Funding Opportunities

Below is a list of funding opportunities for individuals and for teams.

National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences:

Funding opportunities. Deadline for Geometric Analysis program is usually the first Tuesday in November.

Simons Foundation

Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians. Note: the Simons Foundation is sometimes willing to cover travel costs for companions (e.g. children) and related expenses. Annual deadline is January 31.

Simons Fellows in Mathematics program. This program is intended to make sabbatical leaves more productive by extending them to a full academic year. Annual deadline is September 28.

Association for Women in Mathematics

Travel Grants. Deadlines: October 31, February 1, May 1, and October 1.

Micheler Prize, awarded to a woman who has recently been granted tenure and promotion to associate professor. The prize is a funded stay for a semester at Cornell University. Deadline is November 1, annually. Here is a list of past recipients, which includes Sema Salur.

Grace Chisolm Young Fellowship: These Fellowships, named after Grace Chisholm Young, will give an endorsement of the holder's status as a mathematician, so that a break in formal employment should not prevent them from resuming a career as a mathematician at a later stage. Deadlines for receipt of applications are 31 December and 30 June.

Joan and Joseph Birman Award: The new Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars is a mid-career research fellowship specially designed to fit the unique needs of women. The fellowships are open only to women. This fellowship program, established in 2017, is made possible by a generous gift from Joan and Joseph Birman.

The fellowship seeks to address the paucity of women at the highest levels of research in mathematics by giving exceptionally talented women extra research support during their mid-career years.

The deadline for applications annually is December 1.

Research in Teams Funding:

American Institute for Mathematics, San Jose, California, USA: SQuaRES program

Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada: Research in Teams and Focussed Research Groups

Centre Internacional de Mathematiques, Luminy, France: Research in Pairs

International Center for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, Scotland: Research in Groups

Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany: Research in Pairs

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany: Guest Program. Note: MPIM Bonn does not have a formal research in teams program, however, one may write directly to one of the directors to propose one.