Chairman's massage

Dear Honored Guests, Esteemed Partners, Dedicated Stakeholders, and Valued Members of the World Human Rights Council (WHRC),

As the Chairman of the World Human Rights Council, I am immensely delighted to announce the launch of our ambitious project, "JUSTICE FOR ALL - A Socio-Legal Service by WHRC Legal Cell."

At the core of our existence lies the unwavering belief that every individual, regardless of their background or social standing, deserves equal access to justice and legal support. Sadly, we are all too aware of the countless souls who remain marginalized and underserved, unable to attain the protection and relief that the legal system can provide. Today, we unite under a common vision—to bridge this gap and bring justice within reach of every person in need.

The "JUSTICE FOR ALL" project embodies the values that the WHRC has upheld since its inception: compassion, empathy, and a resolute commitment to safeguarding human rights. Our Legal Cell, driven by an extraordinary team of legal professionals and volunteers, shall stand as a beacon of hope for those who have been silenced by injustice.

Through this noble endeavour, we aspire to provide socio-legal services at low cost, ensuring affordability and accessibility to those who have long yearned for legal assistance but could not avail of it due to financial constraints. The WHRC Legal Cell shall be a sanctuary, where every individual's voice will be heard, and their rights vigorously defended.

We envision a future where vulnerable communities and marginalized individuals no longer suffer in silence but find empowerment through the pursuit of justice. With the collaborative efforts of our esteemed partners, dedicated community outreach teams, generous funding organizations, supportive governments, and empathetic media partners, we shall weave a web of hope and change that extends far beyond geographical boundaries.

Our message is simple yet profound—"JUSTICE FOR ALL." In the face of adversity and societal challenges, we pledge to remain resolute and steadfast in our mission. Together, we shall build a society that values compassion over indifference, unity over division, and fairness over discrimination.

I call upon every stakeholder present here today, and those beyond these walls, to join hands and hearts in this transformative endeavour. Let us channel our energies and resources towards creating a world where justice prevails as an inalienable right, where "JUSTICE FOR ALL" is not a distant dream, but a living reality.

Thank you for your unwavering support, for it is through our collective determination that we shall make a profound difference in the lives of countless souls. Let us embark on this journey with hope, courage, and an unwavering belief in the power of justice to heal and uplift humanity.

 With profound gratitude and determination,

   Suresh Verma

   Chairman & Founder

World Human Rights Council (WHRC)

Chairman Introduction

Introducing the dynamic chairman and founder of WHRC (2012), an individual with an exceptional set of skills and an unparalleled breadth of experience across diverse domains. With a penchant for analytical thinking and a natural ability to solve complex problems, he stands as a true situation analyzer and a forward-thinking problem solver.

Over the course of an impressive 31-year career, he has ventured into numerous fields, leaving an indelible mark in each one. From Marketing, Management, and Projects to Information Technology, his expertise knows no bounds. Furthermore, he possesses a unique blend of talents, being proficient not only as a Graphic Designer and Content Writer but also as a charismatic Speaker.

Amidst his extensive professional journey, he has dedicated a significant portion of his life to the pursuit of Human Rights advocacy. With a remarkable 10-year experience in this domain, he has delved into the realms of law and education, specifically focusing on Teaching Human Rights to Police Personnel.

Teaching Human Rights to Police Personnel.

Such is his influence and expertise that, since 2018, he has been appointed as a Guest Faculty to C.D.T.I., a prestigious unit operating under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. In this esteemed role, he serves as a lecturer, imparting invaluable knowledge and insights on Human Rights to individuals ranging from Police Sub-Inspectors to Superintendents of Police, encompassing both the regular police force and paramilitary ranks 

Among the critical issues that have deeply resonated with him, the cause of custodial violence has become a paramount concern. With unwavering dedication, he endeavours to address this pressing issue, advocating for comprehensive reforms in the treatment of detainees and suspects in police custody.

His multidisciplinary experience, coupled with his relentless commitment to human rights, makes him a beacon of hope and progress. As he continues to inspire change and champion justice, his impact on society remains profound, encouraging others to join the cause for a more equitable and compassionate world