Hi, I'm wondering if Dynamic Desktop (Mojave desert) will turn to the night picture when dark mode is turned on. I think it's supposed to (when you see dark mode, the desert picture is at night), but I'm not sure because my MacBook (2016, core m5) will not bring the night Mojave desert picture when dark mode is turned on. Is there a way to make it work, or is it just a bug? I've restarted the computer but that didn't work.

Selecting the left of the two image options with the shown settings will change the image according to the system clock, so a bright sunny sand dune will dynamically lessen until a night time image takes its place. Dark mode has nothing to do with this daytime to night-time transition.

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Edit: To clarify, my issue is that I thought that when dark mode is turned on during daytime, the Mojave desert would turn to night. Whenever dark mode was turned on in guest user (during daytime), the Mojave desert turned to night and applications went dark, too. My profile will turn applications dark but not the desert background. I am using the dynamic setting.

The screenshots you attached, were those from the guest user account where you said that it worked, or from your account? Also, are you referring to the "preview" that Apple provided as the toggle between Light and Dark modes as why you believed the desktop would also change to the dark colors?

The Dynamic Desktop is not supposed to turn dark when Dark Mode is selected, as like you know, it only changes based on the time of day. With that being said, the preview that Apple provides next to Appearance (in your screenshots), are likely just different to show the contrast between the two options, unfortunately.

PrestoMeghan, I do get that the menu bar and applications will be dark in dark mode and I also understand that I can just use a still of the night, however, Apple advertised it like when you are in light mode with a dynamic desktop (assuming it's daytime), and you turn on dark mode, everything changes dark, including the background. It's how it worked earlier when I first upgraded to Mojave, too. I tested it in guest user and it works. But it's not working on my profile.

Use a dynamic desktop. When you use a dynamic desktop picture, the desktop picture automatically changes to match the time of day in your location. Click Wallpaper in System Settings, then choose a picture for Dynamic Desktop. To have your screen change based on your time zone, enable Location Services. If Location Services is turned off, the picture changes based on the time zone specified in Date & Time settings.

Make your screen easier to see. Change the display resolution to make everything on the screen bigger, or increase the size of text and icons to make them easier to see. You can also make the pointer easier to see or quickly locate it with a shake of your mouse. See Make text and other items on the screen bigger in the macOS User Guide.

To summarise, Qt can be compiled to use ether the desktop OpenGL (a direct interface to the graphics driver provided OpenGL version) or to use Angle (a version of OpenGL that uses directX to provide hardware GL support).

Dinamic is a new option that will select between them automatically at runtime on the user's machine. It does however mean that you will need to use the Qt OpenGL API (rather than e.g. GLEW) to access OpenGL.

I have a number of files with various headers that I am using the Dynamic Rename tool to code into standard headers based on a header dictionary we have. However, what we want to do is drop any columns that don't match when running the tool.

To give more information, the Dynamic Rename 'Rename Mode' is 'Take Field Names from Right Input Rows'. Essentially, all of the data in the header dictionary is stored within rows of data rather than having them as field headers themselves, meaning a join doesn't work for this scenario (unless I have missed something!)

If there is a prefix you can add to either the matched or unmatched rows - you can use dynamic select after dynamic rename to drop the unmatched columns using regex_match and your dynamic select tool in formula mode.

Do you have any sample data you can include. I think you might be able to accomplish this with a Field Info Tool connected to the data files. Then Join the Field info tool to your Data Dictionary. Then cross tab the data and union it back to your dataset to only include the matches.

@StephenJPSheehan that is a text input I created to represent the fields that are acceptable. Since you didn't include any data, I had to make something up. Notice in the dynamic rename that the Field1 is being renamed to "First" and Field2 is being renamed to "Second". There is no rename for Field3. Since the union tool only brings in common fields, it ignores the Field3. The "Blank" is so that the union tool will read it in (which is why the filter removes the "Blank" after.

With the help of all the resources on here I managed to create a workflow and have a dynamic filename based on filename+todays date. The issue I have is that it keeps saving the .xlsx output in the same folder as the .yxmd file. I did not have this issue before the filename was dynamic, then I could just select the correct location via the output tool.

Unfortunately, this is the option that you'll need to keep it as if you're also specifying the sheet name. So what you have to do is update the formula that creates the filename and also include the directory path.

To which other solution do you refer? In thise case the sheetname does not have to be specified necessarily, it is more that this solution is more flexible in case there will be more sheets / different sheetnames possibly later on.

I don't think there is an alternative solution. The other options in the Output tool to make it create a dynamically named file would target the sheet name, not the file name. So in this case, you have to use the "change entire file path" option and you'll need to supply it with a complete location. If the directory location is always the same, just concatenate it to the beginning of your [FileName] expression.

I have been trying the same results by following the process but the file is not getting saved in the required folder and I believe it is because of the folder name is too long. Is their any other way i can achieve this.

The result is subtle and delightful.Having a background that tracks the passage of timemakes the desktop feel alive;in tune with the natural world.(If nothing else,it makes for a lovely visual effect when switching dark mode on and off)

At the time of writing,those of us in the northern hemisphereare settling into the season of autumnand its shorter, colder days,whereas those of us in the southern hemisphereare gearing up for hotter and longer days.The changing of the seasons reminds us thatthe duration of a solar day depends where you are on the planetand where the planet is in its orbit around the sun.

Hey, I have a pretty simple workflow set up which was running correct when I finished it. It's set up as an App to upload a Excel file each week, and process the data and create a table in BigQuery. The workflow is still running successfully with no errors, however the browse tool and the data table in bigquery and not populating with the correct data - they are populating with the data from the excel doc I originally used to set up the workflow (I can tell because this was dated 02/10 and my new file is 16/10).

I believe the issue is because of the Dynamic Input tool, this still references the origin 1002 file in the "Input Data Source Template" section - how do I fix this so the dynamic input looks for the same file as the one selected in the File Browse?

I am having the same issue. I have a template data source that is always the output, regardless of what file is input into the file browse tool. I am not sure if the issue is in the File Browse or the Dynamic Input, but here is the Dynamic Input configuration. All files being used are .xlsx

So, I've ran this question around, and haven't gotten a definitive answer, so I thought I'd see what the community had to say. I want to parse a string containing a variable number of hostnames from an attribute in AD and populate remote desktop links on a webtop. I've opted to use an irule, and have found that I am able to set session variables for remote desktop resources, but it seems that in order for an object to be usable, the 'container' must be defined on the system (Access Policy > Secure Connectivity > Application Access > Remote Desktops) otherwise, they do not appear on the webtop.

After the user authenticates and is presented the webtop, the following has occurred. 1) The first host has been updated, which can be seen reviewing the session variables, as well as clicking the remote desktop link. 2) The second host session variables have been created, and look similar to the first object's variables, but no webtop link appears.

Is there a way to 'assign' programmatically, this new object, or does APM require the initial creation of these remote desktop containers? Any suggestions or directions to documentation on this would be great!

I have used both GNOME and KDE for a while, and I have certain features that I like from both. One feature I really enjoy from GNOME is how workspaces are managed. Workspaces (or virtual desktops in KDE) are dynamically added to the right of a row of workspaces, and if there is no window in a workspace, that workspace is removed. This workflow makes sense for people who make liberal use of workspaces, which I find myself doing a lot on my laptop. 152ee80cbc

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