EECS227: Robot Perception


Robot Perception is the cornerstone of modern robotics, enabling machines to interpret, understand, and respond to an array of sensory information they encounter.  In the course, students will study the basic principles of typical sensor hardware on a robotics system (e.g., vision, tactile, and acoustic sensors), the algorithms that process the raw sensory data, and make actionable decisions from that information. Throughout the course, students will incrementally build their own vision-based robotics system in simulation via a series of homework coding assignments.

Instructor: Shuran Song

TA: Neil Nie (

Time:  TuTh 9:00AM - 10:20AM



1) Write a proposal about ideas to improve the pick-and-place system you have implemented: Describe the motivation, and which aspect of the system you want to improve Describe the method, please free feel to include pseudocode, block diagram, and figures that would help us understand your method. Describe the expected outcome, and how would you set up experiments to validate the improvement. 

2) Write a literature review or survey on topics we discussed in the lecture. For example, a survey on "single-view depth estimation." In the survey please categorize the works into three categories.  For each category, describe the general idea, the work that belongs to this category, and the general pros and cons for this category of approach. 

Late Policy: 


This schedule is preliminary and subject to change as the term evolves :

EE 227: Robot Perception

Text Book 

We do not require a textbook. However, you may find the following books are useful resources:

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