1. Socialism is the Big Lie of the twentieth century. While it promised prosperity, equality, and security, it delivered poverty, misery, and tyranny. Equality was achieved only in the sense that everyone was equal in his or her misery.

In the same way that a Ponzi scheme or chain letter initially succeeds but eventually collapses, socialism may show early signs of success. But any accomplishments quickly fade as the fundamental deficiencies of central planning emerge. It is the initial illusion of success that gives government intervention its pernicious, seductive appeal. In the long run, socialism has always proven to be a formula for tyranny and misery.

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A pyramid scheme is ultimately unsustainable because it is based on faulty principles. Likewise, collectivism is unsustainable in the long run because it is a flawed theory. Socialism does not work because it is not consistent with fundamental principles of human behavior. The failure of socialism in countries around the world can be traced to one critical defect: it is a system that ignores incentives.

In a capitalist economy, incentives are of the utmost importance. Market prices, the profit-and-loss system of accounting, and private property rights provide an efficient, interrelated system of incentives to guide and direct economic behavior. Capitalism is based on the theory that incentives matter!

2. The strength of capitalism can be attributed to an incentive structure based upon the three Ps: (1) prices determined by market forces, (2) a profit-and-loss system of accounting and (3) private property rights. The failure of socialism can be traced to its neglect of these three incentive-enhancing components.

The failure of socialism inspired a worldwide renaissance of freedom and liberty. For the first time in the history of the world, the day is coming very soon when a majority of the people in the world will live in free societies or societies rapidly moving toward freedom.

Capitalism will play a major role in the global revival of liberty and prosperity because it nurtures the human spirit, inspires human creativity, and promotes the spirit of enterprise. By providing a powerful system of incentives that promote thrift, hard work, and efficiency, capitalism creates wealth.

Learn more: The Most Important Economic Chart in Western Civilization -- and How It Happened | Chart of the Greatest and Most Remarkable Achievement in Human History, Thanks to Free Market Capitalism

I have an ai spawner BP and inside I want to call an event by timer to increase the characters walk speed after 10s, however the cast always fails. I have tried casting to the enemy and also tried to make an enemy ref object variable but still no luck. Any idea why I cant get it?

When the event happens, it starts printing "failed". I checked many times if I have a NavMesh on the level or any other problems with it, but I don't think there are any problems with that. Any ideas?

There's a few things that can cause this. Also, yes, it's normal to be frustrated with the AIMoveTo node, as it can be finicky. Your AIMoveTo node does not have a destination. Instead, try to drag off the As First Person Character and get the actor's world location. You should try inputting that into the Destination field on the AIMoveTo node.

Assuming that you've set everything up correctly and it's still failing; your Target Actor HAS to be in contact with the navmesh otherwise it will fail regardless of whether the move was successful or not.

I was having the same issue, and actually, what the problem was for me was that I was using a target point actor for the location my AI should move to, and it was in the air (247 units above the ground) and not touching the navmesh. So, it was arriving at the target, then getting confused and then failing after a few seconds, even though it was actually AT the target and the acceptance radius was 300. All I did was move the target point to the ground (pressed END with the target actor selected) and it immediately fixed the issue. So it will register as a fail if the move to target isn't connected to the navmesh even though it did technically walk to the target you specified.

One solution I found actually had to do with the RunPhysicsWithNoController boolean in the CharacterMovementComponent. I spawn my AI from the gamemode to populate servers that are below max player count, and I found that having that boolean as true keeps the character from moving.

I had the same issue for a few days and I just fixed it. If you're interested the issue was that RecastNavMesh had Runtime.CanBeMainNavData turned off by default, when I turned it on the AI started to move again. I hope this will help anyone.

Brand New MK4 kit. Previously Have built an MK3 and upgraded to MK3S and then to MK3S+. I have also built 4 Prusa Mini+ machines. The build went as to be expected, read the comments on parts that were stumping me and then I went for the Pre-Flight. Powered on the Unit, watched the Fans pass and then the X, Y, and Z calibrations starts. The Z-Axis never goes past a third of the way down while the X-axis does, IMO, a normal calibration except on the screen I get a wide array of numbers from -0.25 all the way up to 9.0 for the X position. The Y-Axis at times also fails like it just does not want to complete.

Sorry for the delay. We have been troubleshooting the problem. Still do not have a definitive solution. They want to replace the X motor however I am not sure that will fix the entire problem. I still fail on the other axis as well unless they believe that solving the X first is the beginning of the troubleshooting venture.

Today, I stumbled upon a solution for my problem. During the initial calibration, I put some weight on the z-axis when it started moving down (using two fingers on the left and right ends of the x-axis assembly). With this, z-axis moved beyond the 1/3 point and finished the calibration using the final approach with the load cell.

5.0.1 did not resolve the issue (actually, I had the feeling, it got worse). The alpha2 firmware, however, has a lot of code changes for calibration. Find the discussion here or if you're curious, take a look at the changed source code for the alpha2 (takes a sec to load all the changes, and then jumps to the SensitivityCalibration class)...

Just a quick update for those searching out there. I remembered reading in another post about removing the buddy cover on the right side to get the x-axis to pass. I am now successfully able to get the x-axis to pass self test. Support believes that the wires are not seated properly causing the cover to stand out a little further than necessary. I flattened the wires as much as I could and reran the self test. It failed again. I went ahead and removed the cover, ran the self test and the y-axis is now reporting a failure but the x passes.

Looking through all of the posts I see that there are a lot of people suggesting that the bearings under the heat bed need to be inset further than with the other Prusa products. I was able to move the left front bearing back about 2mm and now the Y-axis passes every time.

I am trying to configure Anyconnect always-on VPN using double certificate authentication and authorization handled by ISE. I've got everything working the way I got it except for one thing - failure policy.

I've enabled Always On, Allow Disconnect and Failure Policy is set to Open, but if I take down the ASA my PC still can't access the internet in any way after the VPN connection fails. The "Help" button inside the Profile Editor says I can't enable Open failure policy without enabling Allow Disconnect, but depite this I cannot get it to work.

By disabling Always-On in the VPN-profil and just sticking with Automatic VPN Policy is seems to work great now. If for some reason the automatic VPN cannot be established either due to ISE, AD, ASA being down or if not all certificates can be found on the computer, AnyConnect will now no longer lock down all network adapters.

It seems that AnyConnect is using some very weird logic to determine what is considered "VPN failed". I literally have to disconnect the outside interface of the ASA for AnyConnect to make the decision that the ASA is down and AnyConnect on the local machine is allowed to "fail open".

In my scenario is means that even if the VPN connection fails due to ISE or AD being down, AnyConnect will not allow the connection to "fail open" so that the user can access the internet they are currently connected to. They will be forever locked will no access to anything until the VPN is established or if I completely disconnect the ASA from the internet.

Even completely disabling Remote Access VPN on the ASA does NOT trigger the fail open case. I've been looking in Wireshark on the local machine and even with Remote Access VPN disabled in the ASA I can still see the ASA presenting itselfs with its identity certificate.

The caveat I found, however, is that the subnets/ips configured to split tunnel outside the client seem to be 'unavailable' even when the connection fails open. I'm going from memory here so I might be off a bit.

Currently i was trying to create credential that user could use thier own credential but happen that as i want to create credentials it always failed, what should i do?

mainly use OKTA to allow user to access to gallery.

This is usually related to the service account not having access to all the system folders needed or the user not having permission to run as a batch job. I would look the service logs for more information about the issue.

hi @fmvizcaino i just check server log and got this do you know where can i lead server admin to config it.

" Credential usage is disabled as a result of encryption configuration. Please contact your server administrator." 152ee80cbc

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