

Following recording the walking route and downloading the GPX Track File of the route from the handheld GPS unit to a computer, it will normally be necessary to edit this file to eliminate anomalies, unintended deviations and reduce the size of the file for storage and downloading. The software currently used for this is by WhifflerWalks is RouteConverter.

The Software

"RouteConverter is a free, user friendly GPS tool to display, edit, enrich and convert routes, tracks and waypoints."

The latest version of this program can be downloaded to a computer from the link given to their website above. There are versions for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems and, as specified on the RouteConverter homepage, it needs Java to be installed on the computer for it to work.


RouteConverter uses the free online mapping provided by OpenStreetMap as the basis for plotting the routes which it can display. This, and the copyright which applies, is acknowledged below every map shown in the WhifflersWalks website.


Note that RouteConverter in its software uses the expression "Positions" to refer to what are more commonly labelled, "Waypoints", by others

How it is used on this website

Having clicked on the downloaded RouteConverter program file to open it (no installation is required for the Windows version) two stages are followed to produce a GPX Track File suitable for this website.

    1. open the downloaded GPX Track File file in RouteConverter, then use the automatic process provided to remove superfluous positions, e.g. those in a straight line, and thereby reduce the size of the file and reduce the need for extensive manual editing :-

      • select from RouteConverter top menu - "Position" then "Delete Duplicate Positions"

      • in the page which opens go to the box which uses the "Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm" for simplification and set a threshold of 4 metres; then "select positions" then "delete this selection"

    2. then zoom-in to view, in detail, the map of the resulting route in RouteConverter to check for any remaining anomalies and manually edit it to correct them:-

      • for cut corners - left click nearest turn point in the route and drag map pin which appears to the actual corner

      • for unwanted deviations - right click on route at a turn in the deviation and select “delete”

      • to add extra position - left click on an existing position on the route immediately before the new position required - a map pin will appear; then right click on route close to where the new position is required and select “new” - a new map pin will appear; then, if necessary, drag the new map pin created to the exact position required

Example of Reduction in File Size

With the Garmin e Trex 10 Recording Settings now used, for a 9.1 mile walk, a downloaded GPX Track File size of 163KB was the result, recording 787 positions to plot the route.

After editing, using the method set out above, the GPX Track File was reduced to 30KB and the number of positions reduced to 144, producing a satisfactory record to define the route for this website.