Willow Virtual Field Day - 2020

Welcome to Willow's Virtual Field Day!

Here are some fun activities you can do with your family while you are staying safer at home. These activities are optional. You can use the score sheet to keep tally of points if you would like. If you participate, be sure to take pictures and send them to your teacher, or you can email them to Ms. Huh at eveline.huh@myabcusd.org. Students who complete ALL ten field day games and show pictures to the teacher or principal by Wednesday, June 10th by 9:00am will have their names in a raffle to win an Amazon gift card for $25! (Two gift cards are available!) Have fun!

Virtual Field Day Score Sheet

Virtual Field Day score Sheet

*This is optional - if you want to keep score, please use this sheet!

*Click here if you need a timer!

Equipment Needed:

Water bottle, laundry basket, sock ball

Equipment Needed:

Oversize t-shirt & shorts, hat

Equipment Needed:

Laundry Basket, 5 sock balls, wall

Equipment Needed:


Equipment Needed:

Laundry Basket, 3 pieces of paper

Equipment Needed:

Spoon, 1 sock ball

Equipment Needed:

2 paper plates, Air-filled baggie or ping pong ball, table

Equipment Needed:

2 milk jugs

Equipment Needed:

A towel

Equipment Needed:

Any type of Ball, 2 plastic cups