You are using the WIBU Codemeter dongles with CVB 2011. When this version was current, the Codemeter dongles had serial numbers starting 2xxxxxx. This number can be found at the base of the USB plug. This indicates the security chip version. New dongles (at the time of writing) have serial number 3xxxxxx, indicating a newer security chip.

The Codemeter runtime (including the Codemeter Control Centre) had no knowledge of the future hardware version, so it is simply not detected. However installing a newer version of the Codemeter runtime will give you backward compatibility for the 2xxxxxx dongles as well as the 3xxxxxx dongles.

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To get rid of the low disk space warnings, you can modify the behavior of the CodeMeter dongle so that it presents itself to the operating system as a removable disc (for which the low disc space warning will not be shown). To do that, you will need to know the serial number of the dongle - this is not the CVB serial number, but the one lasered on the USB plug and visible in the CodeMeter Control Center. These numbers have the format 2-xxxxxxx or 3-xxxxxxx. Once you know the serial number of your dongle, open a CodeMeter Command Prompt from your start menu and enter the command

I guess because of these issues, WIBU systems implemented a new approach, the HID or _h_uman _i_nterface _d_evice mode in which the CodeMeter dongle acts as a human interface device (like mouse or keyboard). This preserves the advantage of not having to work with a dongle-specific system driver and eliminates the side-effects of the mass storage device mode (however some virus scanners are wary about previously unknown input devices due to the inherent malicious potential).

My guess is, that for reasons unknown to me you may have ended up having a dongle that is - unintentionally - still using HID communication mode, and that you are trying to use it with a version that is based on the 4.xx runtimes (basically all versions of ). You can easily verify this: Open a CodeMeter Command prompt

and enter the command

(of course xxxxxxx will need to be replaced with the proper serial number of your dongle which you can read from the engravings on the USB plug). For a dongle that is using HID mode, the output will look like this:

If no dongle is detected when inserted, the most likely cause is that the USB device has been assigned a driver letter that is in use by another device. For example if the device is assigned the drive letter E:\ but this is also assigned as a shared network drive. A drive letter can be assigned in Computer Management (admin access). This can be accessed by right-clicking on My Computer and selecting Manage or alternatively type computer management into the Start menu search bar.

With Computer Management open, navigate to the Disk Management. This will list all available drives. If the CodeMeter dongle is being correctly detected, there should be an entry titled CodeMeter. If this has not been assigned a drive letter, or has been assigned an already used drive letter, you can right-click on the CodeMeter name and select Change Drive Letters and Paths. Assign an unused drive letter.

A new CodeMeter dongle with a serial number 3-xxxxxx is registered with the system as a Human Interface Devices (HID), rather than a hard drive. Therefore, it won't be displayed in the My Computer, nor the Disk Management. Instead, you can find out if your CodeMeter dongle has been detected by checking Devices and Printers. 

Please update the CodeMeter Runtime to the latest version, in case a new CodeMeter dongle is not detected. For more information, please see: CodeMeter FAQ

For more than 30 years, dongles have been an obvious and effective choice for software protection. Reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated, as the technology remains a favorite for developers and users alike. What software developers like about it is the great protection it offers against hackers, coming at comparatively low costs for them. Users, on the other hand, enjoy its portability and the option of using their licenses on the go and, if they want, offline. More recent copy protection technologies, such as licenses in the cloud bound to individual users or individual machines, might beat dongles on even lower upfront costs per user and on the immediate availability of the licenses. Power users typically also have licenses for multiple applications and software systems, and they are not too keen to lug around a big bulge of license dongles.

I am trying to implement VirtualHere to share several Wibu Codemeter dongles, (I still use only one to test and then we will buy the license) and it works great but I have a problem that I would like to see if it could help me.

Sometimes if you are using the dongle on the client and the internet fails or the internet is very slow on the client side it gives a bsod "STOP 0x0000000A: IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL - usbstor.sys".

Hi, actually you need to use win10 instead of win7 if possible because win7 wont be support be me or microsoft soon, so no fixes are planned for win7 now. However looking at the crash, its not actually in the virtualhere windows driver, rather its in the win7 usb disk driver so its not fixable. I have a wibu codemeter dongle i use for testing and havent seen this issue, but i do use win10 now...

I have a question about this... Maybe is a stupid question...

This is a Windows driver problem, OK I agree with you but after read a lot of forums about usbstor.sys I'm thinking to try use Zidag software to replace default driver of codemeter (usbstor) by winusb...

This site does not sell any cracked programs.

 The purpose of this site was established to take backups of your dongles according to urgent needs.

 Creating a patch for a software program or electronics product. Performing cryptanalysis on security systems that control access to digital data.

 Copyright owner may request removal of this page. If a valid email is contacted, it will be removed within 24 hours.

Our reliable WibuKey still offers software protection for many interfaces and operating systems. For your new projects however, we recommend our flexible CodeMeter technology with scalable security features ranging from software activation through to dongle solutions, and including extensive licensing management functionalities.

When I connect the USB dongle everything works great, but after a day or two (I haven't measured the exactly time) it loses the connection to the dongle making all licensed software fail, because the dongle is not available anymore.


i worked in the past a lot with Codemeter and is not as bad like Pace and the Advance is if you have a Studio and a Computer there its no problem to use this as a Webclient for use the Software without a dongle ,or alternative gives now a non Dongle Solution of this Company !Wibu have a very good support and its very hard to crack ,and interesting if you sell Plugins in the higher pricing Segment

A. They have to buy a $40 dongle just to try it out,

B. Before they can try your product they have to sort through licensing BS to get it registered, and whatever the licensing middleware is doing is their first experience with your product and is representing your work.

@jonathonracz so may I ask what experience you base this long rant on? Have you ever used any dongle based protection in one of your plugins? Can you compare between plugins that are protected and plugins that are not? Ever removed it and saw the effects it had on sales first hand?

Note: As of dSPACE Release 2023-A, the migration of old dongles via dSPACE Installation Manager (for green WibuKey dongles) and the dSPACE Dongle Migration Tool (for Rev. 2-xxx dongles) is no longer supported.

I have recently discovered some software which uses Codemeters Wibu usb dongles for licensing. Is there an existing option to bypass this and if so, where to find it. Or what should one do to bypass it themselves ?

1) Can I use a single-workplace license over Remote Desktop?

2) PTV Visum does not start. Instead an error message is displayed:

"The user maximum of the CodeMeter network is reached, Error 212."

"All existing licenses of the network dongle are already used by other computers. Error code: 212."

The Eventlog in the CmDust report states:

"API Event WB218 (NO LICENSE AVAILABLE) occurred (returned to caller)"

"The required license (..) is damaged (reason: Invalid network size 0) and can no longer be used."

3) Single users occupy unwillingly multiple licenses.

No. Customers will only need new dongles when they are updating licenses in a secure offline environment. Significantly fewer physical dongles will be needed under WIBU Codemeter. Licenses are associated with specific machines. Licenses can be updated or added without dongles in an online environment.

To activate the licence on a specific computer with a specific Wibu dongle, a licence request needs to be created. This request is done by the user, with the dongle attached to the computer, using the steps shown below. This creates a file (the .WibuCmRaC file), which is then sent to From there, we update the licence file (to include a specific version, or trial, etc) and return it to you.

Download the Codemeter install exe and run the appropriate exe on each computer wishing to access the dongle: . Once installed, a Codemeter icon should appear in the system tray. The icon changes colour and appearance depending on the number of dongles attached to the computer.

If you want to take TouchDesigner anywhere you go, a dongle license option is available for the ultimate in mobility and convenience. Purchasing a dongle will let you put one of the licenses in your account onto a secure USB licensing dongle. The key installed on the dongle will automatically key TouchDesigner on any computer that the dongle is plugged into (assuming the CodeMeter Runtime is installed on the computer). be457b7860

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