Principal Investigator

Han-Joon Kim, Assistant Professor

Department of Medical IT Convergence Engineering

Bio: Han-Joon Kim is an assistant professor in the Department of Medical IT Convergence Engineering at the Kumoh National Institute of Technology (kit). He received his PhD in electrical engineering at Deagu Gyungbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST). His research focuses on developing wireless interfaces for medical devices that can be utilized in therapeutic and diagnostic medical applications.

Social media: Google Scholar, Research Gate, and Linkedin


View CV file (May 2024)


We are currently looking for talented Postdoc and Students!! 

Minseong Cho 

MS Student[Lab leader]
Research interest
  • Blood flow rate monitoring
  • Wireless biomedical device

Woo Seok Choi

MS Student
Research interest
  • Blood vessel stenosis monitoring
  • Wireless biomedical device

Bomin Kim

Visiting Ph.D Student from DGIST
Research interest
  • Machine learning for biosignal
  • Blood vessel structure monitoring

Undergraduate students

Heoun Ju Kim

Undergraduate student
Research interest
  • Metamaterial for WPT
  • Smart clothing for body sensor network

Jiyun Lee

Undergraduate student
Research interest
  • Metamaterial for WPT
  • Smart clothing for body sensor network

Heon Ju Lee

Undergraduate student
Research interest
  • WPT for implantable device
  • WPT system satisfying Qi standard

Yeono Joo

Undergraduate student
Research interest
  • WPT for implantable device
  • WPT cage for freely moving

Suin Heo

Undergraduate student
Research interest
  • Wireless EMG/ECG
  • Machine learning for biosignal

Min Je Park

Undergraduate student
Research interest
  • Wireless EMG/ECG
  • Machine learning for biosignal

Bo Gyun Jeong

Undergraduate student


Woo Seok Choi

  • BS (24)
  • kit-WiMedi Group

Sang Hyeon Lim

  • BS (24)
  • 2023.03-06: Samsung Medison internship
  • Philips

Minseong Cho 

  • BS (23)
  • 2023.04-08: High-tech Medical Equipment Research Institute (첨단의료기기연구소)
  • kit-WiMedi Group


Jaebin Yun

Undergraduate student

Minji Kim

Undergraduate student



Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology
CSP Lab.


National University of Singapore




[Youth Technologic Motors]

