Wiebe Criminal Defence

When facing criminal charges in Winnipeg, your freedom and future are on the line. You need a seasoned legal team to navigate the complexities of the legal system. At the heart of such a team is Gerri Wiebe, a distinguished criminal defence lawyer with extensive experience in defending a broad range of cases across Winnipeg and Manitoba. 

For nearly two decades, Gerri Wiebe has built a successful track record defending a wide range of cases, from impaired driving to first-degree murder. Her strategic approach and proven legal acumen ensure a powerful defence tailored to your specific situation. Facing criminal charges can be overwhelming, but Gerri will be your unwavering advocate, fighting tirelessly to protect your rights and future.

Criminal Charges That We Defend Against

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we understand the complexities of criminal law and will navigate them on your behalf. Our team has the knowledge and experience to build a strong defence strategy as our experience spans a wide spectrum of criminal matters, including but not limited to: 

Simple Assault (s. 266)

Simple assault is the most common assault charge, encompassing situations with minor or no injuries and no weapons involved. This could be as simple as a push, a shove, or, in more serious cases, a closed-fist punch, kick, or slap to the face. You can also be charged with simple assault even if you do not actually touch the other person. This means that an assault can still occur if you intentionally threaten or gesture in a way that causes the other person to believe they are in danger.

Assault With A Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm (s. 267)

This type of assault occurs when you carry or threaten to use a weapon, even a fake one, and cause bodily harm. It requires physical force, resulting in physical harm to the victim. The physical harm caused can cover a broad range of injuries, including scratches, a black eye, sprains, or broken bones. It also includes choking, suffocating or strangling someone. In this context, a weapon is not restricted to a gun or a knife and can include everyday objects such as a hammer or a broken bottle or something as simple as a fork.

Aggravated Assault (s. 268)

This offence occurs when you wound, maim, disfigure, or endanger the life of the victim. The resulting injury is usually one of a permanent nature. Aggravated assault is considered the most serious offence because, short of causing the death of the victim, it involves a higher level of harm or risk of harm to the victim. Aggravated assault can also include using a weapon or causing bodily harm while committing another crime, such as robbery.

Understanding the various forms and implications of assault is crucial, particularly in how they apply within legal contexts. Our firm provides clear, legal guidance, helping our clients navigate the complexities of assault charges and ensuring they receive informed and robust defence strategies tailored to their specific situation.

Sexual Assault (s. 271)

Sexual assault is defined as any sexual act performed without the other person's explicit consent. This offence can involve a wide range of actions including physical contact or even the threat of sexual violence. Canadian criminal law recognizes a number of sexual assault charges based on the severity of the offence and the presence of any aggravating factors. These charges are, as already mentioned, sexual assault followed by sexual assault with a weapon, threats to third parties or causing bodily harm and aggravated sexual assault

The experienced lawyers at Wiebe Criminal Defence approach these sensitive cases with empathy and the utmost respect for the complexities involved. Understanding the diverse manifestations and seriousness of sexual assault within legal frameworks is vital. Our commitment is to provide our clients with comprehensive legal representation, ensuring that every aspect of their case is handled with precision and care.

Sexual Interference (s. 151)

Sexual interference involves any form of sexual contact with a body part or even an object, either directly or indirectly, with an individual under the age of consent, which is typically 16 years in Canada. This serious offence highlights that even if the minor consents, the law does not recognize this as valid, and charges can still be brought against the involved party. 

Facing sexual interference allegations can be overwhelming. At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we ensure that our clients comprehend the serious nature of these allegations and the legal framework surrounding the age of consent laws. With our guidance, we assist clients in navigating these complex legal waters, offering a defence that is informed, meticulous, and attuned to the nuances of each individual case.

Domestic Assault (various sections)

The Criminal Code does not contain an offence specific to domestic violence. However, there are various sections in the Code that can be used to prosecute instances of domestic assault. These include, for example, sections 265–268 (assault), sections 271–273 (sexual assault), sections 151, 152, 153, 155 and 170 (sexual offences against children and youth), etc.

Domestic assault is an act of assault or threat of violence that occurs within the confines of a familial or intimate relationship.  It can be, inflicted by spouses, common-law partners, domestic partners, girlfriends, boyfriends, and family members (such as parents and children). This type of assault can manifest in various forms, including physical, emotional, financial, and psychological harm. It can range from simple assault to more severe cases involving aggravated assault, sexual abuse, and in extreme cases, severe bodily harm or death. 

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we understand the emotional toll and potential legal ramifications of domestic assault charges. We handle the complexities and gravity of these charges with thoroughness and sensitivity. Recognizing the unique dynamics in such cases, we provide our clients with a nuanced and robust defence that addresses the specific circumstances of each situation. We will fight vigorously to protect your legal rights throughout the judicial process.

Impaired Driving (s. 320.14)

Impaired driving involves operating a motorized vehicle while your ability to drive is compromised by alcohol, drugs, or both. This definition extends beyond just cars and trucks, encompassing the operation of boats, aircraft, snowmobiles, and even trains and heavy machinery under the influence. The consequences of impaired driving are severe, posing significant risks not only to the safety of the driver but also to the public. 

Impaired driving charges carry serious consequences. At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we stress the importance of understanding the broad implications of impaired driving charges. Our dedicated defence team provides clear, straightforward counsel to help clients navigate the complexities of these charges. With a focus on thorough defence strategies and protecting your driver's license, we are committed to achieving the most suitable possible outcomes. 

Drug Possession (s. 4(3) CDSA

A charge of drug possession is a serious offence that falls under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) rather than the Criminal Code of Canada. Possession under the CDSA is broad and includes:

It's clear from the above that actual physical possession is not always necessary for charges to be laid. The key elements that are required are knowledge and control. 

Have you been charged with drug possession and are not sure what to do? At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we help you navigate the intricacies of drug possession laws and the consequences associated with these charges. We meticulously examine every aspect of your case, from challenging illegal searches to highlighting potential rehabilitation options.. Our tailored defence strategies ensure your rights are protected.

Culpable Homicide (s. 222)

The Canadian Criminal Code includes two distinct types of homicide: culpable homicide (murder) and non-culpable homicide (which is not a Criminal Code offence). Culpable homicide is broadly defined as causing the death of another person, directly or indirectly. Culpable homicide is then further categorized as murder (i.e. first- and second-degree murder), manslaughter, or criminal negligence causing death. Murder charges are among the most serious criminal allegations. 

The key differences between first- and second-degree murder and manslaughter are the level of intent and planning involved in the killing. First-degree murder is defined as a premeditated and deliberate act intended to cause death. Second-degree murder, while also intentional, lacks the element of preplanning and deliberation but is committed with an understanding that death could result. Manslaughter involves causing death without the intent to kill, typically under circumstances of recklessness or criminal negligence.

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we understand the severity of homicide charges. approach these grave charges with the utmost seriousness and precision. Our legal team meticulously delineates the distinctions between these types of homicide, ensuring that our clients fully understand the charges they face and the potential consequences.

Bail Hearings

The principles guiding bail hearings are rooted in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which recognizes the right to liberty and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Bail hearings play a vital role in ensuring the rights of accused individuals while maintaining public safety and confidence in the administration of justice. 

These hearings represent a critical early stage in the criminal justice process, where a court determines whether an accused person should be released from custody while awaiting trial, with or without conditions, or detained until their trial.. Whether you’re granted bail or not can significantly impact your ability to prepare a defence.

Facing criminal charges can be overwhelming, especially the prospect of pretrial detention. At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we appreciate the importance of these hearings.  We meticulously prepare our clients for their bail hearing, maximizing their chances of returning home to their families and jobs while awaiting trial. Because we understand the criteria judges consider during bail hearings—such as the nature of the alleged crime, the defendant's criminal history, and community ties—we can effectively argue for favourable conditions of release. 

Wiebe Criminal Defence Files

Why Choose Gerri Wiebe for Criminal Defence

Choosing the right legal representation is crucial when facing criminal charges, and Wiebe Criminal Defence stands out as a premier choice in Winnipeg and beyond. Our team boasts decades of combined experience handling a wide range of criminal cases.  We prioritize clear communication and thorough preparation, ensuring you understand your options every step of the way. 

Preparation and Communication

Preparation and communication are cornerstones of our approach. We begin with meticulous preparation, thoroughly reviewing all case documents, gathering detailed information, and understanding our clients' perspectives. Alongside this, we prioritize clear and timely communication and keeping you well-informed about your case progress and legal strategies. This commitment to transparency builds trust, empowers you to actively participate, and fosters confidence as we guide you through the complexities of the criminal justice system..

Commitment to Your Case

We handle each case with the utmost respect, seriousness, and dedication, recognizing the emotional weight and gravity of facing criminal charges. Our approach is deeply empathetic, ensuring that every client feels supported and vigorously defended. Gerri Wiebe's passion for justice drives us to explore every legal avenue, striving for the most suitable outcomes while maintaining the quality of life for our clients as they navigate their legal challenges. 

Formulating a Robust Defence

Gerri Wiebe's extensive experience navigating the legal system allows us to develop powerful defence strategies tailored to each client's unique situation. Our approach is proactive and detail-oriented, ensuring that every aspect of the case is meticulously examined to maximize the chances of a favourable outcome. We employ confident, assertive tactics designed to protect our client's rights and achieve suitable results in court.

Serving Winnipeg and Surrounding Areas

Wiebe Criminal Defence is committed to serving clients across Winnipeg and its surrounding areas. We have deep roots in the community and a comprehensive understanding of both local and provincial legal landscapes, enabling us to offer legal representation tailored to the unique needs of this region. 

Whether you are in the heart of Winnipeg or in any of the nearby suburbs and rural areas, our firm is equipped to provide you with the highest level of criminal defence.

Wiebe Criminal Defence FAQs 

What should I do if I've been arrested or charged with a crime?

If you've been arrested or charged with a crime, it's crucial to take immediate steps to protect your rights. First, it is essential that you remain calm and comply with police instructions to avoid any additional charges. Importantly, exercise your right to remain silent and refrain from discussing any details of the incident with the police until you have legal representation. 

Request an attorney as soon as possible, and do not waive this right. A skilled lawyer will help you understand the charges against you, the possible defences, and the next steps in the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected from the outset.

How long will my criminal case take to resolve?

The duration of a criminal case can vary significantly based on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the amount of evidence, legal motions, and the overall court schedule. Minor offences may be resolved in a few months, while more serious charges, like felonies, can take a year or longer to reach a conclusion. 

What are the potential consequences of a criminal conviction?

The potential consequences of a criminal conviction can be severe and life-altering. Depending on the nature of the offence, consequences may include fines, probation, community service, and imprisonment. For more serious charges, there could be mandatory minimum sentences that must be served.  Beyond these immediate penalties, a conviction can also have long-term personal and social impacts, such as difficulties in securing employment and renting a home, loss of professional licenses, restrictions on travel, and significant personal and family strain. If you’re a non-citizen it could even lead to potential deportation.

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we emphasize the importance of a robust defence to mitigate these consequences. We focus on legal strategies to either reduce the severity of the penalties get the charges withdrawn or stayed, or achieve an acquittal. Our dedicated approach ensures that clients understand all potential outcomes and the ways in which we can fight for their future.

What happens during a consultation with a criminal lawyer?

During a consultation with a criminal lawyer, you can expect a comprehensive review of your case and legal circumstances. The lawyer will typically ask you detailed questions about the incident and gather information about your background and any prior interactions with the law. This initial meeting is also an opportunity for you to understand the legal process, discuss potential strategies, and learn about the possible outcomes of your case.

At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we ensure that our consultations are confidential and informative. We aim to create a safe space where you will feel comfortable discussing sensitive issues. We also provide you with clear explanations of your legal rights and the next steps.

How much will it cost to hire a criminal defence lawyer?

The cost of hiring a criminal defence lawyer can vary widely. This cost is based on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the lawyer's experience, the duration of the case, and the specific charges involved. At Wiebe Criminal Defence, we aim to provide transparency regarding legal fees. We offer various billing arrangements, including flat rates for certain types of cases and hourly rates for others, ensuring that our clients understand their financial commitments from the outset. 

Wiebe Criminal Defence 

386 Broadway #504, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R6, Canada



+1 (204) 989-0017


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