But it's okay. You will survive. It's not even a loss. If people choose to be in your life, in real life or on social media, they are your peeps. If not, let 'em go. They won't be there when you need them. When good stuff happens for you, they may smile but not truly celebrate it. It may feel blunt and very middle school-ish to be" unfriended" by a neighbor, relative, co-worker or friend/acquaintance. It's a power move. I-did-it-first type of thing. It's an aggressive move done in a passive-aggressive way for some and yet, it's nothing personal or malicious for others. Don't ask why they unfriended you. It's probably something you don't want to hear.


I did once message a Facebook friend who I made through my writing to ask why she unfriended me. She thought something was directed towards her. She misunderstood my intention behind a post I had made. We reconnected and it was fine. Would I do that now? No.

I've talked with many women who have been "unfriended" and they relayed how it made them feel bad. When I first started blogging a few years ago and really actually being myself, one friend who I really liked and had spent many good times at her house unfriended me. It hurt my feelings, but I realized she didn't value me and that was a dealbreaker for me anyway. I could have gone into how maybe I was wrong about a certain subject, too outspoken, too fierce in my self-love, or feel I had to change in order to be liked. Ugh! Never do that. I can see how it seemed that overnight on social media I had become a selfie queen who posted a lot and was probably speaking in almost a different language to her. It was so liberating to be myself even if everyone didn't like that version.

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Just recently I was unfriended by a woman I had done podcasts with a few years ago. She sent me a message that she didn't feel any connection to me anymore and we probably shouldn't be friends on Facebook or even catch up via phone. I was taken aback. I still love her though. I actually like the diversity of friends I have. I like that not all are married, have kids, live in the U.S., are in their 30s, or any of the things that make up me. I have unfriended Facebook friends I never interacted with to make room for other people if they posted really negative things or haven't posted a thing in three years. Maybe it seems I'm being hypocritical, but these people I didn't actually know, but rather just over the internet and I wasn't sure how half of them even got on my friends list to be honest. It surely was not personal... even with the negative people. It was a vibe thing. Our vibrations were not the same. I'm sure my happy posts probably pissed them off at times. We don't all have to be friends though.

I've already tried logging in and out, deleting and re- installing both Facebook and Candy Crush, and doing hard reset on both mobile phone and I pad and the unfriended friend still shows ( minus his profile picture now).

Yesterday my hand hovered over the Unfriend button on Facebook. Having only unfriended once before, I'm a bit of a Unfriending Virgin so it didn't come easily or naturally. I felt my blood boiling and a thousand justifications to go through with the impulse:He was, what I would consider, rude on my most recent Facebook update.He then went and commented three more times, shaming my friends who were commenting.His politics and world view are clearly far from my own.And to boot? I don't even know the guy! We have mutual friends but this was my first interaction with him so not much to lose by unfriending him, right?But I paused. I made a silent deal with myself that I'd at least not do it from a place of anger and give myself the day to think through what I want my grounds to be for unfriending someone.

Love this post. I have never unfriended someone though I have had people unfriend me. I never thought about the whole process, it just seemed mean, is all. Thanks for taking on this topic, there is apparently more to it than I thought.

Okay, I lied (inadvertently). I unfriended both my sons. Not a good idea for school staff to be FB (or other venue) friends with middle and high school kids, especially in the same district where the day job is.

Having been pretty close with the person for a number of years, I became a bit curious. I remembered they recently were quite upset with me about something, and I wondered if they just may have unfriended me. Sure enough, they did exactly that. 2351a5e196

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