WIAG 2024 Schedule

Tentative Schedule

In addition to lots of time for collaborative work on projects, each day we'll have some scheduled activities, meals, and tea.

Talks will be held in Simonyi Lecture Hall 101.


9 AM-10 AM: Welcome and introductions (Simonyi Lecture Hall 101).

11:15 AM:  Introductory 20-minute talk from Hannah Larson and Emily Clader 

11:45 AM: Introductory 20-minute talk from Julianna Tymoczko 

12:30 PM: Lunch

3:30 PM: Tea

4 PM: Introductory 20-minute talk from Amanda Knecht and Julie Desjardins 

4:30 PM: Introductory 20-minute talk from Padma Srinivasan and Rachel Pries 

6 PM: Dinner


11:15 AM:  Introductory 20-minute talk from Margarida Mendes Lopes and Rita Pardini 

11:45 AM: Introductory 20-minute talk from Kelly Jabbusch and Courtney George 

12:30 PM: Lunch

3:30 PM: Tea

6 PM: Dinner


12:30 PM: Lunch

3:30 PM: Tea

4-5:30 PM: Navigating the Profession Panel (we'll survey participants about topics of interest!)

6 PM: Dinner


9:00 AM: Group photo--meet at the back of Fuld Hall

12:30 PM: Lunch

3:30 PM: Tea

4-5:30 PM: Summary 10-minute talks from each group.

6 PM: Dinner



11:15 AM-12:15 PM: Wrap-up. 

12:30 PM: Lunch

3:30 PM: Tea