Wildlife refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.[1] Wildlife was also synonymous to game: those birds and mammals that were hunted for sport. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, plains, grasslands, woodlands, forests, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human activities.[2] Some wildlife threaten human safety, health, property, and quality of life. However, many wild animals, even the dangerous ones, have value to human beings. This value might be economic, educational, or emotional in nature.

Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways, including the legal, social, and moral senses. Some animals, however, have adapted to suburban environments. This includes such animals as feral cats, dogs, mice, and rats. Some religions declare certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times, concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest against the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment.

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Wildlife trade refers to the products that are derived from non-domesticated animals or plants usually extracted from their natural environment or raised under controlled conditions. It can involve the trade of living or dead individuals, tissues such as skins, bones or meat, or other products. Legal wildlife trade is regulated by the United Nations' Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which currently has 184 member countries called Parties.[6] Illegal wildlife trade is widespread and constitutes one of the major illegal economic activities, comparable to the traffic of drugs and weapons.[7]

Stone Age people and hunter-gatherers relied on wildlife, both plants and animals, for their food. In fact, some species may have been hunted to extinction by early human hunters. Today, hunting, fishing, and gathering wildlife is still a significant food source in some parts of the world. In other areas, hunting and non-commercial fishing are mainly seen as a sport or recreation. Meat sourced from wildlife that is not traditionally regarded as game is known as bushmeat. The increasing demand for wildlife as a source of traditional food in East Asia is decimating populations of sharks, primates, pangolins and other animals, which they believe have aphrodisiac properties..mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}

Wildlife tourism is an element of many nations' travel industry centered around observation and interaction with local animal and plant life in their natural habitats. While it can include eco- and animal-friendly tourism, safari hunting and similar high-intervention activities also fall under the umbrella of wildlife tourism. Wildlife tourism, in its simplest sense, is interacting with wild animals in their natural habitat, either by actively (e.g. hunting/collection) or passively (e.g. watching/photography). Wildlife tourism is an important part of the tourism industries in many countries including many African and South American countries, Australia, India, Canada, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Maldives among many. It has experienced a dramatic and rapid growth in recent years worldwide and many elements are closely aligned to eco-tourism and sustainable tourism.

Wild animal suffering is the suffering experienced by nonhuman animals living outside of direct human control, due to harms such as disease, injury, parasitism, starvation and malnutrition, dehydration, weather conditions, natural disasters, and killings by other animals,[20][21] as well as psychological stress.[22] Some estimates indicate that these individual animals make up the vast majority of animals in existence.[23] An extensive amount of natural suffering has been described as an unavoidable consequence of Darwinian evolution[24] and the pervasiveness of reproductive strategies which favor producing large numbers of offspring, with a low amount of parental care and of which only a small number survive to adulthood, the rest dying in painful ways, has led some to argue that suffering dominates happiness in nature.[20][25][26]

The topic has historically been discussed in the context of the philosophy of religion as an instance of the problem of evil.[27] More recently, starting in the 19th century, a number of writers have considered the subject from a secular standpoint as a general moral issue, that humans might be able to take actions toward preventing.[28] There is considerable disagreement around taking such actions, as many believe that human interventions in nature, for this reason, should not take place because of practicality,[29] valuing ecological preservation over the well-being and interests of individual animals,[30] considering any obligation to reduce wild animal suffering implied by animal rights to be absurd,[31] or viewing nature as an idyllic place where happiness is widespread.[25] Some have argued that such interventions would be an example of human hubris, or playing God and use examples of how human interventions, for other reasons, have unintentionally caused harm.[32] Others, including animal rights writers, have defended variants of a laissez-faire position, which argues that humans should not harm wild animals, but that humans should not intervene to reduce natural harms that they experience.[33][34]

The habitat of any given species is considered its preferred area or territory. Many processes associated with human habitation of an area cause loss of this area and decrease the carrying capacity of the land for that species. In many cases these changes in land use cause a patchy break-up of the wild landscape. Agricultural land frequently displays this type of extremely fragmented, or relictual habitat. Farms sprawl across the landscape with patches of uncleared woodland or forest dotted in-between occasional paddocks.

This final group is one of secondary effects. All wild populations of living things have many complex intertwining links with other living things around them. Large herbivorous animals such as the hippopotamus have populations of insectivorous birds that feed off the many parasitic insects that grow on the hippo. Should the hippo die out, so too will these groups of birds, leading to further destruction as other species dependent on the birds are affected. Also referred to as a domino effect, this series of chain reactions is by far the most destructive process that can occur in any ecological community.

Animals are divided into two main groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with backbones and are split into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and birds. In contrast, invertebrates are animals without backbones. Animals can also be grouped as domestic or wild, and by what they eat, which can be plants (herbivores), other animals (carnivores), or both (omnivores).

Wild animals are animals that live in their natural habitats, away from human civilization. They are not domesticated or kept as pets, and they usually rely on hunting or foraging for their food. Examples of wild animals include lions, elephants, tigers, wolves, and many more. These animals are adapted to survive and thrive in the wild, where they play essential roles in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.

Pet animals, often referred to as pets, are domesticated animals that people keep primarily for companionship and enjoyment. These animals live with humans in their homes and become part of the family. Pet ownership provides comfort, entertainment, and emotional support to their human companions.

Insects are a remarkably diverse and numerous group of small animals that belong to the class Insecta within the animal kingdom. What sets them apart are their distinctive characteristics, such as having three distinct body parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. This three-part body structure is a defining feature of insects and is often used to distinguish them from other animals.

These great mountains have four kinds of vegetation naming tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine with over 300 species of mammals, close to 1000 species of birds, and hundreds and thousands of reptile, amphibian, and fish species. For a wildlife enthusiast this place is nothing but heaven.

The Snow Leopard prefers steep, rugged terrains with rocky outcrops and ravines to hide and likes to eat smaller animals when it comes to hunting. An estimated number of 3,500 to 7,000 snow leopards are left in the wild and you need to be patient to get a glimpse of this otherwise shy animal.

Your expedition to the cold desert is incomplete without a glimpse at beautiful Red Panda. With body of a cat and head of a Panda, this endangered Himalayan species is smaller in size and better known as red fox. This small arboreal mammal is inhabitant of the eastern Himalayas and unlike other mountain animals it likes to live in temperate climates in the midst of deciduous and coniferous forests. They eat many things but fruit, acorns, roots, and eggs are some of the regular food items that Red Panda relish.

This one is yet another delight in your wildlife tour! The black Necked Tibetan Crane as the name suggest has upper part of the neck and head black, except for a small white patch next to eyes and red bald patch between the eyes. This medium-sized crane is found in parts of Tibetan Plateau during summers and in remote parts of India and Bhutan during winters. Tourists are advised to plan their trip to great mountains during winters as these birds look their best during this time of the year. 006ab0faaa

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