Women in Computer Science and Engineering at California State University Fullerton

Women in Computer Science and Engineering 

WiCSE at Cal State University Fullerton is a program aiming to help students succeed in pursuing their engineering and computer science majors. 

We offer events to connect with industry professionals on campus at CSUF and site visits. 

The program also aims to increase student success with academic support such as tutoring and strengthening community among all STEM students. 

Our main page is located on Canvas Communities: Women in Computer Science and Engineering. Announcements will also be available on our social media.

About Us/Contact US

WiCSE Feedback

Access Titanium Communities: 

If you'd like to be added as a WiCSE member contact the WiCSE faculty coordinator: beth.harnick.shapiro@fullerton.edu 

Visit http://www.fullerton.edu/ and log into CSUF Portal 

Click 'Titanium' then click 'Titanium Communities' 

"Women in Computer Science and Engineering" should show up if you're added as a participant. 

For information and events click on the side panel links or browse our page.