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How to Win Anything You Want with The Name It and Claim It Game by Helene Hadsell

Have you ever dreamed of winning a car, a vacation, or a lottery? Do you believe that you can attract anything you want into your life with the power of your mind? If so, you might be interested in learning about the Name It and Claim It Game by Helene Hadsell.

Helene Hadsell was a woman who won every contest she entered for over 50 years. She claimed that she used a simple formula to manifest her prizes, which she called the Name It and Claim It Game. She also wrote a book about her method, which you can download for free from the Internet Archive[^1^].

The Name It and Claim It Game consists of four steps: Select It, Project It, Expect It, and Collect It. Here is how it works:

Select It: Choose what you want to win or attract into your life. Be specific and realistic. For example, instead of saying "I want to win a car", say "I want to win a blue Toyota Corolla".

Project It: Visualize yourself having what you want. Use all your senses and emotions to create a vivid mental image. For example, imagine yourself driving the car, feeling the steering wheel, hearing the engine, smelling the leather seats, etc.

Expect It: Believe that you will receive what you want. Have faith and confidence in yourself and the universe. Avoid doubts, fears, or negative thoughts. For example, say to yourself "I know I will win this car" or "This car is already mine".

Collect It: Take action to make your desire come true. Enter contests, buy tickets, apply for opportunities, or do whatever is necessary to get what you want. Be ready to receive your prize when it comes. For example, clear some space in your garage for the car or get your driver's license ready.

By following these steps, Helene Hadsell claimed that she was able to win anything she wanted, from appliances to trips to cash. She also taught her method to thousands of people who reported similar success stories. She believed that anyone can use the Name It and Claim It Game to create their own luck and happiness.

If you want to learn more about Helene Hadsell and her amazing technique, you can download her book from the link below and start playing the game today. Who knows what you might win?

Download The Name It and Claim It Game by Helene HadsellHere is a possible continuation of the article:

Helene Hadsell was not only a successful contester, but also a remarkable woman who lived a life of adventure and inspiration. She was born as Helen Barbara Daeschel in 1924 in Aberdeen, South Dakota. [^1^] She left home at 18 and worked as a file clerk in a shipping yard during World War II, where she met and married her husband Pat Hadsell. [^1^] [^2^]

She moved to Texas with her family and became a society news editor for a local newspaper. [^1^] She also participated in the Mrs. America Pageant in 1958 and made it past the first round. [^1^] She was involved in various community activities, such as leading a choir, a Girl Scout troop, and a PTA board. [^1^]

She started entering contests as a family hobby in 1948, but did not win much until she took a correspondence course in contest writing and learned how to craft catchy slogans and jingles. [^1^] She also developed her own method of positive thinking and visualization, which she called the Name It and Claim It Game. [^2^]

She won hundreds of prizes over the years, including appliances, furniture, jewelry, cash, and trips to exotic destinations. [^1^] Her most famous prize was a house that was showcased at the 1964-65 New York World's Fair, which she won by writing a winning essay about why she wanted to live in Irving, Texas. [^1^] [^2^]

She became widely known as the "contest queen" and was featured in many magazines, newspapers, radio shows, and TV programs. [^1^] She also wrote several books about her technique and shared her secrets with thousands of people who attended her seminars and workshops. [^2^]

She was friends with many influential authors and speakers in the field of metaphysics, such as Norman Vincent Peale, Joseph Murphy, and Jose Silva. [^2^] She had a doctorate in metaphysics and explored various topics such as mind control, self-awareness, telepathy, and spiritual realm. [^2^]

In 1986, she founded a retreat center called Delta Sciences, where she taught her courses and hosted guests from around the world. [^2^] She passed away in 2010 at the age of 86. [^1^] Her legacy lives on through her books, her teachings, and her stories of winning anything she wanted with the power of her mind. 66dfd1ed39

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