When I close then open the lid on my MacBook, it will not wake up from sleep mode. I have to reboot by holding down the power button for 10 sec. When it restarts, it takes a long time to get past the gray screen with the apple logo. I also have this same problem when it goes into sleep mode, when left idle. I have since changed the settings so it will not go into sleep mode when idle in system preferences. I have reset PRAM and SMC, but the problem still persists.

To "capture" the culprit I think I could set up a hot-key command that takes a snapshot of all running processes in Activity Monitor. This could show what processes are running when "waking" from sleep. nabbing the culprit?

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The problem seems to be related to Full-Screen mode. Could it be possible that full-screen apps sometimes have problems returning from sleep? I know there are viewControllers responsible for handling events when waking. Could the symptoms of not waking from sleep be caused by bugs in full-screen apps?

Does anyone use the Macbook pro's remote or the Apple TV remote near the macbook pro wile it is sleeping? I have found that if you do, this may be a posible cause of the Macbook Pro's back light malfunction when waking from sleep. Please respond.

I would like to report that my machine is waking from sleep normally now. The black screen with visible cursor is a feature of the OS, I believe, not some rogue software, like I mentioned above. That was a dumb idea. My machine is fine now.

I had a similar problem. I would put my MacBook Pro to sleep by closing the lid or manually by using the keyboard shortcut (option+command+eject), and at least one out of every ten times I would open the lid, the computer would not wake. I tried a number of possile solutions posted on user groups including resetting the System Management Controller (SMC). I noticed a few people said that the problem may have something to do with how the wireless card interacts with other parts of the computer. That led me to the first solution.

But this solution is a little clunky (Having to turn your airport off every time you put your computer to sleep, then having to turn it back on upon waking). Then a rep at Apple Tech Support had me do the following. Since applying this solution, my Macbook has woken from sleep without any problems.

I'm not sure if this will help, but I just noticed having this problem on my new MacBook Pro 13" 2012. It would keep "randomly" sleeping and restarts wouldn't help and it was becoming quite annoying. I performed everything under the sun in terms of troubleshooting and once I was about to give up, I noticed something strange. I purchased this computer to replace my very aging original MacBook (Core Duo, vintage 2006) and realized it only did this strange behavior when I stacked the new MacBook Pro on top of the MacBook. When I moved the Pro into my lap, it would instantly come to life.

Printer will enter a suspend or sleep mode. Sending a job to the printer will not wake it up. Any combination of power button pressing doesn't do anything. I've tried everything from holding the power button down to hitting it several times in a row to any number of things I can think of. The only way to get the printer back on is to unplug it and wait.

I've fully uninstalled the printer from every computer in the house and then re-installed all the drivers etc. I even got the xerox app. I configured my router to assign the same IP address every time. I've tried setting the sleep timer to as far in the future as possible. It only gets used once or twice a week so it will sit for a day or two without use.

I have done this for years but recently once or twice a week, not consistently, when I open the lid I find the computer has powered off.This leads to me powering up which can take as long as 30 minutes before it is running normally (the reason for sleep over shutdown)

It is possible that you may be seeing something like I am on an older laptop. I generally keep my laptop plugged in, as I rarely move it from its location in my house. Over time, I have noticed that if I jiggle the power plug going into the laptop, I will see the battery icon showing it is not plugged in. Moving the plug in the laptop's socket makes the connection again. I have occasionally come back to the laptop and found it was off. When starting the system, I note the battery is fully discharged.

Note: If you turn Auto Acquire ON and let the printer obtain a dynamic (DHCP) IP address and then turn Auto Acquire OFF the Manually Acquire will retain the previous Network settings and they can be used as is to create a Static IP Address.

I'm thinking more in terms of energy costs. How much energy does it cost to keep your PC in sleep mode? Is it negligible or substantial enough that during long periods of non-use, I should be shutting down the PC?

Sleep mode will keep the RAM and usually all of your USB devices powered. The USB devices will either go into a sleep mode as well, or continue operating. For example, my USB mouse will turn its lights off when my computer sleeps, but I can still press a mouse button to wake the PC.

All the power hungry parts of your PC will stop functioning under sleep, and they also do so in hibernation. Hibernation will also shut down the RAM and depending on the computer, your USB devices may receive power.

I tested my computer for sleep power consumption - 0.047A at 251VAC which means about 12 watts. For comparison, that's probably two phone chargers worth of power. If you pay 16 cents per kWh, that's 15 dollars per year (if you left your PC in sleep for the whole year).

Our Dell servers and, I expect, all others do have power saving modes that allow servers that are idling to slow down clock and fan speeds for example to reduce power consumption. That is not the same as a full sleep though.

Usually servers use the hours when there isn't much user-generated load (typically at night) to run background jobs, like system backups, batch jobs, etc. and aren't idle enough to be allowed to enter an actual sleep mode.

I've notice that after installing icue software onto my system my computer monitor will not go into sleep mode anymore after x amount of idle time or even if I force the display to turn off it will just turn back on. Why I am saying that it is icue that is causing this is when I turn corsair service off in my system and reboot, once the system is booted back up again if this time I force my display to turn itself off it turns off and stays off until I move my mouse or hit a key on my keyboard. does anyone know of a fix for this or is corsair aware of this problem and is trying to fix it?

I have had a few bouts of this immediately after loading a new version of iCUE, but it is a one time only event. It seems similar to what happens when you install a new GPU driver and the system removes the sleep option from the menu until you do a warm restart. I suggest the same with iCUE. After installing a new iCUE version, restart, even if not prompted. The other oddity was toggling my Windows power setting to a different sleep interval seems to reset things as well. It won't sleep at my normal 30 min. Change it to 10. Close window. Open, set it back to 30. Now it works. Unclear if that was unique to my machine, a passing bug, or something else, but an easy thing to try.

I'm looking to purchase a printer which will not shut down after a period of activity. We use HP Printer's at present, however they all have a setting where it will power off if not used within 8 hours. The printer I need to be on all the time is used to print a fire roll call in the event of a fire.

You could set up a batch file or a task to print a single page of something on the times it would go to sleep. Like after (let's say) 5PM.. The printer isn't used after 5, you've got 8 hours, so print a page at midnight. Then when everyone comes back in at 8 or 9 or whatever, people will print to it and it will not be asleep. 

You're not going to find a printer without a sleep mode, unless it was made before some sort of energy savings became a US law. My suggestion is to look at Konica's offerings as we never have issues with it waking up after it enters its sleep mode. We use Bizhub 454 and a 287.

The setting on the Printer configuration web page looks like this. If it is in inactive it will wake when asked to print, but if it has been over 8 hours the power button needs to be pressed in order to have it function.

I did think about something like this at first, though my idea was to ping the printer every hour or so to save on paper. However it seemed that this didn't work as I had hoped. I will give this a try, as long as somebody remembers to top up the paper every now and then it should be the best (and cheapest) solution.

It doesn't go to sleep, it actually shuts down if it is not used in 8 hours. If I print a page at 9am, it will go into sleep mode after an hour until 5pm, at which point it will shut down. The only way to get it to print after this is to physically press the power button on the printer. 8 hours is the longest time I can set before it shuts down and there is no way to disable the feature on the printer we are currently using.

You state you are using HP but do not include the models. Most home/consumer models will have auto poweroff and people buy them for enterprise applications because they are cheap, however they are also less flexible. Most HP Enterprise products with current firmware have the ability to override sleep settings. I would have to plug one in to see but the M507 may have the option to turn off auto-sleep.

Newer models are Energy Star compliant so they will sleep one way or another. I would suggest setting the time it turns on and off or going to sleep depending on your office hours or usage. I had to do that on an HP that was printing invoices where it had to wake up at 5AM then be done by 4PM everyday. Weekends are set to be sleep/standby mode unless the office decides to work on a Saturday. 17dc91bb1f

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