So I went back to enable the flag and it translated with no issues. Not sure if other people will have issues with the release version of translate. Just wanted to mention the backup here just in case.

When you run npm install @ngx-translate/core without specifying a version, it takes the latest version, which is 15.0.0. This version has a dependency of @angular/common@">=16.0.0" which isn't compatible with the version you're using in your project (15.2.9).

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[Recommended] Select a previous version of @ngx-translate/core that will have a dependency your project can fulfill as it is now. Try the following: npm install @ngx-translate/core "~14.0.0". This will get you the latest sub-version of @ngx-translate/core in the 14.X.X version.

This page documents production updates to Cloud Translation. We recommendthat Cloud Translation developers periodically check this list for anynew announcements. Major changes are also announced via thegoogle-translate-api mailing list.

By default, when you make a translation request to the Cloud Translation API, your text is translated using the NMT model. If the NMT model is not supported for the requested language translation pair, or if you explicitly request it, the PBMT model is used.

NMT models are computationally intensive and may take more time to translate your query as compared to the same query translated using the PBMT model. If your application is latency sensitive, we recommend that you try both models to determine which best fits your needs for response time.

The model query parameter has been added to the translate method. You can use the model parameter to explicitly specify the translation model for your request. Specify base to use the PBMT model, and nmt to use the NMT model.

Client libraries targeting some end-of-life versions of Node.js are available, andcan be installed through npm dist-tags.The dist-tags follow the naming convention legacy-(version).For example, npm install @google-cloud/translate@legacy-8 installs client librariesfor versions compatible with Node.js 8.

It's common to translate content that includes markup such as content from an HTML page or content from an XML document. Include query parameter textType=html when translating content with tags. In addition, it's sometimes useful to exclude specific content from translation. You can use the attribute class=notranslate to specify content that should remain in its original language. In the following example, the content inside the first div element isn't translated, while the content in the second div element is translated.

Below is one of the python scripts recommended by google to translate text. I am using cloud translation basic version. I want to convert all the text strings to English but if it encounters an English text string it shouldn't translate and just return the initial text string as output. As per my understanding, first it detects the language and then it passes the text for translation. When this entire loop is completed I get charged per character. But when it detects English, does it translates it back to English or does it just detects and passes the string as it is. And do I get charged in the 2nd case?

Good day @Puja_goyal,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

You will still be charged even if the source language is English and the target language is English, or your translating a text from German to German, Cloud translation is charged on per character basis, this means whatever is in your Cloud Translation request you will be charged for all the characters included in that request, even if the characters were not translated, this also includes empty queries and empty characters. You can visit this link for more information: : -characters

Hope this helps!

To translate the user interface it is important to understand thatthe user interface is the set of elements that allow the user tointeract with the AtoM application. These elements include themain menu, drop-down menus,context menus, title bars,column headers, button blocks,field labels, and other recurring elements that are usedto navigate AtoM or to search for, view, add, modify, and deletedatabase content.

In most cases, you will not need to use the Add Manual Language Version button, as the language version is automatically created when importing your translated file. You may only wish to use this if you are manually editing small portions of a course. For example, British English to American English or specific assets.

So I am using BHS on my iPhone 12 version 15.6.1 and Logos 10.1.0 with TestFlight with BHS and I primarily want to see Word Info. Is there a way to hide Google translate and to make sure it doesn't count against my account for when I want Latin or German Translated on the desktop?

I agree, especially not wanting it to count against my monthly translation limit. Perhaps a solution would be to allow us to enable/disable and reorder the types of cards that appear. There are some times when I would personally want the translate card at the top and other times when I definitely would not. User customization is always awesome.

Googletrans is a free and unlimited python library thatimplemented Google Translate API. This uses the Google Translate AjaxAPI to make calls to such methods asdetect and translate.

Fast and reliable - it uses the same servers usesAuto language detectionBulk translationsCustomizable service URLHTTP/2 supportTODOmore features are coming soon.

You can enable multiple languages from your Shopify admin to create separate URLs for your translated content. When customers land on a translated URL, your store automatically shows the translated version if translations exist.

A major aspect of selling in multiple languages is making sure that customers and search engines can find the right language version of your site. When you publish a language, unique URLs are created for each translated page in your store. This is done by adding the language code to the URLs.

It's important that search engines can index your site in all the translated languages. Shopify automatically adds hreflang tags, and includes all published languages in sitemaps, which help search engines detect the different languages on your store.

Google Translate is a multilingual neural machine translation service developed by Google to translate text, documents and websites from one language into another. It offers a website interface, a mobile app for Android and iOS, as well as an API that helps developers build browser extensions and software applications.[3] As of 2022, Google Translate supports 133 languages at various levels;[4] it claimed over 500 million total users as of April 2016[update],[5] with more than 100 billion words translated daily, after the company stated in May 2013 that it served over 200 million people daily.[6]

Originally, Google Translate was released as a statistical machine translation service.[11] The input text had to be translated into English first before being translated into the selected language.[11] Since SMT uses predictive algorithms to translate text, it had poor grammatical accuracy. Despite this, Google initially did not hire experts to resolve this limitation due to the ever-evolving nature of language.[11]

In January 2010, Google introduced an Android app and iOS version in February 2011 to serve as a portable personal interpreter.[11] As of February 2010, it was integrated into browsers such as Chrome and was able to pronounce the translated text, automatically recognize words in a picture and spot unfamiliar text and languages.[11]

In May 2014, Google acquired Word Lens to improve the quality of visual and voice translation.[12] It is able to scan text or a picture using the device and have it translated instantly. Moreover, the system automatically identifies foreign languages and translates speech without requiring individuals to tap the microphone button whenever speech translation is needed.[12]

In November 2016, Google transitioned its translating method to a system called neural machine translation.[13] It uses deep learning techniques to translate whole sentences at a time, which has been measured to be more accurate between English and French, German, Spanish, and Chinese.[14] No measurement results have been provided by Google researchers for GNMT from English to other languages, other languages to English, or between language pairs that do not include English. As of 2018, it translates more than 100 billion words a day.[13]

Google Translate produces approximations across languages of multiple forms of text and media, including text, speech, websites, or text on display in still or live video images! [18][19] For some languages, Google Translate can synthesize speech from text,[20] and in certain pairs it is possible to highlight specific corresponding words and phrases between the source and target text. Results are sometimes shown with dictional information below the translation box, but it is not a dictionary[28] and has been shown to invent translations in all languages for words it does not recognize.[29] If "Detect language" is selected, text in an unknown language can be automatically identified. In the web interface, users can suggest alternate translations, such as for technical terms, or correct mistakes. These suggestions may be included in future updates to the translation process. If a user enters a URL in the source text, Google Translate will produce a hyperlink to a machine translation of the website.[21] Users can save translation proposals in a "phrasebook" for later use, and a shareable URL is generated for each translation.[30][31] For some languages, text can be entered via an on-screen keyboard, through handwriting recognition, or speech recognition.[25][22] It is possible to enter searches in a source language that are first translated to a destination language allowing one to browse and interpret results from the selected destination language in the source language. ff782bc1db

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