Dapper Dan

DOB 5/13/14

S: Blue-Ridge Royal Dandy

D: CH White Rock Farm Ilene


  • 2018: 3x 1st, 3x GCH, 1x BIS (1 leg)

  • 2019: 3x 1st, 2x ResGCH

Progeny Retained:

  • Mancha

Big, flashy buck. Unfortunately a botched disbudding job so until recently he has stayed out of the show ring. We were able to get those scurs back to looking like "large scurs" (and not "natural horns") enough to show him at the 2018 MDGA buck show where he swept the Oberhasli breed and took BIS in a ring; unfortunately with only 9 Obers he was unable to complete his championship. Dapper Dan's powerful yet very smooth & correct front end is his greatest asset; he is largely being used on the grade does to improve length, levelness & strength.