Who is doing what?

Some stories are about succes, luck, goodwill or the power of doing good.

Sometimes life is all about money or fame, ..

Who are the players? Who are the winners? Who are living where? Who is earning what?

Famous people sharing their stories by doing their daily job, giving interviews, talking to the public and making a change possible.

This is what we are looking for at WHOWHAT.

Help us to find a way to make the greatest real-life stories go public.

Help us to connect to people who are fighting for a better world.


At WhoWhat we want to connect, communicate and create the stories into content online, blogs, vlogs, podcasts and photo's online.

It all starts with someone willing to help someone to help someone .....

People who still work for peace, healing and helping people, finding a cure or changing governments and making the crowd see the true morals and standards to live for.

Going Vegan like Ghandi, or saying YesWeCan like Obama can be an amazing life-changing achievement. Reaching out to help people like Bill Gates and his wife Melinda, giving charitable organisations the fundings they need and helping to find the knowledge they need.

People like Steve Jobs trying to innovate the world into a better world. Care better, be better, do better.