Which stage and How Prostate cancer treatment occurs

If the cancer is detected at the beginning of prostate cancer then it is easy to treat it. If it takes an aggressive form, then there are increased risks in its treatment. After seeing your symptoms, the doctor diagnoses you and determines at what stage your cancer is. When your stage is detected, the doctor determines the treatment. Sometimes doctors put a variety of options in front of you. How do you want to undergo prostate cancer treatment? Prostate cancer staging is based on a number of different factors, including prostate cancer screening tests such as digital rectal exams or prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests and imaging studies such as bone scans, MRI, CT scans, and trans-rectal ultrasound.

Prostate Cancer Treatment In India

Prostate cancer treatment

If you undergo a prostate cancer biopsy, the doctor will examine the tissue to learn more about the cancer cells. As we told you, some cancers can be more aggressive than others. This test helps you to make decisions in your treatment.

Gleason score

Your doctor finds out your Gleason score before treatment. Only then your treatment starts. The higher the Gleason score, the more aggressive the cancer is.

The cancerous prostate closely resembles normal prostate tissues. The glands are small, well formed and closely packed.

The tissue still has well-formed glands, but they are larger and have more tissue between them.

The tissue has few recognizable glands. Many cells are invading surrounding tissue.

The tissue does not contain recognizable glands. Often there are only sheets of cells in the surrounding tissue.

Stage of prostate cancer

Stage 1 prostate cancer

In stage I of prostate cancer, the cancer remains confined to the prostate. These prostate cancers are small and have not grown outside the prostate. He has low Gleason scores and low PSA levels. Stage I cannot be detected during a digital rectal examination. It usually grows very slowly. Some people usually do not have any symptoms at stage 1. Cancer at stage 1 spreads very slowly.

Treatment- People who are treated at stage 1 in prostate cancer treatment are given the option of radiation therapy or radical prostatectomy. Some men are subjected to a coarser of radiation and hormone treatment after radical prostatectomy.

Stage 2 prostate cancer

The cancer has not yet grown outside the prostate, but its Gleason score is high. Has a higher PSA level than stage I cancer. With stage II of prostate cancer, cancer can be detected during digital rectal examination. The disease is still confined to the prostate, but cells may be abnormal and grow rapidly. Prostate cancer treatment may be an option. But this option is for younger men.

Treated-stage II cancers that are not treated with surgery or radiation. All radiation options can be combined with several months of hormone therapy if the cancer is more likely to recur depending on PSA levels. The treatment for prostate cancer depends on whether your cancer has spread outside the prostate.

  • Brachytherapy only

  • Brachytherapy and outer beam radiation combined

  • Active monitoring

  • Outer beam radiation only

  • Participation in clinical trials of new therapies

Find Solutions To Prostate Cancer Treatment In India

Stage 3 prostate cancer

Stage III cancer has progressed outside the prostate and may reach the bladder or rectum. In stage III of prostate cancer, cancer occurs in the tissues near the prostate. It can also reach semen vesicles. This is the reason that problems arise in the production of semen. It has not yet spread to the lymph nodes. At this stage, there is scope for cancer to recur after prostate cancer treatment.

Treatment- You have these options for treatment at stage III of prostate cancer treatment.

  • Less aggressive treatments for older men such as hormone therapy, external beam radiation

  • Radiation with a course of hormone therapy

  • Radiation therapy after radical prostatectomy in selected cases

  • Outer ray radiation plus hormone therapy

Ovarian Cancer Treatment In India

Stage 4 prostate cancer

Stage IV of prostate cancer means that the cancer has spread to the rest of the body such as the rectum, nearby lymph nodes or even on the bone. This stage is very aggressive. In most cases it is not possible to cure it. It is more complicated than the rest of the stage. But it can be remedied. But with this you can improve your life difficulties a little bit. Because it has affected the rest of your body as well.

Treatment- It cannot be completely cured. But it can be remedied. The options are as follows.

  • Hormone therapy with external beam radiation

  • Hormone therapy with chemotherapy

  • Hormone therapy

  • Chemotherapy

If these treatments are not working in stage IV or your cancer returns, other treatments may be used, such as immunotherapy.

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