Before this, there was no other way to join a WiFi network without having to select one from a list and enter a password manually. Our generator now lets you create a QR Code that allows you to connect to a WiFi network just by pointing your camera at it or by using a QR Code scanner. And the best part? Our WiFi QR Code generator is completely free to use, and the generated QR Code will never expire (unless the settings on your router changed). With a WiFi QR Code, you can also share your WiFi easily with friends, family, and your customers if you run a business.

But when your friend comes over to watch The Bachelor and needs the WiFi so they can follow the discourse on Twitter, sharing a password that looks like your cat walked on your keyboard is the definition of tedious. Thanks to Apple, there is now a feature that helps you easily share your WiFi password from your iPhone.

Wifi Share Qr Code App Download


If your iPhone has iOS 11 or higher, you're good to go. Skip this next section and scroll straight down to "How to share your WiFi password via iPhone." If your phone isn't on the latest update we'll walk you that first.

Tap Software Update, which will lead you to an option that says Download and Install. When you tap this button, you may be asked to enter your device's passcode. Following that, the iOS update will automatically begin installing.

Sharing your WiFi password is pretty simple from here. Keep both devices close together, within WiFi and Bluetooth range. First, connect the device that's sharing the WiFi password. Then, open WiFi settings on the device that's receiving the password. A window will pop up on the device that's sharing the password asking if you want to share the password with the other device. Tap Share Password, and voila!

Once in the app, find the option for making a WiFi code. Next, enter your WiFi password and SSID (network name.) Depending on which app you're using, you might also need to add the type of encryption your WiFi uses, which can be found on your WiFi router. The options are typically WEP, WPA/WPA2, or none.

Once you've added all of your WiFi information, create the QR code and let it work its magic. To share your password, open the camera on the Android phone and position it over the QR code. A notification about the WiFi network will open. Tap the message to connect.

It's pretty easy to share WiFi info these days, so you might want to check who's lurking on your WiFi network and reassess who has access every once in a while. Otherwise, congrats on learning another phone hack that will hopefully help make your life a tiny bit easier.

We couldn't find the "Share as QR code" button in the Settings, is it gone (I remember iPhones having it) ?

I shared her my WiFi back home using the QR and it worked perfectly, her iPhone connected.

This would be useful for all passwords, but it would be especially useful for WiFi passwords because they are shared more often than any other kind of password, and sharing them has unique challenges.

In addition to sharing the current password to enable immediate connection, the QR code or NFC transfer could act as a handshake to add the visitor you your WiFi organization. This would give them access not only to the current password, but to all future passwords (at least until this person is removed from the WiFi organisation). An automatic transfer avoids the need to type their email address, which is little better than having type a password, and can be used offline.

It is a simple task that can be finished within a few steps without much hassle. There are a number of third party WiFi QR code generator sites that can be used for this purpose. Here are the usual steps involved in the creation of QR codes for WiFi passwords:

Sure, you could find third-party apps to do this on Android phones, but those could require your manually entering your network credentials as part of the setup. In Android 10, just tap a button in your Wi-Fi settings to create a QR code to share. And then to scan it, open up your iPhone or Android camera app, scan the code and tap to join. The process is based on the Wi-Fi Alliance's Wi-Fi Easy Connect standard for sharing network credentials with a QR code.

Android 10 will also let you add smart-home devices -- including internet-of-things devices -- to the Wi-Fi network you manage via a QR code on a sticker or display you scan with your Android camera app. Note that the device needs to support the Easy Connect Wi-Fi standard for this to work.

There doesn't seem to be a way to save the QR code from here, so you'll need to regenerate it each time you use it. You can take a screenshot of the QR code, however, and show that on your phone to guests. I've done that.

For us it's not a big deal as all it does is connect our company owned device to the same network as our public wifi, just skipping the captive portal guests get. If we had these device connecting to our private general population network, then it be a huge security problem.

the ZXING development team were working on until 2017 to get it working for their barcode app, but it required rooting the device and re-introducing obsolete Android devlopment API information so it was dropped.

The other problem you have to contend with is the authentication credentials required. Sharing over QR code would potentially duplicate those from the originator. Who gets fired for it? The person that shared their access credentials, or the person using them?

As for /preventing/ the qr code sharing altogether...the only way I know of doing this would be to make tokenized logins using a guest portal or controller. Android and iOS are intent on making wifi sharing as easy as possible with no discovered means of prevention (other than fully disabling qr code scanning in iOS, which is not possible in android)

The QR code available for scanning on the phone is being generated independently by the phone itself. This feature doesn't depend on the Wi-Fi router. Even if the Archer A7 didn't have its own QR code generator (i.e. "Sharing Network" feature) it would still be the same.

So, if your friends leave their smartphones lying around unattended with the screen unlocked, then there is nothing stopping another person to look up the Wi-Fi password (or scan the QR code) and also the MAC address from one of those smartphones.

Are you pretty sure that the sharing feature is phone dependent? I have seen some Youtube videos regarding this matter ....but they are suggesting to use WEP encryption ..then android phones will not display qr-code sharing option...which is sort of patching 1 problem but creating another loophole.

Then I connected my smartphone (Android 13) to the router's Wi-Fi. With screen lock disabled it revealed the Wi-Fi password right away after tapping on "Share" and also showed a QR code (see the screenshots below). With screen lock enabled the phone will actually request the user to authenticate themself before revealing the password and QR code.

And even if some phones don't generate a QR code, the Wi-Fi name and Wi-Fi password is all a person needs to connect to the Wi-Fi. A computer running Windows 10 that is logged in with the administrator account and currently connected to the Wi-Fi network will also reveal the Wi-Fi password with just a few clicks.


I have 2 codes, one for access by a hotspot and one for the Arduino to send data to an external server on the network, at the moment I am interested in combining the 2 codes to allow access to change ssid or password in the future

I am experiencing a conflict between the libraries, it seems to me that the problem lies between line 10:

WiFiServer server(301);

For line 26:

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

(The error message is: conflicting declaration 'ESP8266WebServer server')

I greatly appreciate any attempt at help.

I went down to the base of the code, including the source from which I found it, so I hope it will be readable by the honorable public.

Addendum for future readers:

The code is not useful in copy paste (it doesn't work for some reason....)

The sting of the question focuses on the variable error


If I succeed, I hope to share with the public later.

For basic WPA-Connections, this works just fine on my Android Device using the Zxing-Barcode-Scanner-App. However, I have been unable to find a way to embed WPA2/EAP-Connection Settings (Also referred to as WPA2 Enterprise) into a scannable 2D-Code. As I expected, inserting "L" (Login), "N" (Name) or "I" (Identification) Parameters at random positions did not really bring any advance.

When your device is using iOS11 or later, or Android 7.0 or later, you can use your device's camera to capture the QR code generated and shared from the Lyra app. Then, your phone will automatically connect to the shared Wi-Fi. This is a very easy way to share your WiFi with your friends without the need to give them the password.

Thanks for reaching out to us for help with sharing the Wi-Fi using a QR code. We'er happy to provide the info you'll need for this. You can use an app from the App Store to accomplish this. Click here for more info:

Want an easy way to share your Wi-Fi network name and password with your guests or customers? If you have a long Wi-Fi password key, it can be difficult for people to enter properly. An easier way to share your Wi-Fi password is to create a QR code that contains all of the information your guests can scan to instantly connect to your Wi-Fi access point. Making a QR code for your Wi-Fi network only takes a few minutes, and you'll be able to create it on any computer, smartphone, or tablet. This wikiHow guide will teach you the easiest ways to make a QR code for your Wi-Fi network and display it in your home, store, caf, or anywhere else.

@cometfish I wanted to "update for daylight savings" as it is that time of year, found your comment above, changed to the custom driver, but I'm not sure what broke. Running the latest and greatest code on hub, and in drivers/apps. e24fc04721

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