Wilderness Weekly

updates from today's outdoor classroom

Thursday, September 24, 2020

A Note from Chelsea

Today a student asked me, "Is it hard to be a teacher?" My response was "Heck no! This is the best job ever, and there is nowhere else I would rather be and no one else I would rather be with! This is a dream come true!"

I've been pondering that a little more this evening. Starting a Forest School from the ground up has been a LOT of hard work and stress, especially with all the uncertainties of this year. Over the summer as I sorted the state regulations and considered the high staff and family turnover rate due to COVID concerns, I was really close to cancelling this school year.

We still don't know what will happen this year (or even next week) with the virus, but today I am reflecting on the first weeks of school and I am filled with gratitude. These past few weeks we have seen students learn and grow in so many ways-- the excitement as students gather wild grapes and smash them into juice, the awe of examining a millipede or spider up close, and the quiet handcraft time as students listen to really good books... watching kids work together to build an impromptu fort in the woods, and team up to catch a frog, teambuilding games and so much laughter... it's all been such a joy to be a part of!

I am so grateful for the blessing of these amazing Nature Guides. They have come from many backgrounds to bring their unique experiences to our program. Our guides have been flexible, committed, and diligent in their work to bring their classes and lessons together. To all of the guides at DWS this year-- THANK YOU!

And to all of you families that have chosen this program to supplement your home/virtual school-- thank you! Thank you for trusting your kids to this program each week, for your commitment to raising children that love nature, and for your flexibility as we navigate these unprecedented times. Your children have brought so much delight and joy to our outdoor classrooms, and I can't wait to see what the rest of fall semester will bring!

With Gratitude,


Junior Explorers

Today the Juniors learned about insects! There were a lot of bugs out to find! We started class with some insect yoga poses. We sang this song about the parts of an insect. Then we went on an insect safari, collecting insects from inside logs, under rocks, shaken out of bushes and pollinating flowers! We made bug hotels, drew bugs in our nature journals, and learned a song about the parts of an insect. We got our insect nature names and had fun looking through books and field guides to learn all about them! What a fun, busy, buzzy day!

Please upload photos from today here.

A Look Ahead - Junior Explorers

These are current plans for the semester, but plans may changed based on weather and student interest.

September 17, Wild Painting

September 24, Insect Safari

October 1, Autumn Seeds

October 8, Autumn Leaves

October 15, Fire Building

October 22, Acorns and Nuts

October 29, Pumpkins

November 5, Winter Birds and Migration

November 12, Challenge Day

November 19, Gratitude Celebration

Nature Explorers

I know you were expecting to hear about bug hotels, but their was a little change of plans today. The Explorers class had a fantastic day learning about frogs and other amphibians. We started our day by playing fire in the forest together in the big field. We also made a dance for each phase of a frog's life. Their frog dance moves were quite impressive! We started our frogging adventure today with a jumping competition. We measured how far we could jump and compared that to Michigan frogs. I will say, a few students came close. Then we started our successful search for amphibians! It was fun to see their excitement as they turned over logs and chased the frogs! After lunch, a few of the girls began moving large sticks. A few boys joined in and helped lift the heavy ones, and before we knew it they were making a fort in the woods. We scrapped the frog relay race we had planned and opted to let their creativity and teamwork fly. By the end of play time nearly every student had contributed to the fort in some way. I pulled the students away to make a wilderness map. We added the locations where we found frogs, toads, and grapes. We will be adding to this map throughout the semester. Lots of dirty hands and pants from all of today's outdoor fun! Students ended class by adding to their nature journals. I hope they can look back on those and remember these good 'ole days.

A Look Ahead - Nature Explorers

These are current plans for the semester, but plans may changed based on weather and student interest.

September 10, Hazards and Scavenger Hunt

September 17, Frogs and Other Amphibians

September 24, Insect Safari

October 1, Plant ID and Wild Edibles

October 8, Autumn Trees and Leaves

October 15, Fire Building

October 22, Wild Nuts Processing

October 29, Pumpkins and Water Filtration

November 5, Shelters and Compasses

November 12, Challenge Day

November 19, Gratitude Celebration

Traversing a log

Lounging at snack time

The magic fort!

All about a map

catching a frog

the fort


Nature Connection

Today was a beautiful early autumn day for lake exploration! We started the day with gratitude. Students chose a nature name for the school year, and spent some time exploring field guides to learn more about their assigned animal. We played a silly game called nutty squirrels to get kids warmed up and using all their senses. Then we spent a lot of time checking out the lake ecosystem. We looked at the growth of lily pads and cattails and caught minnows, frogs, and a baby snapping turtle. We played sharks and minnows in the WATER and then warmed up in the sun eating lunch. After lunch we changed our clothes and worked on a stick-weaving project during the read-aloud time. We ended class with some nature journaling about our day's adventures.

A Look Ahead - Nature Connection

These are current plans for the semester, but plans may changed based on weather and student interest.

September 10, Hazards and Team Building

September 17, Plant ID and Wild Edibles

September 24, Lake Exploration Day

October 1, Survival Shelter Building

October 8, Autumn Tree Study

October 15, Fire Building

October 22, Wild Nut Processing

October 29, Mapping and Water Filtration

November 5, Animal Tracking

November 12, Challenge Day

November 19, Gratitude Celebration

Gaga ball!

On a frog hunt!

catching minnows

Nutty Squirrels Game

Blindfolded baby squirrels


checking out the lily pads

lined up for the frog race

stick-weaving during our read-aloud

Thank you!

Thanks parents and families for sending your kids to us each week! We are getting to know each student in the classes, and it is so fun to watch them develop relationships with one another. We are looking forward to a great Autumn.