Meet your committee members. These are the members who are the legal trustees of the charity. They organise events, look after the finances, liase with the school and headteacher and are overall responsible for the day to day running of the charity.

Emma Longmore


Committee Member, Legal Trustee

The Role of the treasurer is to: 

Natalie Macdonald


Committee Member, Legal Trustee 

The role of the chair is to: 

Sarah Spencer


Committee Member

Other Key members of your PTA 

CLASS REPS - these are parents who filter information via whatsapp chats and are the key link in each year group. 




A. Marles

S. Spencer

Year 1

A. Maunder

A. Bell

Year 2

C. Morse

H. Ruggins

Year 3

L Hayward

N. Macdonald

Year 4

A. Dudley

Year 5

L. Hayward


Year 6

C. Bains

The PTA could not run without the following volunteers who give their time to co-ordinate fundraising events. 

Uniform Co-ordinator

H. Ruggins

Disco Team

G. Hackett & Team

Gifting Co-ordinator


Christmas Cards & Gifts


TENS Co-ordinator

A. Maddison

PTA Social Team


Carnival Team

D. Macdonald

S. Spencer

First Aiders

We have have many vacancies coming up in various teams within the PTA. If you would like to join, create your own or have some new ideas, then please get in touch!