RokuShopWeb ✅

Create a website for the Roku developers to share their very own apps for the Roku instead of having to pay to publish it on the built in store!


Create a ChatGPT client for the Roku.

WiiChat ⚫️

Create a chatroom for the Wii.

Nothing like WeChat.


Create a web browser for the Roku.

WiiTube ❌

Rebuild the original Youtube app for the Wii with the old classic UI and everything.


Port Python to the Roku.


Create a Linux like shell with root control of the Roku.

RokuCracker ⚫️

Create an extracter for Roku zip files to instead transfer files from the Roku to a PC.


Create a client application for Android devices and PC allowing you to use a client to download 3rd party Roku apps and instantly transmit them to your Roku.

SideLoader7 ✅

Create a side loading tool for, Roku, Firestick, Android.

SideLoaderC ✅

Follow up to SideLoader7, creating a client application for it.


ClawGrabber is an advanced on going stealer for various operating systems, and is easy to use.