Uncovering the quark-gluon plasma

Quantum Chromodynamics

This page covers the material for NS-TP463M. All material may be used freely, but please credit this source. Many thanks to Claire Moran for typesetting most of the problem sets and Javier Subils for covering lecture 5.

The lectures follow a set of reading material, notes and problems sets as outlined in the notes.

The lecture plan is as follows:

1 QFT and scattering (problems)

2 Gauge invariance and QCD (problems)

3 Deep Inelastic Scattering and Parton Distribution Functions (problems)

4 Hadron-hadron collisions and parton showers (problems)

5 Running coupling and asymptotic freedom (problems)

6 Hadronisation, non-perturbative QCD and defining jets (problems)

7 Many body QCD and the quark-gluon plasma (problems)

8 The QCD phase diagram and neutron stars (problems)

9 Summary

Selected solutions and comments on the tutorial can be found here.

There are two hand-in exercises for grading:

Week 3:  Deriving the DGLAP evolution equations (problems, solutions)

Week 6:  Making a simple parton shower (problems, solutions)

The exam can be found here, with solutions.


This page covers the material for NS-374B (Observational and Theoretical Cosmology). All material may be used freely, but please credit this source.

The lectures follow the book by Barbara Ryden: Introduction to Cosmology and was partly inspired by the OpencourseWare by Alan Guth.

The lecture plan is as follows:

1 Introduction and Hubble's law

2 The FLRW metric and measuring H0

3 Space-time curvature, Einstein and Friedmann's equations

4 Model universes: (dark) matter, radiation, curvature and a cosmological constant

5 Dark Matter

6 The Cosmic Microwave Background

7 Nucleosynthesis

8 A bit of Inflation and Large Scale Structure

9 Forming clusters, galaxies and stars

Slides can be found here: Slides.pptx, together with some (very) basic lecture notes

Problem sets of the tutorials are here (each consisting of 4+2+4 hours of classes):

Week 1:  Introduction and Fundamental Observations (problems, solutions)

Week 2:  FLRW metric and Friedmann equations (problems)

Week 3:  Model universes and dark matter (problems, solutions)

Week 4:  CMB and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (problems, solutions)

Week 5:  Inflation and Large Scale Structure (problems)

There are two hand-in exercises for grading:

Week 2:  Einstein Equations (problems, solutions)

Week 6:  The WIMP miracle (problems, solutions)

The exam can be found here, with solutions.