

Honored To Be On The 2024 Election Ballot




A Working-Man, With a Plan.

Why Wilks?

I am not a Politician. I am a Working Man, with a Plan.

The problem with Politics has always been the Politicians themselves. Today's "Politicians" are behaving as if they are in rival gangs vying for territory. "BLUE" vs. "RED" is tearing away at the Moral Fiber of our country, influencing and poisoning our youths to behave the same, like gang members (Blue vs. Red). 

The Founding Fathers (and Founding Mothers...) did not intend for Congress to be what it is today. The U.S. Congress is supposed to be an Oversight to the Executive Branch (The President).

Your Congressional Choice, is your Congressional Voice in the House of Representatives. They are supposed to be your Representative, not a Political Party Puppet, nor answering to the whims of the Executive Branch or former Presidents. 

This "Gang-mentality" in our Government is the #1 reason why Congress is in Chaos and why WE THE PEOPLE are being conned, robbed, and screwed by the same "Politicians" that WE elect to Represent US, (not themselves). 

I got tired of the lies and immaturity in Congress so, I took action, as a Citizen, and as a Working Man with a family and a struggling small business. I used my own resources and put my money where my mouth is. I challenged discriminatory government policies at the Small Business Administration (2020), and at the USDA (2023). These discriminatory policies have been in place for decades, preventing Criminal Justice Impacted Communities from becoming economically viable.

In 2020, the SBA denied millions of small business owners and working people the opportunity to access the Paycheck Protection Program (known as, PPP), Covid-19 relief funding during the Pandemic, based solely on having a history of being Criminal Justice Impacted through any interaction with the Criminal Justice System, which included misdemeanors as well as felonies, including DUIs, Child Support Violations, and other Court judgments that would involve a "conviction." 

This was wrong. So, I took action. I partnered with legal professionals, Social Justice advocates, and Bipartisan Congressional Representatives to CHANGE the policy at the SBA to enable millions of small business owners and Independent Contractors to receive Covid-19 relief funding to save their businesses and to pay their employees (See Congressional Letter "Accomplishments").

I went further, in 2020, I challenged the Trump Administration by filing a lawsuit against the SBA.

I used my own Lived Experiences, and my business, Carmen's Corner Store to challenge the Trump Administration and the SBA to allow formerly incarcerated people who have shown "Community Commitment" to access Emergency Pandemic Funding during the worst economic crisis in modern history. Well, we made history, we won. This Landmark lawsuit dismantled decades long discrimination against millions of hard working Americans. 

In 2023, with our case: "Carmen's Corner Store v. SBA," as the catalyst, President Biden officially changed and removed the remaining discriminatory policies at the SBA , now millions of people, of all races, across the country, can access funding for their businesses through SBA backed loans.

My advocacy for Social Justice, Criminal Justice Reform and Economic Empowerment continued with our lawsuit against the USDA, whose discriminatory government policies barred millions of small business owners from being able to accept SNAP/EBT payments from low-income customers.

Once again, I used my own resources and my business (Carmen's Corner Store) as the platform to launch a righteous campaign to correct Congressional Policies. I worked with legal professionals and the Bipartisan Congressional partners from my SBA success to challenge the USDA's "Business Integrity" interpretation in processing applicants who seek to become authorized SNAP/EBT Retailers.

Based upon the validity of our case against the USDA, the Bipartisan Congressional Second Chance Task Force introduced a Bill into Congress entitled: "SNAP SECOND CHANCE ACT." This Act, once enacted, will permanently remove the discriminatory policies from the USDA.

In August of 2023, we filed the lawsuit against the USDA. In December of 2023, the USDA settled the case in our favor, however, at a huge financial loss to myself as I waived the pursuit of monetary rewards in favor of enabling millions of people to become authorized SNAP/EBT Retailers, which means that now, millions of Criminal Justice Impacted people and their communities can realize TRUE economic development by creating small businesses and farms that accept SNAP/EBT payments from low-income customers of all races, in all places throughout our country.

These accomplishments have a direct positive effect on the reduction of crime and recidivism as it empowers Returning Citizens and all Criminal Justice Impacted people and their families to become economically viable within their own communities.

Imagine what can be accomplished when WILKS WORKS FOR YOU IN CONGRESS.

I am not a "Politician." I am a Working Man, with a plan. I have no hidden agendas nor allegiances to any corporations, foreign governments, political action committees, or ex-girlfriends.

Tap on my Smile to read the News Article below....

Creating Real Economic Opportunities That Reduces Crime, Increases Community.

Creating Solutions to Problems created by Politicians. 

Altimont Mark Wilks has impacted the lives of more than 80 Million People, their families, and their communities by dismantling discriminatory government policies within two Big Government agencies: The Small Business Administration (2020), and the USDA (2023). Now, formerly incarcerated people can access economic opportunities that were once unobtainable due to their past.

The victories against the SBA and USDA have led to historic CHANGE in how government entities interact with entrepreneurs and farmers who have been Criminal Justice Exposed (incarcerated or Probation).

Fighting Discriminatory Government Policies.

Promoting Progress in Congress. 

Altimont Mark Wilks is the #1 candidate currently doing the job of Representing ALL constituents in both

Washington DC and Annapolis.


Respect The Real Heroes of January 6th.

Next Stop?.... Congress.

In Annapolis and Baltimore.... Speaking Truth to Power.

Standing With Ukraine To Stop The Russian War-Machine.

PLEASE DONATE. Tap The Box Below....

Your Donation Dollars support the Foundation of our campaign. 

With your financial investment 

WE THE PEOPLE will make history by electing ALTIMONT MARK WILKS, to the 

U.S. House Of Representatives in 2024.





For Booking Events: 240-347-3076, Text or Leave Message if No Answer.

email: altimontwilks@gmail.com

For More Info Google: Altimont Mark Wilks