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Get Your Automation

At Wider Money, we are your one-stop destination for unleashing the true potential of AI automation. Our team of experts specializes in crafting cutting-edge AI solutions that automate various processes and tasks, transforming the way businesses, startups, and individuals operate. 

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wider money service page customers service bot

Customer Service Bot

Enhance your customer support capabilities with our advanced customer service bot. Our intelligent bot understands natural language and provide real-time assistance ,answering queries ,resolving issues and customer satisfaction 24/7. 

wider money service page ecommerce bot

E-Commerce Bot

Embrace the Power of AI Bots to Skyrocket .Your Sales and Delight  Your Customers.Provide a personalized shopping experience, suggesting products based on customer preferences and behavior, leading to increased sales. 

wider money service page Lead generation bot

Lead Generation Bot

Say Goodbye to manual lead generation efforts! Our lead Generation Bot uses AI-driven algorithms to identify potential customers, engage prospects, and capture valuable leads that can drive your business growth. 

wider money service page feedback & survey bot

Feedback & Survey Bot

 Discover what your customers truly desire, identify areas of improvement, and gain a competitive edge in the market.Get Feedback & survey of you bussines. Collect valuable feedback from customers and employees to enhance products, services, and business processes. 

wider money service page ai persona bot

AI Persona Bot

Connect with your audience on a deeper level through our AI Persona Bots. This interactive bot can stimulate human-like conversation, build rapport with users, and personalize interactions to foster stronger relationships with your brand.

Sales Bot

Ready to unlock the power of a high-performing sales bot that never sleeps, never takes a break, and consistently drives revenue for your business? Assist in the sales process, guiding customers through the purchase journey, recommending products, and driving conversation. 

Sales Bot

24/7 Availability: The sales bot can engage with customers round-the-clock, ensuring there's always someone available to assist, even outside business hours.

Instant Responses: Customers get immediate answers to their inquiries, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

Personalized Recommendations: By analyzing customer preferences and behavior, the bot can offer personalized product recommendations, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Automated Sale Qualification: The bot can qualify leads by asking relevant questions, saving time and resources for the sales team.

Handling FAQs: Routine customer queries can be handled by the bot, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks.

Data Collection and Analysis: Sales bots can collect customer data and provide valuable insights to improve sales strategies.

Reducing Human Errors: Automation helps minimize human errors during data entry and order processing.

Scaling Sales Efforts: With a sales bot, businesses can handle a large number of inquiries and interactions simultaneously, enabling scalability without hiring more staff.

Cost Savings: Implementing a sales bot can significantly reduce customer support costs and improve overall operational efficiency.

E-Commerce Bot

Customer Support E-commerce : Bots can handle customer inquiries and support requests 24/7, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Personalization: Bots can analyze customer preferences and behaviors to offer personalized product recommendations, improving the overall shopping experience.

Product Discovery: Ecommerce bots can help customers discover relevant products, even when they are unsure about what they are looking for.

Returns and Refunds: Bots can facilitate the returns and refunds process, guiding customers through the steps and improving efficiency.

Language Support: Ecommerce bots can offer multilingual support, enabling businesses to cater to a global ​​customer base.

Promotions and Discounts: Bots can inform customers about ongoing promotions and discounts, boosting sales and engagement.

Reduced Workload: E-commerce : Bots can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic aspects of the business.

Lead Generation Bot

24/7 Availability: The bot operates round-the-clock, enabling businesses to capture leads even outside regular working hours.

Immediate Response: Instant responses to inquiries ensure that leads receive timely information, increasing the chances of conversion.

Personalized Interactions: The bot can tailor conversations based on user preferences, fostering a more engaging and human-like experience.

Lead Qualification: By asking targeted questions, the bot filters out unqualified leads, saving time and effort for the sales team.

Data Collection: The bot collects valuable customer information, enabling businesses to build a comprehensive lead database.

Scalability: The bot can handle multiple interactions simultaneously, accommodating a high volume of leads without compromising quality.

Reduced Human Errors: Automated responses reduce the risk of human errors in lead capture and qualification.

Cost-Effective: Lead generation bots can be a cost-effective alternative to hiring and training a large sales team

Customer Support Bot 

Customer Support : Customer service bots can operate round-the-clock, providing instant support to customers regardless of the time zone or business hours.

Reduced Waiting Time: Bots can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, minimizing the wait time for customers and ensuring prompt responses.

Faster Resolutions: With access to vast databases and knowledge bases, bots can quickly provide accurate information and solutions to common customer issues.

Consistency: Bots consistently provide uniform responses, ensuring customers receive a standardized level of service across all interactions.

Efficient Triager: Bots can assess the urgency of requests and route critical issues to human agents, allowing them to focus on complex cases that require human intervention.

Personalization: Advanced AI capabilities enable bots to personalize responses based on customer history and preferences, creating a more tailored experience.

Reduced Workload:  Bots can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic aspects of the business.

AI Persona Bot

Customer Engagement: AI Persona bots can engage customers in personalized and interactive conversations, enhancing user experience and increasing customer satisfaction.

Personalization: They can engage users in human-like conversations, tailoring interactions to individual preferences, enhancing user experience, and reducing impersonal interactions.

Improved Customer Relationships: By building rapport and remembering user preferences AI Persona Bots foster stronger connections, leading to increased customer loyalty.

Language Support: AI Persona Bots can communicate in multiple languages, breaking language barriers and reaching a broader audience.

Quick Resolution: AI Persona Bots can handle straightforward issues and inquiries swiftly, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks.

Consistency: They provide consistent responses to user inquiries, reducing the risk of human error and maintaining brand voice and values. 

Feedback & Survey Bot 

Automated Feedback Collection: The bot automates the feedback gathering process, saving time and effort for both businesses and respondents.

Real-time Insights: With instant data processing, the bot provides real-time insights, enabling businesses to make timely decisions.

Personalized Surveys: The bot can tailor surveys based on user behavior and preferences, increasing response rates and engagement.

24/7 Availability: Being available round-the-clock, the bot ensures users can provide feedback at their convenience, improving response rates.

User-friendly Interface: The bot's intuitive interface makes survey participation easy, reducing respondent drop-offs.

Data Accuracy: Automated data collection minimizes human errors, leading to more accurate and reliable data

Multi-channel Deployment: The bot can be deployed across various platforms, reaching a broader audience.

Cost-effective: By automating the process, the bot reduces the need for manual labor and paper-based surveys, saving costs.

Efficient Analysis: The bot can analyze large datasets quickly, helping businesses identify patterns and trends efficiently.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: By acting on feedback promptly, businesses can address concerns and enhance customer satisfaction. 

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