

Mazzamuto M.V.1*+, Morandini M.2+, Lampman W.2, Wauters L.A.3, Preatoni D.3, Koprowski J.L.1,2&, Martinoli A.3& (2023). Use of infrared thermography to detect different animal reactions to stressful events: does personality matter? Integrative Zoology.


2021. “Using Horticultural Living Collections for Student Service Learning and Civic Engagement Around Climate Change.” The American Society of Horticultural Science Conference. Quist, T. Lampman, W.

2021. “A Review of Mechanical, Transgenic, and Biological Control of Meloidogyne incognita in Tomato Plants.” The American Society of Horticultural Science Conference. Lampman, W., McLain, J.