My Struggles


Under the German Occupation of Poland

A Complimentary eBook Memoir

Freda Hoffman Zgodzinski was born into a large family in Wielkie Oczy. She spent the war years in Poland, in and around Warsaw and the Warsaw Ghetto. She witnessed unspeakable tragedies and experienced the loss of parents, siblings, other family members, and friends while trying to survive amidst the ever present terror of Nazi cruelty, round-ups and deportations to work and death camps. This is her story — a poignant, heartrending memoir of survival that she wrote about in 1993, long after she and her husband Shulim had immigrated to Canada.

Freda, along with her brother Issie and her sister Mania have contributed much, not only about their home village of Wielkie Oczy and life there, but also about their experiences as they --- each in their own separate way --- lived through horrendous, dangerous times, experienced great loss, and survived.

The Wielkie Oczy Foundation is grateful to the Estate of Freda Hoffman Zgodzinski for allowing her memoir to be presented for the first time as a Wielkie Oczy Foundation Publishing eBook and as a complimentary download.

My Struggles is available as a free download in any of 3 different formats:

  • the MOBI format is readable on Amazon Kindle devices and Kindle applications
  • the EPUB format is readable on many devices such as Kobo, and Nook readers and many others
  • the PDF format is readable on any PDF-capable reader

So, whether you prefer reading on an eBook reader like a Kindle or Nook, or on an Apple or Android mobile phone or tablet, or on a desktop or portable computer there's a file format for you.

To download these files visit the Wielkie Oczy KehilaLinks website hosted by JewishGen at the link below.

Get My Struggles 1939-1945 by Freda Hoffman Zgodzinski