As you can see, AsyncTasks currently only operate on a single background thread, meaning multiple queued tasks will have to fire one after another. If you would like to execute concurrent tasks, you'll want to follow the instructions above.

I had to send an important legal document today but it was queued. Tried all the solutions online, force stopping and clearing cache, turning sync off and on, turning off power, memory and data saving features. None helped. Then I did something out of desperation.

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If your emails are stuck in queued, you may connectivity issues, Google sync issues, or hitting thresholds like daily email limits and attachment sizes. To clear your queue to try the 9 fixes in this article.

They had asked for the log files from the Relay Server. I believe the files we grabbed were at C:/Airwatch/Pull Service Logs and were named PullServiceLog#.txt. Prior to pulling the logs they wanted some Products queued or force reprocessed and the time of doing that noted (so that they could find it easier in the logs).

Recently when using Poweramp in Android Auto, I might be listening to some music I'd previously queued up on my phone, and I get the urge to listen to something else. So I say "OK Google, play BAND NAME, ALBUM NAME, album." And it will play. BUT after the first song, it reverts back to the queue. Is this On Queue End setting affecting this?

When you queue up some specific tracks (or even whole albums) they will interrupt your 'normal' playback category (album, artist, folder, etc) until all of the queued tracks that you have requested have been played. This can happen Immediately, or after the end of the current track (which is what you are experiencing), depending on the option in Settings > Library > Queue. If you decide you no longer want to listen to the rest of your queued tracks, view the Queue in the library screen and tap the three-dots menu icon and 'Clear Queue'.

The 'On Queue End' option tells Poweramp what you want to do once the last song in the Queue has been played. The default is to return to playing where you left off in your chosen playback category (i.e. go back to the album/artist/folder etc that you were listening to before you enqueued the temporary songs).The other option tells PA o stop at the end of the Queue (or to repeat the Queue, depending on how you have set the Repeat icon in the Player screen).

I have been playing some albums that are queued, and playback is NOT in Android Auto (I'm using headphones plugged into my phone). Then I jump in my car and I continue playing the same queued music with Android Auto. But now I use Android Auto's voice control to select a new album to play, and it begins playing it (this interrupts the queued music). However, after the first song on the album, playback jumps back to the queued music. And this is annoying because I was expecting the whole album to play, and really it should. This has only happened to me when using Poweramp in Android Auto.

I still think it's a bug because when the same scenario occurs when I'm NOT playing music in Android Auto, this does not happen. Specifically by "this", I mean the following: I will have music queued, I play some of it. Then I decide to play something else, so I select a new album, and it will play that whole album. Not just the first song. But in Android Auto it plays just the first song, then goes back to the queue.

Hmm, if there are any unplayed items left in the Queue, Poweramp normally would continue to play them (by default, the queue starts after the end of any currently playing track). So if you start something else playing manually without either finishing the Queue first, or Clearing it, the queue ought to continue resuming, to play the tracks that it has been told to, until all of your queued material is finished. However I've just checked it, and this does not seem to be happening in the normal phone interface (i.e. unfinished queues are no longer resumed). I'd have to try it in Android Auto to see what happens there.

Can anyone else confirm that this is indeed a bug (unplayed queued music should automatically resume playing after one manually selected song is played)? It's not that I don't believe you blaubr, it's just that this has only ever happened to me this week, and I've been using Poweramp for 9 years. Granted, the way queue works has changed significantly from v2 to v3 (we have less control over it now IMO). But also this seems very user-unfriendly to me.

The question here was what should happen if there are still unplayed tracks left in the queue, but you manually start playing some other music - e.g. from one of the library views. In the main app, the queue currently seems to stay dormant and does not re-trigger again in order to play the remaining enqueued tracks. However in Android Auto, the queue automatically restarts again at the end of any currently-playing track and continues to do so until all of the queued items have all been completed (which I thought was expected behaviour).

I just checked again and it is now playing in the correct order. Something changed since yesterday. I definitely wasn't using shuffle play yesterday because it's useless for classical music. I also tested other albums, which queued correctly. The other problem, which was songs being queued multiple times also is no longer happening. I think it was an issue of how the Android app identified track metadata since the problem wasn't happening with the desktop app.

How do I cancel the sending of a queued email in Gmail (Android)?The conversation is in the outbox and I don't see an option for deleting the message alone. I'd like not to have to delete the whole conversation.

If that doesn't work though, I deleted the entire conversation from the outbox, having given up on trying to keep the conversation. I was surprised to find that this only deleted the queued message. The rest of the conversation stayed intact in my inbox.

when printing from either my phone (Moto Droid Maxx Verizon) or tablet (Sony Xperia Z2 Verizon) while on same wifi network as printer (Canon MX922) documents get stuck as "queued" with multiple attempts showing, even though printer is showing up as "on line".and registration was completed correctly. Have tried deleting printer (in cloud and from printer) and reinstalling, same (printer briefly shows "printing" on display, but nothing happens and "start cloud print" from printer says no documents in queue...

Ex: Sean Kingston is currently playing on "Summer Hits oF the 2000s Radio". I want to listen to "wake me up" by Avicii next so I add it to my queue. When I hit next or Sean Kingston song is over I want "Wake me up" to play next. I want it to interrupt the station and then once "Wake me up" is over for the station to continue playing its playlist like it was never interrupted by my queued song or songs.

I wish it was that easy. If I hit next the queued song doesn't play. If I wait for the song that's playing to end, once it ends and the next song plays it isn't what I had queued. And I have queue turned on.

Example: I'm listening to the "Summer Hits of the 2000s" station and I want to play "wake me up" by Avicii next after the current song that is playing from the "Summer Hits of the 2000's" is over. I add it to my queue. What I expect is for Avicii's song to play next, but it doesn't; the station continues to play its playlist without adding my queued song.

Why doesn't Avicii's song play next? What is the purpose of a queue,if it won't play queued music? In my opinion, the feature Pandora calls a queue feels like a listen to later playlist, like seen on YouTube when you don't have time to watch a video and save it for later.

I only installed Analytics in my extension , disabled Offline line hits in analytics and report suite is configured with timestamp optional setting .. just to make things simpler .. Build was successful I see the app launched right but I see below for Analytics request. Its always queued .. I tried everything couldn`t find much of info on this .. 

I always queue up a number of albums. Too often, when I open the app to play music I'll find that my queue has been reset to the beginning. It starts out with songs that I've already listened to. On occasion, it will totally erase songs that I've queued up. I never force close the app, so it's still in memory. This is quite annoying as I like to pick up where I left off. When the app resets my queue, I have to resort to removing songs I've already played. If I could select a group of songs to remove then this would be less painful. But the app only lets you remove one at a time. Please fix this issue of the app resetting itself. This has been going on for a long, long time.

Do you have a long list of songs queued up on Spotify that you just haven't gotten around to listening to? If so, you're not alone. Many people use the queue feature on Spotify as a way to build a custom playlist of their favorite songs. But what do you do when you want to start fresh and clear out your queue? In this blog post, we will show you how to clear the Spotify queue in just a few easy steps! ff782bc1db

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