Why Are Human Babies So Helpless? - References

  • Dunsworth, Holly M., et al. "Metabolic hypothesis for human altriciality." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109.38 (2012): 15212-15216.

  • Piantadosi, Steven T., and Celeste Kidd. "Extraordinary intelligence and the care of infants." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.25 (2016): 6874-6879.

  • Dunsworth, Holly M. "Thank your intelligent mother for your big brain." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.25 (2016): 6816-6818.

  • Wong, Kate. "Why humans give birth to helpless babies." Sci Am, Aug 28 (2012).

  • Hammond, Kimberly A., and Jared Diamond. "Maximal sustained energy budgets in humans and animals." Nature 386.6624 (1997): 457-462.

  • Butte, Nancy F., and Janet C. King. "Energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation." Public health nutrition 8.7a (2005): 1010-1027.

  • Neubauer, Simon, and Jean-Jacques Hublin. "The evolution of human brain development." Evolutionary Biology 39.4 (2012): 568-586.

  • Scheiber, Isabella BR, et al. "The importance of the altricial–precocial spectrum for social complexity in mammals and birds–a review." Frontiers in zoology 14.1 (2017): 3.