This site is a bit out dated, as I've gotten a bit busy in recent months, and haven't really been able to update this site. I plan on continuing on updating this site when I'm less busy.

About Me:

As many of you visiting this website, my name is Will (who would've guessed?). I do music stuff sometimes and I also like to play games like 太鼓の達人 or Tetris. Here's my YouTube description:

"Hi! I'm gonna be very busy for the next few weeks, and then I'll have school, so I don't have much time to do stuff on YouTube. I'm trying to stream a bit more, so if you see it, drop in and say hi if you feel like it. School starts on August 18th for me, and I'll barely be able to create content at all during school, but I'll still try to stream about every week or so. "

And that pretty much sums up me right now, and I'll try to make updates on this Website and/or Twitter daily. Thank you.


2022/7/20 - Added the 'Thoughts and Ideas' page.

2022/8/20 - Changed "ニコニコ動画" to just "ニコニコ"