Widow Maker


About Me

I am a woodworker, a maker. I am a mother of two boys, I am a daughter, a sister and not long ago I became a widow. Woodworking became my release of stress, it is when I am in my shop that I am the most relaxed and happiest.  I thoroughly enjoy making things for others, especially the unexpected surprise gifts. Interestingly, the first things I started making / building was for other widows, my mom and my sister. 

I've put in doors, built deck stairs, built tables, barn doors, planters, cabinets and more. This is my passion. Please check out my YouTube, TicTok and Instagram accounts to watch my journey as I take on life after loss.

Click Past Projects at the top right to see some of my builds or click here: Past Projects

General availability 9am–4pm, Monday through Friday

Located in Spokane, Washington

Phone:  (509) 676-6656 (leave a detailed message please)

Email: WidowMakerShop@gmail.com

Follow me: YouTube TicTok Instagram (Coming Soon)