How to play ANY song in Roblox's The Wild West

This guide will help you play any song on Roblox's Wild West instruments, the good way.

With any link given to you through this website, the hyperlink can be copied and pasted onto a txt/notepad file to give you a permanent link that always works in-game. No interaction with is necessary here.

Finding and playing MIDIs online

To play a MIDI on Roblox's The Wild West with a permanent link:

  1. Search for a MIDI on any web browser

2. Find a reputable site and copy the download link (right-click on the link and then left-click on the "copy link address" button). Paste that link into the "paste here" text box in-game using ctrl + v next to the "Midi data" text. These two things should be in the "band" menu in-game (click on the blue "band" button with an instrument equipped). From there, all you need to do is click "play"!

(If this is not possible or does not work in-game, please continue to step 3.)

If you are getting an "Invalid midi data" error, continue reading!

3. Assuming the above is impossible or does not work in-game, you will need to actually download the MIDI file online (again, from a credible source), and post it into a Google Drive folder dedicated to MIDIs.

Generally, no MIDI file will have viruses.

4. Once the file is uploaded, you will want to right-click on it, select "Get link", and copy and paste the ID into a space that you can work on.

The file ID is between "/d/" and "/view?".

5. Now, you will want to paste the string "" before the ID. Ideally, this link will be organized in a notepad file or any other writing/documentation tool in a way such that the title and artist can also be displayed.

Here is an example. Make sure your hyperlink looks like mine!

If you need additional support with this step, take a look at the following blog post:

6. Finally, you will want to ensure that your entire Google Drive folder dedicated to MIDIs is public so that the Wild West servers can download the MIDI. Right-click on the folder your MIDIs are in, click "Share", and click "Change to anyone with the link". The links given in step 5 will be permanent as long as you have your MIDIs in your Google Drive and step 6 is completed.

Additional help can be found here:

I can't find my MIDI online!

If you are for whatever reason unable to find your desired MIDI song file online, follow the steps below to put it into your possession and play it in the game.

  1. If you tried the steps above already, you will need to download a browser extension to aid you. It is free and safe. Any browser script manager will work for this purpose, but the easiest one to use is Tampermonkey. You can download it with any of the compatible web browsers listed on

The website in question

2. You will want to go to the website to use a free, open-sourced project that will help you download MIDIs from a website called Musescore. Scroll down to a tab titled "releases", select the latest release, and click on the dl-librescore.user.js. If Tampermonkey is installed, this should automatically open up an installation page; proceed with the installation. If this does not happen or Tampermonkey is not installed, you may need to copy and paste the whole script into an alternative script editor.

3. Now, you can look up the title of your desired song and follow it up with the word "'Musescore'" to find its sheet music. Ensure that you follow links to the Musescore website to then download the desired MIDI file. Then, post the MIDI file onto Google Drive in a folder dedicated to MIDIs.

Sheet music that has multiple parts (but not too many) is better for playing music in The Wild West because it sounds fuller and more harmonious.

If you still cannot find your desired song, perhaps it is time to start notating it on Musescore so that other musicians may find it.

4. Once the file is uploaded, you will want to right-click on it, select "Get link", and copy and paste the ID into a space that you can work on.

The file ID is between "/d/" and "/view?".

5. Now, you will want to paste the string "" before the ID. Ideally, this link will be organized in a notepad file or any other writing/documentation tool in a way such that the title and artist can also be displayed.

Here is an example. Make sure your hyperlink looks like mine!

If you need additional support with this step, take a look at the following blog post:

6. Finally, you will want to ensure that your entire Google Drive folder dedicated to MIDIs is public so that the Wild West servers can download the MIDI. Right-click on the folder your MIDIs are in, click "Share", and click "Change to anyone with the link". The links given in step 5 will be permanent as long as you have your MIDIs in your Google Drive and this step is completed.

Additional help can be found here:

I already have a folder full of MIDIs!

  1. Upload your MIDI files onto Google Drive in a folder dedicated to MIDIs.

2. Create a new spreadsheet on Google Sheets, preferably in incognito mode but signed in (this is to minimize the number of bugs present; most people, however, will not grapple with bugs without incognito mode).

3. Click Extensions > Apps Script

4. Erase all text in that new tab's script editor and replace it with the following code, then click "save project" and "run":

(These next few steps are taken from the following guide:

function onOpen() {

var SS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();

ui.createMenu('List Files/Folders')

.addItem('List All Files and Folders', 'listFilesAndFolders')



function listFilesAndFolders(){

var folderId = Browser.inputBox('Enter folder ID', Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);

if (folderId === "") {

Browser.msgBox('Folder ID is invalid');



getFolderTree(folderId, true);


// Get Folder Tree

function getFolderTree(folderId, listAll) {

try {

// Get folder by id

var parentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);

// Initialise the sheet

var file, data, sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();


sheet.appendRow(["Full Path", "Name","Type" ,"Date", "URL", "Last Updated", "Description", "Size","Owner Email"]);

// Get files and folders

getChildFolders(parentFolder.getName(), parentFolder, data, sheet, listAll);

} catch (e) {




// Get the list of files and folders and their metadata in recursive mode

function getChildFolders(parentName, parent, data, sheet, listAll) {

var childFolders = parent.getFolders();

// List folders inside the folder

while (childFolders.hasNext()) {

var childFolder =;

var folderId = childFolder.getId();

data = [

parentName + "/" + childFolder.getName(),










// Write


// List files inside the folder

var files = childFolder.getFiles();

while (listAll & files.hasNext()) {

var childFile =;

data = [

parentName + "/" + childFolder.getName() + "/" + childFile.getName(),










// Write



// Recursive call of the subfolder

getChildFolders(parentName + "/" + childFolder.getName(), childFolder, data, sheet, listAll);



5. Refresh your Google Sheets tab several times, until a button titled "List Files/Folders" appears. Click that button, then click List Files/Folders > Continue

6. After signing in, click advanced > Go to Untitled Project (unsafe) > allow, then click List Files/Folders again.

7. Enter your MIDI folder's FolderId into the popup, then press ok. Wait for the script to finish.

To get the FolderID:

  1. Go to the MIDI folder in Google Drive, right-click on its name, then left-click the word "Get link"

  2. Copy the random character just after "" and before "/view?" as shown above, and then paste it into the popup.

8. Select and delete the "Full Path", "Type", "Date", "Last Updated", "Description", "Size", and "Owner Email" columns (right-click on the column letters and then left-click "delete column").

9. Press Ctrl + H, copy and paste "/view?usp=drivesdk" into the Find menu, and click replace all. Copy and paste "" into the Find menu, and click replace all once again.

Then, copy and paste "" into the Find menu, copy and paste "" into the Replace with menu, then click replace all.

You now have your own spreadsheet of your MIDIs! Keep reading to turn this into a text file.


  1. Click Extensions > Add-ons > Get add-ons > Search apps, search "Power tools", and install the first result.

  2. Create a new column between "Name" and "URL".

  3. Select that newly-created column

  4. Click Extensions > Power Tools > Tools > Text > Add > Enter text

  5. Type the colon character ":" into the menu, select At the beginning, then click Add.

10. Delete the top row of the spreadsheet, then click File > Download > Tab Separated Values (.tsv)

11. Navigate to the download and rename its ending extension ".tsv" to ".txt". You now have your own txt file of your MIDIs!