The Legislative Analysis and Public Policy Association (LAPPA), with funding support from ONDCP, has also developed new model legislation for state governments to support the creation and development of recovery-ready workplaces in their states.

This model law provides a template of suggested legislative provisions that can be enacted in states across country so that they can offer access to life-saving naloxone. Specifically, the model law would:

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Specifically, officials pointed to a computer model released weeks earlier by Imperial College London that, at the time, predicted that if no action were taken to slow the spread of the virus, about 2.2 million people in the United States would die over the course of the outbreak.

Then administration officials described separate modeling that predicts that by imposing strict social distancing measures, the toll from the current wave of infections can be reduced to somewhere between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths.

IHME's model forecasts the outcome for each state by taking into account not just which measures state officials have imposed, but also the date on which officials imposed the measures and how much transmission was already underway by that point, as measured by the number of COVID-19 deaths. The model also considers how strict the measures are, with the greatest weight given to states that have imposed all three of the following options: closing educational facilities, closing nonessential businesses and issuing stay-at-home orders. The model is then adjusted based on what portion of a state's residents those various rules have been applied to. For instance, are the measures limited to certain cities or counties? Or are they statewide rules?

But at the briefing Tuesday, officials did not specify how long their modeling assumes social distancing measures would remain in place. Chris Murray, IHME's director, says the modeling team is working on a projection for exactly "what sort of rebound we will see" if social distancing were to be eased after April 30 instead of June 1. But he says there's no question it would be significant.

Technically this is not an assumption in the model, but a prediction: Notwithstanding the large number of people who will get sick and even die over the roughly three months the model projects it will take to snuff the current wave of infections, the vast majority of Americans will not contract the virus. This means they will not have immunity against future waves of infection, which could be sparked by cases in the U.S. that remained undetected or by infected visitors from countries where the virus is still circulating widely.

But key issues around the OSTP guidance remain unresolved. To what extent will journals shift their business models as a result? And what approach will they take to open access? Such issues, experts say, are weighty, with implications not only for scholarly publishing, one of the largest-margin industries in the world, but also for science itself.

In an editorial in early September, Parikh and other senior executives at the AAAS warned that one of the most cited open-access publishing models, in which authors pay a fee called an article processing charge that allows their research to be published without a paywall, would create inequities.

President Biden signed an executive order on artificial intelligence on Oct. 30. The order, at over 100 pages, covered national security, talent and immigration, discrimination and technical oversight of foundation models.

Content Provenance. Third, Generative AI has ushered in a host of concerns around the provenance of content (aka whether it is human-generated or machine-generated), building on the rise of deep fakes and synthetic media in the past decade. The EO tasks Commerce to produce a report surveying the space of techniques for content provenance, watermarking, and other detection approaches. Such research is vital, given existing legislative proposals may be premature in mandating watermarking. Namely, watermarking methods are quite nascent, especially for language models, lacking the required technical and institutional feasibility. However, we believe action will be needed, with recent announcements across the pond, especially with the growing concerns of AI-generated CSAM that are highlighted in the EO. Otherwise, we risk regulating with standards that are technically infeasible or simply do not exist.

For more than two decades, federal agencies relied on a perimeter security model to protect their enterprise data. The biggest challenge now is shifting away from the existing infrastructure built on implicit trust and align with zero trust principles.

Specifically, under the proposed Federal Supplier Climate Risks and Resilience Rule, major suppliers to the U.S. federal government will be required to publicly disclose greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and climate-related financial risk. It will also ask these companies to take tangible action by setting science-based GHG reduction targets, the most ambitious decarbonization targets available, which are already deployed by major U.S. corporations like AT&T, Ball Corporation and Johnson Controls.

It has been displayed in every U.S. state. In the 1970s and early 1980s, it was displayed in several foreign countries. In the Netherlands, the replica was attacked by a group of anti-American vandals, who damaged most of the model, but all was eventually repaired.[1]

In 1994, W. W. Norton & Company published The White House in Miniature by Gail Buckland, a book about the model's history and creators that features photographs of all the miniature rooms. A VHS/DVD tour of the replica has also been made.

Lichtman and Keilis-Borok published their prediction model in a 1981 paper, and at this stage their system had just 12 items.[4] They later expanded it to 13. Some of the keys are objective, such as economic growth, while some are subjective, such as candidate charisma.[5]

In 2000, Lichtman predicted that Al Gore would be elected president.[18] Gore won the national popular vote but lost the Electoral College and did not become president. Lichtman argued that in 2000 he specifically predicted the winner of the national popular vote, which Gore won.[19] In his 1988 book The Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, Lichtman defined his model as predicting the outcome of the popular vote.[20] However, he did not remind readers of this nuance in his journal articles wherein he made his prediction for 2000.[21][18] He simply predicted that Gore would win. Lichtman further argues that Gore was the rightful winner of the 2000 election, and lost because of improper ballot counting in Florida. Had Gore won Florida, he would have received the additional electoral votes he needed to win the election.[22]

The French version of the house was burned by the Germans in 1944 during the Second World War so for almost half a century pretty much all that was left of the mansion was the neoclassic faade which so resembles the famous South Portico of the American White House. About ten years ago, the mansion was refurbished into large apartments and is now a residential property so it is not open for visits, although passersby can grab more than a generous glimpse of the stately building from the forest and parks that surround it.

A senior administration official said other streams of data being analyzed include local hospital capacity, the ability of health departments to trace the contacts of people who test positive, the types of businesses in a community and whether they could ensure worker safety if they reopen and economic modeling under varying scenarios. The official provided details on the condition of anonymity to discuss ongoing planning.

The model generated attention because it offered the first state-by-state outlook for the next several months, based on how the outbreak is reacting to the various containment efforts put in place at different times around the country. It shows how the outbreak will unfold at a different pace in various states. For example, the model predicts it will peak about a month earlier in New York than in Texas.

QUESTION: Josh, just quickly first on Yemen. I know you're asked this every time something terrible happens in Yemen. But -- but now that we have, you know, essentially complete chaos in Yemen, does the White House still believe that Yemen is the model for counterterrorism strategy?

QUESTION: You know, that -- that's astounding. You're saying that you still see Yemen as the model? I mean, the central -- building up the central government, a central government which is now collapsed; a president who has apparently fled the country. You know, Saudi troops massing on one border; the Iranians, you know, supporting the rebels. You consider this -- this as a model for counterterrorism?

The finished scene was so realistic that Emmerich had to actually edit the scene slightly so people realized that the president and his family were able to get away from the exploding White House unscathed. Not bad for a building the size of a Barbie dream house.

I landed on the lawn of the White House and disappointed in the model of the White House from the ground. I barely got airborne before secret service shot me! 

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This 3D model of the American White House is additionally equipped with LED warm light accessories on the original style. The purpose is to inject one of the most important landmarks in the United States into the 3D model, so that you can enjoy the night view of the White House at any time, and hope to bring you an immersive and perfect experience through puzzles.

The Greening of the White House Report, on President Clinton's legacy ofgreening at the White House, summarizes progress made todate and gives an overview of new opportunities identified during the pastyear. It also includes an environmental history of the White House and a short tour of the buildings that make up the WhiteHouse complex. Over the past five years, this initiative has involvedhundreds of dedicated people from both within and outside government. Adescription of how they worked together to develop and implement the Greening Planis also included in the report, along with a number of helpful resources. Many of the steps identified during the first two years of theGreening Initiative were implemented. The Second Annual Report, issued in March 1996, estimated savings of more than $150,000 per year in energy and watercosts, landscaping expenses, and expenditures associated with solid waste.White House Greening measures completed since 1996 are saving anadditional $150,000 each year, for a total of approximately $300,000 annually.These new projects, together with original measures, are also avoidingatmospheric emissions of at least 845 metric tons of carbon every year. The Greening Plan can decrease White House energy and waterconsumption by 50 percent or more. It also supports President Clinton's leadershiprole in protecting the environment. The Greening of the White House projectcreates an environmentally sustainable White House and a world-classenvironmental showcase. The White House has been described as the house of the people. Inthat sense, this work is not just about the White House, it is about your house.Many of the steps identified and implemented in this report make good economicand environmental sense for many Americans. Hopefully this report willprovide you with the ideas and inspiration to make your home, office, orbusiness more energy efficient, environmentally sound, and comfortable.  The Program's Start The President's Council on Environmental Quality assembled a team ofexperts that included members of the American Institute of Architects, theU.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the General ServicesAdministration, the National Park Service, the District of Columbia, the ExecutiveResidence Staff, the White House Office of Administration, and the Potomac ElectricPower Company. The team oversaw a comprehensive energy and environmentalaudit. In addition, the team participated in a greening design workshopthat produced recommendations to preserve the historical presence of the structureand maintain (or improve) comfort and productivity. More information can be found regarding the history of the Greeningof the White House on the Center for Renewable Energy and SustainableTechnology Web site.  White House Upgrades The White House upgrades represent an ongoing effort to cut wasteand improve energy efficiency throughout the complex (the ExecutiveResidence, the Old Executive Office Building [OEOB], and the White House Grounds).Since beginning the upgrades at the White House, similar upgrades havebeen made at other Federal facilities, including the Pentagon and buildings atthe Grand Canyon. The Greening measures fit into seven categories: Building Envelope: A significant amount of energy is lostthrough the roof, windows, and walls of buildings, so those areas wereanalyzed for options to increase efficiency. Lighting: Energy-saving light bulbs were installedwhereverpossible, and steps were taken to ensure lights are turned off in rooms thatare not in use. Maximizing the use of natural light was a priority,because it's free and more visually pleasing. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC):Measureswere sought to reduce the amount of energy used to heat and cool thebuildings while simultaneously increasing occupant comfort. Improvingindoor air quality and reducing the use of paint with volatile organiccompounds are also major goals. Plug Loads: Energy-saving office equipment wasinstalled, and refrigerators and coolers were replaced with moreenergy-efficient models. Waste: After analyzing the waste being generated, acomprehensive recycling program began for aluminum, glass, paper, newsprint,furniture, batteries, fluorescent lamps, paint solvents, and laser printercartridges. Organic yard waste is recycled at an off-site compostingfacility. Vehicles: Many leased vehicles accept cleaner-burningalternative fuels, and the White House is participating in a pilot program to testelectric vehicles. Also, many employees use public transportation todecrease the use of automobiles. Landscaping: Methods to reduce unnecessary water andpesticideuse and increase organic fertilizers on the grounds of the complexwere analyzed. ff782bc1db

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