What do I do if my baby cries when I lay him down? He refuses to sleep in his cradle and cries when I lay him down for his naps. Will only fall asleep if someone is holding him or in his swing. Help! He is 3.5 weeks old


From what I understood the baby whisperer says that we shouldn't feed baby before sleep not to give her a bad habit.

However, according to your "routine" exemple, we give baby a second "cluster feed" and put her right back to bed.

Is it not giving a bad habit?

Also, how did you manage to stop the "dream feed"?

I have tried it for the first time last night (my baby is 5 weeks old). First it was a nightmare to wake her up. But also I am worried about giving her a bad habit of eating late at night.

Thanks a lot for your help!

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When I am in the throws of torment I listen to the psalms and cry myself a river as I grit my teeth with self loathing and fear, In those moments do I long to die? do I long to escape any way possible? yes and yes. But of this I am sure. I cant and I wont. Therefore I dig my heels in; face my torment and pain in the face as I feel my gut and every cell in m body explode with anguish and remind myself that this too shall pass. I hold tight to His spoken truth that I am a sinner saved by graced, and it is for me that He came, I might not love myself but he sure does love me and His love is not based on my feelings thus no hell or high water can take that fact away from me. May the Lord God of Israel find you in the throws of your pain and seat with you as you fight to hold on to life in this fallen world with the assured hope of eternal bliss in the life here after at His appointed time.

For the past 5 years he has made 4 steps to every single one of mine and has been my constant companion and protector. That was fine as a single woman. My husband has known him from day 1 and they have always vied for my affection, which I like to hope I doled out appropriately. 3 months ago I had a beautiful baby boy. Wiley has always been my protector, whether against the mail man or my nieces and nephews or even my husband when I was sick or upset. Three days ago a beautiful day turned dark when he bit my husband, totally unprovoked through the window of his truck as I stood right there holding our baby. None of us saw it coming- I thought he was way off in the field doing some important rodent hunting.

They struggled to reconnect the catheter line, but because I was present and holding my doggie resolutely, he did not have to be fitted with a muzzle. When the line was in place, I carried him back to the room and asked the doctor to begin the procedure right away. Reilly was concerned by the blood and was trying to clean his paw. I held him and kissed him and whispered my love for him into his ear as his heart stopped and he breathed his last breath. I loved my dog more than I could tell him. And he loved me just as much and will feel a void where he should be for a very long time.

I am from south asia. And a buddhist. Our releigeous beliefs aare very different about death. And after death .all. Of us have kited befor as humane beings we had earlier lives and met each other As parents , offsprings. Freinds. too as family members. And will be reborn again again untill we elliminate our desires and anger and delusion of eternity. From our minds. At last moment we remind dying person not to be attach to people who he or she. Is. leaving behind but. Keep his or her mind on good work they did while alive. happiness he or she gave to others and his ornher generosity . To family and others like His or her own good qualities. And rejoice about himself. . Somhe will not be born in spirit ghostly abode. Watching his loved ones. Spirit world is not good birth as humane birth. Mostt goodbpeople can be reborn in family or extended familys. Soon after they leave their bodys. Some kids can remember his or her previous life. And under hypnotism too. Adults can remember . Read dr. Brian wise hypnotists.( In america. ) with his patients.How patients. When hypnotoised said about their past lives with same parents and family. Sometime kids who died when their parents are young are reborn as their next child. . Or be born to a sybling when they. Become parents. If the. Late child was much attached to family at moment he passed away. Read edgar casy who lived last centuary in virginea america who was christian preist from virginea u.s who never believed or heard abot dead person ever reborn in earth as humane being suddnely went to trance and found past lives of many even about himself in various parts in world and found cause of incurable desease people had and found cure for those sicknesses. Francis story british pschologyst. Ian stevenson another american doctor went all over world to investigate about kids and adults who said about their earlier lives as humane beings. I know evangelist and hard core christian s dont believe any other faith but bible. Explaination. And muslims similiar thing heaven hell and earth only. It is a free world . One can belive even a myth. But truth is one. So far no one came who died from heaven or hell to tell others where they are, so everything is what relegeon teach. But today the trend is different. Can investigate other views. . Scientific too.The cause for bith and life Its end is common to all whatever one believes. The truth is everything every one is impermenent in this earth. Only time range differ. Sickness old age death is permenent feature to all living beings we cant hold any one anything tight. Our greif too we must never hold tight. Must let go.. All emotions are not permenent as life is not permenent. Only permenent feature is everything is impermenent. . Power. Money or love. Cant hold anyone anything tight. Forever. It will leave our grip. We must learn to accept that without too much struggle. Of course we all are sorry. When others have tragedys. And help each other. . But confront reality. . Same for every one what race nationality or faith one belong.

As tough as it can be for new parents who just want a few minutes to themselves, the fact is that very young babies often just want to be held. When you hold your baby, he feels your warm body and hears your heartbeat, a sound familiar from inside the womb. He smells your scent. When you cuddle him, he feels safe; it reminds him of the good old days back inside your belly. Plus, the closer he is, the more likely he is to receive your caresses and kisses.

When the sun is burning out

And the night is pouring in

Now is the time to run, run boy

Now is the time to hide

There's nobody out on the beach

There's nobody down in the woods

We're gonna do it alone

We're gonna do it outside-

And I can feel the air it's sticking to our skin so tight

And I can feel there's something special in this air tonight-

-I really got it bad

Tonight I really got it bad

But it's still so good, so good

That I got it at all and it was

Ravishing, ravishing

And I love to see the moonlight

See it shimmer down my dress

It's so ravishing, ravishing

And the wind is like a finger

Tracing patterns on your chest

You're so ravishing

And I know

This is the season that we make our move

This is the season we've got something to prove

And this is the season I've got something to lose

Oh, it's now or it's never

So now and forever, we're

Ravishing, ravishing


Ravishing, ravishing


Ravishing, ravishing oh-oh-oh

It's all right

We'll be ravishing each other till the end of this endless night

It's all right, so right, it's all right, so right

And if an angel broke his wings

Would he come to you for parts

I need a couple of wings boy, boy

I need a reason to soar

And if the devil lost his fire

Could he count on you for sparks?

There's something we ought to try now

We ought to try it some more-

-Than anything I ever wanted was to see the light

And there's a chance that we'll be glowing in the dark tonight-

I really got it bad

Tonight I really got it bad

Tonight I really got it bad

But it still felt good-so good-

-Just to get it at all, and it's so

Ravishing, ravishing

And I can't believe the way the stars are shooting through your hair

You're so ravishing, ravishing

And it's just my luck tonight I don't have anything to wear

We're so ravishing

This is the season that we make our move

This is the season we've got something to prove

This is the season I've got something to lose

All we ever really needed was

Ravishing, ravishing


Ravishing, ravishing


Ravishing, ravishing oh-oh-oh

It's all right

We'll be ravishing each other till the end of this endless night

It's all right, so right, it's all right, so right

Innocent child of this earth, 

i feel your burden, 

heavy on your shoulders, 

i cannot see your pain, 


in my heart i know....


the deep exhaustion that burns, 

for all the suffering you have known...

In my eye's a flow of tears, 

run a river blessed, 

with wishes sweet and true, 

whispered on the breeze that blows....

In my dream land, 

your heart will be held so tenderly, 

in this treasured land, 

i whisper sweet wishes for you....

So sweet child, 

close your eye's tight tonight, 

dream of that far away place, 

where rivers flow so pure, 

and angles sing so clear....

Climb far above the terror, 

that's held within your tired heart, 

set your wounded soul free tonight...

Rest your weary body, 

on the clouds of love, 

where angels sing in tune, 

a sweet lullaby for you.... ff782bc1db

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