Is It Legal To Own A Real Sword?

There has always been some form of legislation when it comes to owning weapons. You need to know what you are getting yourself into. As the law goes, there is more emphasis on the intention to own and use so that needs to be clear. When it comes to something as historic and impressive as swords, the rules are a little different. You see, swords, unlike other weapons are more artifacts as opposed to actual weapons. They were used once in battle to defend one’s honor but they are now admired as antique collectibles. If you worry, is it legal to own a real sword, yes it is, unless you intend to kill someone with it. The legal sale and purchase of swords is a common practice in the United States and you might be surprised how many people sign up. It is also better to be familiar with your state laws on sword ownership just in case. Otherwise, swords are not seen as weapons anymore and are looked at as artifacts instead.

Contrary to popular belief, swords are not just things of the past. They may be around a thousand years but they are not going anywhere. All over the world, different swords represent symbols of power, status, bravery, and perseverance. It is fitting that people would like to own them to show off or as memorabilia. If you are looking for weapon swords, they may be on the higher price list. But there are dozens of cheap swords you can also get your hands on pretty easily. There are tons of options in the market to choose from if you know where to look.

Real Swords And How They Are Relevant

For someone who may have just admired swords as weapons in movies or in history, they are just that. It might be hard to imagine swords can still serve some sort of purpose in life other than noble duties. Yes, swords are still used to knight people and ceremoniously, but beyond that there are reasons as well. For the most part, swords represent power but also imagination and craftsmanship. There actually are real-life uses of swords that are prevalent to this day.

Knife Fighting

In many parts of the world, there are full sports and activities that involve swords and their regular use. They are meant to be trained with and they are commonly found as training tools as well. The first knife fighting exercise that is worked out is in martial arts. There are multiple sections of mixed martial arts that teach sword fighting. Large katana swords are still used in training to build reflexes, upper body strength and stability. They are also used to hone the fighting skills of martial arts trainees who want to go the extra mile.

Another famous sport involving swords is fencing. An ancient French practice that involves two people facing each other with thin needle-like swords known as rapiers. Fencing is not just an old sport, it is still actively practiced all around the world, especially as an extra-curricular activity. The rapier swords are meant for stabbing, poking and psyching your opponent. You can find a long list of these swords in your market if you want to buy them.

Collecting - Cool Swords That Continue To Impress

For the weapon enthusiasts, mention of swords brings back a whole lot of themes and stories. They are affiliated to knights, kings, soldiers and even villains. These swords all represent one thing or another and that is why they are still very relevant. In these modern times, the idea of cool swords is more affiliated with collectibles than functional blades. These collectibles have different themes as well.

Antique swords

You have your classic weapons that have been around for a long time. These swords are the ones that were carried by legendary people or belonged to historic time periods. The Long swords of King Arthur and Knights of the Templar are some of them. Then you have the general warrior’s swords that are both antique heirlooms and replicas. People like to hold onto heirlooms as generational gifts and others like to buy antiques to grow their showcase. These are the more expensive kinds of swords that one would get out of sheer interest in collecting history.

Themed Swords

On the other hand, if you were a modern sword enthusiast, you will look at something different. There is a booming industry of collectibles from famous fandoms, both fantasy and otherwise. You will be astonished how many people like to buy collectible weapons and replicas from their favorite fandoms. Swords account for a large amount of those collectibles since they feature in every story and saga in one way or another. These swords would include the Sting from Lord of the Rings or the long sword from Braveheart and many more.

Cosplay Swords

You can count on the imagination of fans and collectors to put their collectibles to good use. A growing trend among collector communities is to also to dress up and do cosplay with their chosen weapons. These swords are also used for events like Comic Con, where anime swords and other collectibles are valuable props. They also increase in value among collectors who can choose to sell them off when they want so they are actually profitable as well.

Finding The Best Sword Under Budget

There is no doubt about the fact that if you are a sword enthusiast, you do have multiple options. But in the market, your best bet is to find stores online for finding unique swords. You might find some pieces here and there but the most variety will be online. Luckily, there are more than few outlets you can turn to that will have what you want.

The issue is price, when it comes to collecting impressive swords. If you are leaning towards antiques, you don’t want to dole out money on a single piece. But the upside to shopping online is that you get variety as well as an objective view of what is available. The answer is wholesale swords, and no one will give you better options in that area than PA Knives. They are the best in the business and will have a collection worth spending money over without draining your budget.