GPX Files

What are GPX Files?

These are small GPS Exchange Format files, commonly used to exchange Global Positioning System (GPS) data between software applications. As well as basic GPS Latitude and Longitude coordinates of Waypoints along the route, GPX files can also contain other data relating to these positions. For example; Track Files of recorded walks will contain data which identifies the sequential order of each Waypoint recorded, a number or a date and time, so that they can be displayed in this order, whereas Route Files, primarily intended only for planning walks, may not contain this information.

What can these files be used for?

The GPX Track Files available for download from this website can be loaded into many mapping software programs providing an alternative to viewing the walks on OS Maps. Some software can also be used to edit the walking route.

These files can also be loaded into a handheld GPS unit for use while out walking. This would display the route on a map and show your current position. This is probably the most accurate method of following a walking route made available from this website.

Access to other GPX Files of walks

The OS Maps website allows subscribers to export and download GPX Route Files of all the walking routes made available by this website. These files do not contain a specific record of the order in which of the waypoints were recorded but do list them in sequential order and therefore, as long as the file has not been edited or corrupted, the intended walking route should be displayed accurately and in the direction intended. But beware that some "intelligent" software, aimed at other than walker's use, may incorrectly interpret a GPX Route File by showing an alternative "better" route using roads and not the paths and fields intended. Also beware that some GPS handheld units may not be able to display the whole length of a route file for some of the longer walks.

If you are not a subscriber, clicking on the export icon on the OS Maps page will generate a banner warning that this function is not available to you but offering various alternatives for subscribing to OS Maps including a seven day free trial at the end of which, if you do not take up one of the options offered, you default to being a Registered User.