Why The Best Blockchain Tool Is Still Unheard Of

There are many tools across crypto and in an industry where you may find yourself lost in the noise, there is one tool that brings clarity to the apparent chaos. That tool is a free newsfeed called One Crypto Feed, a curated news aggregator that includes both crypto-specific and mainstream news sources. This means I can get the best macro overview of the crypto industry without needing to click around. They have a Telegram channel (t.me/onecryptofeed) and a growing user base, but they are still relatively unknown.

Why Is It Unheard Of?

Despite its utility, One Crypto Feed maintains an underground following of just over 1000 subscribers. This is because it is a young tool and their team has not invested heavily in marketing. Part of me was reluctant to tip you guys off about it but I had to give credit to the owners and give One Crypto Feed a mention. They have kept the feed entirely free to all users and they even offer a service to trading teams who want their own custom feed. If you want to stay abreast of all that is going on in crypto, from the USA to China and everything in between, then be sure to check them out: t.me/onecrpytofeed

If you aren't a Telegram user, One Crypto Feed also offer a website: https://www.onecryptofeed.com