Let's Sing

Use this page to practice singing songs that we sing in class!

Biinichigeg! Clean up!

Biinichigeg, biinichigeg, Gakina ‘wiiya miziwe..

Biinichigeg, biinichigeg Gakina ‘wiiya izhichigeg!

Clean up, clean up, Everyone everywhere..

Clean up, clean up, Everyone, do it!

Song From: Nagamodaa Ojibwemong Aabinoojiinh- Nagamonan
Eagleworks, Minneapolis, Minnesota

This song can be used to sing about any families member or friend that you love, just replace the name or familial term to fit.

Nizaagi’idimin (We Love Eachother)

Nookomis inzaagi’aa, Nookomis inzaagi’ig
Inzaagi’idimin, inzaagi’idimin.

(I love my grandma, my grandma loves me, we love eachother, we love eachother)

Nimishoomis inzaagi’aa, Nimishoomis inzaagi’ig
Inzaagi’idimin, inzaagi’idimin.

(I love my grandpa, my grandpa loves me, we love eachother, we love eachother)

Nishiime inzaagi’aa, Nishiime inzaagi’ig
Inzaagi’idimin, inzaagi’idimin.

(I love my younger sibling, my younger sibling loves me, we love eachother, we love eachother)

Song From: Nagamodaa Ojibwemong Aabinoojiinh- Nagamonan
Eagleworks, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Numbers Song

This is a number song that we use to learn counting.

Bezhig, niizh, niswi, niiwin, naanan, NAANAN!

(One, two, three, four, five, FIVE!)

Bezhig, niizh, niswi, niiwin, naanan, NAANAN!

(One, two, three, four, five, FIVE!)

Ingodwaaswi, niizhwaaswi, ishwaaswi, zhaangaswi,

(Six, seven, eight, nine)

Ingikendaan! Midaaswi! MIDAASWI!

(I know it! Ten! TEN!)

From: Nagamodaa Ojibwemong Aabinoojiinh-Nagamonan; Eagle Works, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sung by: Zoongwegiizhigook

Colors Song

This is a song about colors.
The words in this song are verbs, and are talking about the colors of inanimate things.

Makadewaa, ozhaawashkwaa, miskwaa, ozaawaa, waabishkaa

Makadewaa, ozhaawashkwaa, miskwaa, ozaawaa, waabishkaa

(It is black, it is blue/green, in is red, it is yellow, it is white

It is black, it is blue/green, in is red, it is yellow, it is white)

Boozhoo, Aaniin! Song

This song we use to ask each other how we are feeling every day.

The words “boozhoo, aaniin” can be switched to include the persons name who you are singing to, for example “Aaniin Zoongwegiizhigook..”

Boozhoo, aaniin! Boozhoo, aaniin

Ezhi-ayaayan? Ezhi-ayaayan?

Nimino-ayaa! Nimino-ayaa!

Giin dash? Giin dash?

(Hello! Hello! How are you? How are you?

I am well! I am well!

How about you? How about you?)

Weather Song

This is a song we use during class to sing about the weather. Every day we determine the weather and document it on our calendar. We sing this song with whichever weather term we are using for that day. This recording is an example of two weather terms, however any weather term can be sung in this song.

Gimiwan, gimiwan, gimiwan noongom.
Gimiwan noongom.

(It’s raining, It’s raining, It’s raining today
It’s raining today)

Zoogipon, zoogipon, zoogipon noongom.
Z-o-o-g-i-p-o-n zoogipon noongom.

(It’s snowing, its snowing, its snowing today
Z-o-o-g-i-p-o-n its snowing today.)