Work in Progress

Working papers

Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Payrolling (with Maarten Goos, Alan Manning, Anna Salomons and Bas Scheer)

CPB Discussion Paper (link)

The rising incidence of alternative work arrangements raises questions about worker outcomes in non-standard labor contracts. We study this question in the Netherlands, a country which has seen a rapid rise in flexible labor contracts, using administrative employer-employee data over 2006–2019. To identify the impact of alternative work arrangements, we exploit a legal work arrangement called “payrolling”, whereby workers hired by one firm are placed on the payroll of another firm while continuing their job duties at the original firm. Following a switch to a payrolling contract, workers experience worse labor market outcomes compared to a matched control group, including lower hourly wage growth, a lower incidence of permanent contracts, lower employment probability, and lower pension contributions. This suggests alternative work arrangements may reduce employment protection and job quality for workers. 

Work in progress

Labor market effects of wage subsidies for minimum wage workers

Do hiring subsidies for older workers work?

Technological change, job loss and disability insurance (with Bram Wouterse) 

Wage spillovers in the low-wage labor market (with Maarten Goos, Alan Manning and Emilie Rademakers)

Older working papers on which I do not work actively anymore

Do parents work more when children are in school? Evidence from the Netherlands (joint with Lisette Swart and Karen van der Wiel): CPB Discussion Paper (link), IZA Discussion Paper (link)

Knowledge diffusion across regions and countries: evidence from patent citations. (joint with Jonneke Bolhaar and Roel van Elk): CPB Discussion Paper (link)