My Productivity Plan

My Productivity Plan Worksheet 2022. Roadmap to $250,000 Online

I am a full time worker online and I make a full time income working from home.

This year 2022, I decided to make public my plan worksheet and it is usable by anyone even a beginner trying to start out online.

By the end of the year, I should have in profit $250,000 and my year will end by November. ( I usually don’t count December as a month in my account)

My worksheet contains more than basic and it is the plan of how I will get to my desired figure.

It includes; what i have in place and what i need to setup for me to achieve this.

You can download my 2022 plan worksheet here for free.

Lets plan for 2022.

Now you might be wondering how will i start as a beginner or are you certain i can make this figure, Lets find out as you fill in this sheet.

I will explain few of what is in the worksheet and how you will use it to achieve your dream

To start with there are Six questions to answer,

  1. How much money would you want for the year

  2. Which categories will let you get this done

  3. Which platforms would you love to use to achieve this

  4. What skills would you need to get to this goal

  5. How much would it cost you to get this done

  6. How many hours per day do i have to work

After this you will have the workflow spread into three.

  1. The money Breakdown

  2. Work Routine

  3. Daily Assignments

These three things are the main component of the worksheet.

To make things easier, I made a Video tutorial to explain in details.