The story takes place in a high fantasy world, which contains an ethereal energy source named "mana". An ancient, technologically advanced civilization exploited mana to construct the "Mana Fortress", a flying warship. This angered the world's gods, who sent giant beasts to war with the civilization. The conflict was globally destructive and nearly exhausted all signs of mana in the world, until a hero used the power of the Mana Sword to destroy the fortress and the civilization. The world began to recover in peace. As the game opens, an empire seeks eight Mana Seeds, which when "unsealed" will restore mana to the world and allow the empire to restore the Mana Fortress.[12]

Secret of Mana was originally planned to be a launch title for the SNES-CD add-on.[28][29] After the contract between Nintendo and Sony to produce the add-on failed, and Sony repurposed its work on the SNES-CD into the competing PlayStation console, Square adapted the game for the SNES cartridge format. The game had to be altered to fit the storage space of a SNES game cartridge, which is much smaller than that of a CD-ROM.[30] The developers initially resisted continuing the project without the CD add-on, believing that too much of the game would have to be cut, but they were overruled by company management. As a result of the hardware change, several features had to be cut from the game, and some completed work needed to be redone.[25][29] One of the most significant changes was the removal of the option to take multiple routes through the game that led to several possible endings, in contrast to the linear journey in the final product.[8] The plot that remained was different from the original conception, and Tanaka has said that the original story had a much darker tone.[25] Ishii has estimated that up to forty percent of the planned game was dropped to meet the space limitations, and critics have suggested that the hardware change led to technical problems when too much happens at once in the game.[25][31] Secret of Mana was announced as being released in July 1993 as recently as that April, marketed as a "Party Action RPG", before eventually being released in August instead for the Japanese market.[32] In South Korea, it was released the same month in August 1993.[33]

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Magic in Secret of Mana operates in much the same way as weapon skill progression, with the exception that magic points are consumed each time a spell in cast. In order to learn magic, the party must rescue spirits known as Mana Elementals. The eight Elementals represent different elements (Fire, Water, Earth, etc.), and each provides the player with specific spells. Magic skill can only be as high as the party's current Mana Power, which increases every time the party reseals one of the mana seeds during the course of the game.

The story takes place in a fictional world, during an unspecified period following a war between a civilization and "gods" concerning the use of mana to fuel the "Mana Fortress", a flying warship. Using the power of the Mana Sword, a hero destroyed the fortress and returned peace to the world.

3/2/06 - Added weaknesses to specific spells to the bosses page (full version). Here's what's left besides:

 A world map. A characters/cast page. A miscellaneous section with some glitches, secrets, and the like.

After you fall from the bridge, go to the south, where you can leave the river bed. Keep on going to the south, and you will suddenly hear a voice calling your name. Cross the small bridge which leads over the river, and go to the north. You will pass the undergrowth, where Randi mentions that he needs something to cut it away. Now enter the river bed again and you will soon see a sword stuck in a stone - the mana sword.

The fact that most people have played Seiken Densetsu 3 on an emulator is actually the reason why a lot of people discovered a dirty secret in the game. The Super Nintendo used layers for its graphics, which you can remove in an emulator.

The party manages to slay the Mana Beast, but the Sprite is banished before he can even say goodbye to his friends. Secret of Mana ends with the Sprite in another world, looking up at the moon, alone.

Secret of Mana was relatively untouched by the censorship policies of Nintendo, however. The game actually managed to sneak something dirty past the rating board. There are two enemies in the game which are sentient books that can flip through their pages and cast random spells on the party.

Nintendo Power was once one of the biggest gaming publications in the world. One of the reasons it was so beloved was due to its in-depth strategy guides, which told you how to complete even the most difficult of games. These guides were a life saver in the days before the Internet, as they explained secrets that developers had only put in to torment gamers.

The premise of the story is very interesting. It tells of an ancient war fought with magic which resulted almost in the end of the world. However, a hero emerged and using the Legendary Mana Sword was able to bring peace back to the world. To prevent a similar war from occuring again, the mana seeds were sealed and scattered across the earth. Powerful guardians were charged with protecting each mana seed.

As the story unfolds, you learn of the plan to release the mana seeds and restore the ancient technology from the first war. Knowing that this will again anger the gods, you become like the hero from the first war, destined to once again seal away the power of mana from the hands of man.

Whenever you attack, there is a gauge. In order to deal the most damage, you must wait for the gauge to fill to 100%. Once an enemy is hit by a Charged Attack, they will be momentarily dazed and cannot be attacked until they recover. This makes the combat a little more strategic than simply mashing the attack button. Item, spell, and weapon management is deftly handled using the Ring Menu. ff782bc1db

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