To all legal professionals, Law Companies , Law colleges of  Delhi

We are excited to introduce WHRC LEGAL CELL's upcoming project, "JUSTICE FOR ALL - A Socio-Legal Service." This initiative is dedicated to ensuring equal access to justice for all members of our society, regardless of their socioeconomic background. As legal practitioners committed to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and equality, we invite you to become a part of this transformative endeavour.

Project  Overview

"JUSTICE FOR ALL" aims to bridge the gap between legal assistance and those in need of it. The project will provide free legal services, guidance, and support to individuals and communities who lack the resources to secure adequate legal representation. Our goal is to empower marginalized and underserved populations to navigate the complexities of the legal system and assert their rights effectively.

Volunteer Opportunity: A Lifetime of Impact

As legal professionals, you understand the profound impact that access to justice can have on individuals and society as a whole. By joining "JUSTICE FOR ALL" as a volunteer, you have the chance to make a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most. Here's why this volunteer opportunity is unique and different:

Lifetime Commitment: 

Unlike traditional volunteer programs, "JUSTICE FOR ALL" offers a lifetime commitment. This means that your involvement isn't limited to a specific timeframe. Instead, you have the opportunity to create an enduring legacy of positive change through ongoing support and advocacy.

Diverse Legal Challenges: 

As a volunteer, you will encounter a wide range of legal challenges, spanning from basic legal advice to more complex cases. This diversity allows you to continually enhance your legal skills, broaden your expertise, and contribute to the betterment of society.

Holistic Approach:

 "JUSTICE FOR ALL" adopts a holistic approach to socio-legal service. This means that as a volunteer, you won't just be providing legal solutions; you'll also be addressing the underlying social issues that contribute to legal challenges. This comprehensive approach has the potential to create systemic change and promote long-term justice.

Professional Growth: 

Your participation in this project will not only benefit those you assist but also contribute to your own professional growth. Engaging with real-life cases from diverse backgrounds will enrich your legal experience and deepen your understanding of the complexities of law and society.

Network of Change: 

By joining our volunteer network, you'll connect with fellow legal professionals who share your passion for justice. This collaborative community will provide opportunities for knowledge exchange, mentorship, and collective advocacy on issues of societal importance.

How to Get Involve

To become a volunteer for "JUSTICE FOR ALL - A Socio-Legal Service," please  contact  Legal-Secretary at and complete the volunteer registration form. We encourage you to take this unique opportunity to be a driving force in creating a more just and equitable society.

Thank you for your commitment to the principles of justice and for considering this opportunity to make a lasting impact.