As the world struggles together, separately, through our current sequestration, this anniversary snuck up on me. I only had 250 years notice, but seeing it on my feed this morning still surprised me with a reminder of the strange ways in which life goes on. (#wordsworthgras)

Wordsworth was always with us. I spent summers in my youth in the village of Grasmere, the home of Wordsworth for much of his life as well as the home of the Wordsworth Trust ( My father is a professor who spent many years working on a definitive edition of Wordsworth life work, The Excursion, so the poet has always been a part of our existence, if not an invisible extension of the family (my father when reading this will, I hope, excuse the presumption). My father's role as Treasurer of the Wordsworth Trust and periodic visits to the Lake District throughout the last 40 years remain a source of connection to this vale and its current and past denizens. I grew up amonst the "inner circle" (as I thought of it) of Wordsworth scholars (Jonathan Wordsworth, Oxford Professor and the poet's great-great-great nephew, Stephen Parrish (editor of the Cornell Concordances), MH Abrams (editor of the principal college textbook for English majors everywhere, the Norton Anthology), and of course Robert Woof (first Director of the Wordsworth Trust).

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