This is for all the young people here. Now they experience what internet was like when I was young and had to work with a state of the art 9600 baud modem. Disabling the download limit as suggestd by @Agerwaen helped for about 30 seconds, then is was back to extremely slow speeds.

You need to manually set the limits in both windows to 10000, then you will get a download speed of 10 mb / s. You should not set the value higher, for some reason it did not work. It helped me to download 10% this way, then the speed dropped again. We repeat the process. Remove the checkmarks, save, set again.

It stopped working after 3 times, but the speed remained at the level of 750 kb / s

Why Is My Download Speed So Slow On Blizzard

Download File 🔥 🔥

I had low speed and almost no refresh on download for the whole time (tried retarting, set to default multiple times with no result). Changed the download limit to 99999999, restarted again and it instantly skyrocketed from ~10 kb/s up to 80mb/s. It was a little jumpy but i got all the remaining 8gb in one go in just minutes.

I tried everything that was suggested by blizzard support, as well as reinstalling battlenet, and disabling my antivirus and firewall, but nothing seems to work. I have the bandwidth box unchecked too.

OP probably needs to check their drivers or their modem/router. You can also run a speed test to something like or to see if there are any irregularities. After you first run the one, you can click more info and it will show you your unloaded and loaded latencies and will show you your upload bandwidth.

Man first you ruin your own game ( Overwatch ) and now you ruin others by giving the shoddiest download speeds possible, it ONLY happens on this launcher and how you dont consider it a serious issue I dont know.

I had to download 100GB yesterday when i bought the full game, didnt get to play yesterday because of slow DL. Now today, the same happends, I dont get to play the game because of a 35GB game patch, where I have a crappy DL speed of 1-200kb/sec. My internet connection can DL with 42MB/sec if only the patch servers were good.

I manually set download speed limit (was not set by default) to an absurdly high value, after that it was downloading between 10MB/s and 70MB/s. Setting is accessible where it shows your download speed while updating.

As dragon riding makes me feel ill due to motion sickness (even with all the options to reduce it) I think a better compromise would be be to allow slow flying both in and out of the Dragon Isles and dragon riding in the rest of the game.

The downloading phase can either be slow, or fast, as I believe its torrent based, not CDN server based. Which means you are downloading fragments of the patch files from a lot of other users, not from Blizzard themselves. So your download speed will depend on the number of users with the patch fragments you need, and the speed of their upload.

For me the entire process, including the actual download was super slow. Starting with a few hundred Kbps for the initialization to all but stopping for the actual download. Thinking there was something wrong with my connection I fired up Steam which downloaded updates normally. I have a 1 Gbit connection.

yeah suddenly started having this issue the last few days for all battle net downloads refuse to use my full internet speed unless i turn limitation for speed on and off again for a short while and even then it doesnt stick to using my full speed for long like it used to be able to. right now it is downloading diablo 4 at 6,20 MB/s so it managed to get it out of the kbs range but it is still under the 35 MB/s it should be in

i have this problem too; on my pc and my wife pc ; we have like 50 megabits per second of bandwith for download normally , but blizzard app use to download at less than 1 megabit per second ; we dont have any other app or systems that use bandwith ; we use to get rougly the full 50 Mb/s with similar systems like steam ; at this time we will take hours before to be able to play the game is a popular game launcher client and home to many blockbuster games, but sometimes, takes forever to download a game. While there isn't much you can do if you have a weak connection, there are a few changes you can make within the settings and Windows to increase the download speed.

If you're getting a comparatively lower download speed, check out our guide on how to improve your internet connection. If this helps improve your internet connection, try downloading games on But if there's no improvement in your connection, contact your internet service provider (ISP).

The next fix to try to download the latest network driver update. As it turns out, an outdated or corrupt network driver can cause various network issues, including the slow download speed in stores cache data to offer faster access. Sometimes, this cache folder can get corrupted and affect your download speed. You'll have to delete the content of this folder to solve the problem. Don't worry; deleting this folder will not affect your game data.

Why does download so slow when you download a game like Destiny 2, Warzone, Modern Warfare, etc.? How to fix slow download on a Windows 11/10 PC? MiniTool gathers some useful solutions in this post and you can have a try now.

However, sometimes the download speed is very slow. Why is Blizzard download so slow? The common reasons for this include bandwidth throttling, old network adapter driver, multiple downloads stuck in the download queue, and downloading games during peak hours.

If you get a slow download when downloading Destiny 2, Warzone, Modern Warfare, etc., you want to take action to get out of the annoying issue. Fortunately, you can find some effective methods in the following part.

Besides, if you turn on Windows automatic updates, Windows can automatically download and install the available updates without your consent. During the process, your internet will be influenced, leading to throttled download speed.

The current server may cause bandwidth throttling, as a result, download slow happens. To fix this issue, you can try a VPN to use another server. On the market, there are many various VPNs and here we recommend using NordVPN, ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Surfshark, etc. Just get one to have a try.

If Blizzard launcher download slow appears on Windows 10/11 when you download a game like Destiny 2, Warzone, Modern Warfare, etc., a possible reason is an outdated network adapter driver. So, you can try to update to see if the download speed is increased.

Change a RegionWhen updates are available, many players may schedule the downloads at a similar time, which can cause a certain server to overload. You can choose a different region to increase download speed for all games.

I've registered fine but I now have the downloader client up and it just doesn't seem to want to download the files (and when it does we are talking speeds between 5-15kb/s). I've got a decent 10MB connection from Virgin media and all other net related activity flies by so i very much doubt its that; I've also DMZ'd myself on my router to help with any connection problems that might be occurring. Finally i've also tried adding the TCP and UDP exceptions to my firewall to allow the downloader through Windows firewall.

Have you tried disabling peer to peer download? By default, the blizzard downloader use p2p to accelerate the download, but your ISP may be throttling p2p transfer. To disable it, in the blizzard downloader, go to the View --> Preference menu and uncheck the box "Enable peer to peer".

You can use a CPU slower like Mo'Slo. Apparently other people have had

success using Fraps vidcapping to choke the system, though this probably

requires that you have a lot of free disk space to hold the dummy video,

since the Fraps codec is not very efficient.> Yes I realize it is kind of a cheat,That's ok, it's single-player. You don't have to justify anything. Play it

however the hell you want, and if someone has a problem with it, then cheat

against them in multi too.> I would like to play this first and foremost as a

> tactical game, not an action game.You and me both. But I've come to accept that Warcraft 3 is just not that

game, and moved on.> Also, does anyone know if there are replay files showing how people

> have completed "Twilight of the Gods" and other maps on hard? I have

> seen a couple of WC3 replay sites, but they seem to carry only

> competitive online multiplayer replay files, not single-player

> campaign files.I don't recall if the game saves campaign replays. If such replays exist,

you'll probably find them as movie files at places like YouTube. There used

to be several good sites for War3 replays, but it seems like all of them

have either closed or been reappropriated for WoW vids. You might try file

hosts like FilePlanet or FileFront.

If something like that works, I can recommend a program called "CPU

grabber" which is available on this page: 've used it with some other games that required slow down in windows and

it works very good. You just tell it how much percentage of the CPU to eat

and it does it well.

> Thanks for the suggestions, although I presume CPU slowdowns will just

> make the WC3 graphics and controls unplayably jerky, not necessarily

> affecting the actual gamespeed at all? That is my experience when

> running most games on slower PCs, the game runs at the same speed, but

> just more jerkily (ie. frameskip in action).


> Anyway, I ended up using "allyourbasearebelongtous" cheat to skip that

> final WC3 mission. I presume the WC3 expansion pack is just as bad,

> ie. chaotic missions where the challenge comes primarily from the

> player's inability to keep up with the pace of the game? I have no

> idea why Blizzard made Warcraft 3 single-player campaign game speed

> run so much faster than Starcraft or Warcraft 2. Apparently that was

> the only way to make the game challenging enough.


> I used to like RTS games but if the trend is speeding them up more and

> more, I guess I need to pass them in the future. Maybe concentrate on

> TBS games or something. Too bad, since I really liked e.g. Starcraft

> and the Age of... series (albeit even the first AOE sometimes ran a

> bit too fast for my taste, even in slowest gamespeed).Sorry if I'm being dim but isn't there a pause function? I used it all

the time in SC - in conjunction with the minimap - to gain enough

thinking time. It's not the actual clicking that takes the time for

me, it's the deciding what to do.I've not fired up WC3 for a looong time - I played the first campaign

(SPOILER: where the human leader guy ends up turning into a Death

Knight), started the second one (Undead) and gave up. Too samey,

didn't have the ability to draw me in like SC did.CC 006ab0faaa

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