I can't stand printers. Small business, ~60 people, have 3 large common area printers but most of the admin people and everyone with an office demands to have their own printer rather than getting out of their chair and walking to the large printer designed for high capacity printing. I don't understand. Then people in cubicles with very limited desk space start requesting their own printers. C-level approves most of the requests then complains about the high cost of toner for each of the smaller printers.

There's legitimate reasons people are less trusting of the CDC these days. When a place once respected for their scientific research starts signaling their political stances in subtle but clear ways (e.g. advocating DEI, emphasizing suicide prevention for minorities but not men who are actually the highest risk group, renaming monkeypox to "mpox" out of concern it sounds racist), it undermines trust in their impartiality. I say this as someone who leans left politically too: I just want the science, enough with the politics! So when it comes to vaccine advice from the CDC or you Mr. Offit, I'm going to go with you.

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Publishing has become almost too easy. Reminds me of when I was in grade school. I wanted to try out for cheerleading, not because I liked it, but because I wanted to see if I was good enough to make it. (Stupid reason, I know.) That was the year they abolished try-outs and deemed everyone interested a cheerleader. Boo.

Why does everyone want to stay young?

I, for one, am looking forward to aging. It will come in due time, and I wlil be able to experience life and nature's laws in their truest form, instead of fighting them. Why this war against aging? It's another way of saying aging is a bad thing....it's really not.

What do you guys think?

The aging of a man is a journey we all want to be as long as possible. I have found that my only real problem with aging is that this body we have eventually wears out like any regularly used tool does. The problem with aging is the pain, not the wrinkles. DON

Life is a journey that many people fear ending. Each year brings us another year closer to death. As we age, we can't fear death all that much though, because we have bigger problems. We can't rely on ourselves as we once did. Our eyes are not as sharp. Our joints are not as flexible. We can't hurt ourselves on purpose and bounce right back, any more. 

On top of that, other people treat us as if we are suddenly less that whatever we just were- less capable, less lovable, and less human. One week at work, we were assumed to be mature, experienced, and knowledgeable, Suddenly, the next week, we are assumed to be feeble-minded, past our use-by date, and are now considered expendable. We retire before someone fires us or before someone sets us on fire,. We become at best, an inheritance waiting to happen, or at worst, a family burden that simply won't die. 

Youth. on the other hand, means that we are automatically more attractive on every level. In youth, our faces and bodies look the best they ever will. Our stupidity is still forgivable. We have young energy and decades of life left to sell to any company which wants to exploit us. Every young person's future still holds all the excitement of buried treasure. Even fabled unlimited potential that our mothers all told us all about, might be hiding, somewhere, in any untapped young person. 

The theory is that a healthy society willingly sacrifices all else for the young. On the civilized sinking ship, children are first on the life rafts. Even in our own messed up culture, popular media worships youth. If not for youth worship, how else does one explain the appeal of Justin Bieber? No seriously, I really want to know.

Aging is not a good thing. It leads to the eventual death we all face. Ending the time spent with friends and family. Gaining all that wisdom just to die. Being young usually means being more healthy. 

Not everyone can afford plastic surgery or the best advancements. At least 15% of the USA population is below the poverty line. That means less access to proper health care. It also means less ability to even buy simple things like over the counter medicines or even wrinkle cream. Then the lower middle class makes up almost a third of the population. Again, these people are paying the bills, but spending money is often rare.

While some people can successfully enjoy aging, the pictures shown of celebrities aging aren't realistic of what life is really like for the majority of people. I know quite a few women in their 60's, pass even more in the grocery stores, they certainly don't look like models. Looks of course aren't the only important things, but I can imagine breast sagging to the belly button could be an issue for personal self esteem. 

People go through so much to stay young because they value the life or time they have and want to ensure they keep enjoying the benefits of youth. Having the mental benefits of age mixed with physical youth is an ideal mix for many.

Wisdom teeth extraction has become a rite of passage for Americans in their late teens. Our offices fill up during college breaks with young students looking to ease the soreness in their mouths as these new teeth attempt to break through. But does everyone go through this? And why? Well, here is the basic info on what you should know about Wisdom Teeth and extraction:

There are a lot of reasons people want IB, but a pretty good one is that once you have the job, its effectively risk free return. There are so many banks that convert effectively 100% of interns to full time, and anyone that wants to stick around after 2 years gets the A2A promote. Even after that it is not at all difficult to the get the associate to VP promotion after 3 years, especially if you went A2A and can run circles around the MBA associates. The first true bottleneck / competitive promotion is getting promoted to director. Think about that for a second. That's 150k a year while you're 22-23, 250-350k until you're 26, and then you can sit around as a VP making 500k a year starting from when you're 27 until your early 30s solely because you chose to grind it out and not quit. I have never seen nor heard of a junior employee getting fired in my BB's IB division because of incompetence or just being bad, and there are a ton of analysts, associates, and VPs at my firm who are quite frankly awful at their job. There are very few career fields in the world that will let you earn this much in your 20s -- most of them are literal one in a million athletes, musicians, models -- people with real god given talent, and even the ones that are normal jobs like tech, consulting, quant finance, and investing at least require you to be good or you get pushed out of the company. To date, IB is the only job I've seen or heard of that that will pay you half a mil a year when you're 30 simply for being not absolute dogshit. So long as you close your eyes, grit your teeth, and keep showing up to work, even as everyone around you leaves, the checks keep hitting your bank account. And that's a job a lot of people would kill for, even if they don't yet understand why so many people leave or what it's actually like to do it.

Sure, but the question wasn't if IB was worth it -- it was why so many people want an IB job. For most people that break into IB, there will be a point in their career where it is no longer worth it, and they will leave to do something they perceive to be more interesting or more chill. But consider it from the perspectives of the many people in this country that work long hours, double shifts, or hard manual labor jobs, working just as hard as IB, but also don't get paid a ton. To them, a job that pays 150k a year and doesn't really require you to be smart or talented would sound like the greatest deal in the world. The problem is, word gets around about jobs like this and the competition is driven up and suddenly, most of the kids getting hired by investment banks are smart and talented, even the though the job doesn't really necessitate it. But smart and talented kids aren't going to sit around in a job that doesn't use their smarts and talents -- they get bored, and they leave, and the cycle continues. It's ironic because it's a job that winds up being least worth it for those who can have it, but most worth it for those who can't break in.

Same commenter here: can you ellaborate on that actually? I'm having a really hard time making the choice. In energy trading I can retire by 30 and do whatever I want persay, but I won't have any real skills outside of trading. Banking I think gives me more optionality. At one of the top supers in their trading program rn

Because in the context of a 40-50 year career span, 6 years is nothing. If it takes 6 years at the beginning of your career to stamp 3 brand names on your resume that will never have your credentials questioned ever again for the next 40 years, its a good bargain for many people. Also, I understand your point about how nowadays you can enter pretty much any field directly out of undergrad if you're good enough -- problem is most people don't know what they want to do for their whole career when they're 22 fresh out of undergrad. This way, they get 6 years to consider that decision and make a more educated specialization after bschool and 2 jobs that expose them to a variety of industries and management teams, all while making a ton of money.

Not everyone is required to file an income tax return each year. Generally, if your total income for the year doesn't exceed certain thresholds, then you don't need to file a federal tax return. The amount of income that you can earn before you are required to file a tax return also depends on the type of income, your age and your filing status.

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