plane of the sail is parallel to the hull of the boat, since the force of the sail on the boat in this case is directed exactly across its course.