DROID is a software tool developed by The National Archives to perform automated batch identification of file formats. Developed by our Digital Preservation department as part of its broader digital preservation activities, DROID is designed to meet the fundamental requirement of any digital repository to be able to identify the precise format of all stored digital objects, and to link that identification to a central registry of technical information about that format and its dependencies.

DROID uses internal signatures to identify and report the specific file format and version of digital files. These signatures are stored in an XML signature file, generated from information recorded in the PRONOM technical registry. New and updated signatures are regularly added to PRONOM, and DROID can be configured to automatically download updated signature files.

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DROID 6.5 onwards provides two download options for users. The first is embedded with Java OpenJDK 11 for Windows users and does not require Java to be installed to run. The second can be run on any system with Java 8 to 11 installed.

User support is available from our Google Groups discussion page, ideal for questions about DROID, or assistance getting DROID working. Alternatively you can contact us via email. Bug reports, feature requests, and code contributions should be raised through GitHub Issues. We welcome contributions of new formats and format signatures to the PRONOM registry. If you wish to contribute, please use our online form. Signature Files and their release notes can be found below:

DroidConvert transforms a DROID CSV export into the structure required for digital transfers to The National Archives. This is for use by Public Record bodies preparing digital collections for transfer. The Readme included within the download contains information on using this tool.

OpenWebStart is an open source reimplementation of the Java Web Start technology. It provides the most commonly used features of Java Web Start and the JNLP standard, so that your customers can continue using applications based on Java Web Start and JNLP without any change. OpenWebStart is based on Iced-Tea-Web and the JNLP-specification defined in JSR-56.

There is no need to have any JVM installed on your system to run OWS. OWS bundles its own JVM.OWS has a JVM Manager which can find local JREs or download JREs (from the Internet) to run your Jnlp application..

Your JNLP applications can be run with a version of Java such as 8, 11, 17, or 21.We have not run any tests with higher versions of Java yet but from the experience collected while adding support for Java 11 we do not expect any big obstacles.

OpenWebStart JVM Manager will download and manage JVMs as they are requested by an application.Currently, we provide access to long-term support (LTS) versions of JDKs from various vendors by our default download server.Have a look at the OWS user guide for a list of all JDK vendors that currently are available on this server.Note that this list might be subject of change in the future.

This is possible but might lead to potential conflicts you have to take into consideration.When JWS is installed, the .jnlp MIME type might be associated already, so that OWS could not associated when installed at a later point in time.In this case the .jnlp mime type is reserved by JWS and OWS offers you the possibility to use .jnlpx as an alternative to associate your applications directly with OWS.

Please be aware that .jnlpx files in some browsers, such as Chrome, opens as text instead of getting saved after download.The reason is that Content-Type returned by server is text/Plain.You can solve this by configuring the Web server so that all files with the .jnlpx file extension are set to a application/x-java-jnlpx-file MIME type.

To find out whether a resource has been modified since the last download, OWS sends a HTTP HEAD request to the server and expects to receive the last modified timestamp of the resource on the server.In order to facilitate caching of resources by OWS it is necessary that the server from where the resources are downloaded is configured to respond to HTTP HEAD request.In case the server is not configured to respond to HTTP HEAD request, OWS will not be able to determine the last modified timestamp of the resource and will go ahead and download the resource.

In this context it is helpful to distinguish between the bundled JVM, used to run OpenWebStart itself, and the custom-selected JVM used to launch the JNLP applications.While the bundled JVM cannot customized or replaced by an OpenWebStart user, the JVM used to run the JNLP application is determined by the definition in the JNLP file and by the configuration of the OpenWebStart JVM Manager.

Applets are not supported and there are no plans to support them in the future.We also do not consider this as a deviation from the JNLP-standard as this is an optional feature according to the JSR-56 specs.

Note that you will get java.net.ConnectException if you run javaws without the -Xoffline parameter when NOTconnected to the server as OWS will try to fetch the resources from the server and fail.

The different servers are listed as a comma separated string.Localhost is implicitly always in the white list.If you delete the line again then no whitelisting is applied and all servers are reachable.

Note that whitelisting only applies while downloading resources (jars and jnlps) and not while an application is running.Thus, an application can open a connection to a server which is not in the white list.

When allowing JVM server download from the JNLP file using the property ows.jvm.manager.server.allowFromJnlp=true,as a security measure it is advisable to define a whitelist for JVM server URLs that will be specified in JNLP files.JVMs will be allowed to be downloaded from only those server URLs that match a whitelist entry.

To be able to run a JavaFX application with OWS using Java 8 requires an installation of Java 8 JVM that includes JavaFX.Some of the vendors that have JavaFX as part of their Java 8 JVMs are Oracle, Azul, BellSoft and Amazon. OpenJDK 8 fromAdopt does not include JavaFX.

Using the JVM Server feature of OWS JVM Manager it can be ensured that a suitable JDK 8 with JavaFX will be installed onthe machine for OWS to start a JavaFX app. The required JVM from a preferred vendor can be specified in the Jnlp file:

Jsign is a Java implementation of Microsoft Authenticode that lets you sign and timestampexecutable files for Windows, Microsoft Installers (MSI), Cabinet files (CAB), Catalog files(CAT), Windows packages (APPX/MSIX), Microsoft Dynamics 365 extension packages, NuGet packagesand scripts (PowerShell, VBScript, JScript, WSF). Jsign is platform independent and providesan alternative to native tools like signcode/signtool on Windows or the Monodevelopment tools on Unix systems.

Jsign comes as an easy to use task/plugin for the main build systems (Maven,Gradle, Ant, GitHub Actions). It's especially suitable for signing executable wrappers andinstallers generated by tools like NSIS,msitools,install4j,exe4jor launch4j. Jsign can also be usedprogrammatically or standalone as a command line tool.

After the options Jsign accepts one or more files to sign as arguments. The arguments may contain '*'or '**' wildcards to match multiple files and scan through directories recursively. For example usingbuild/*.exe will sign the executables in the build directory, and installdir/**/*.dll willscan the installdir directory recursively and sign all the DLLs found. If an argument starts with @ it is consideredas a text file containing a list of files to sign, one per line.

When using a Yubikey, the alias is required only if the device contains more than one certificate.The certificate is specified by its name (typically X.509 Certificate for Digital Signature forthe slot 9c, or X.509 Certificate for PIV Authentication for the slot 9a). The ykcs11 libraryfrom the Yubico PIV Tool mustbe installed on the system at the default location.

Other Nitrokeys based on the OpenPGP card standard are also supported with this storetype, but an X.509 certificatemust be imported into the Nitrokey (using the gnupg writecertcommand). Keys without certificates are ignored. Alternatively, the OPENPGP storetype can also be used, it doesn'trequire OpenSC and any key can be used by providing an external certificate.

OpenPGP cards contain up to 3 keys, one for signing, one for encryption, and one for authentication. All of themcan be used for code signing (except encryption keys based on an elliptic curve). The alias to select the key is either,SIGNATURE, ENCRYPTION or AUTHENTICATION. The OPENPGP storetype can be used witha Nitrokey (non-HSM models) or a Yubikey.

PIV cards contain up to 24 keys and certificates. The alias to select the key is either AUTHENTICATION,SIGNATURE, KEY_MANAGEMENT, CARD_AUTHENTICATION, or RETIRED.Slot numbers are also accepted (for example 9c for the digital signature key). jsign --storetype PIV --storepass 123456 --alias SIGNATURE application.exeIf multiple devices are connected, the keystore parameter can be used to specifythe name of the one to use.

The AWS access key, secret key, and optionally the session token, are concatenatedand used as the storepass parameter; if the latter is not provided, Jsign attempts to fetch the credentialsfrom the environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN)or from the IMDSv2 servicewhen running on an AWS EC2 instance.

With the Azure Trusted Signing servicethe keystore parameter specifies the endpoint URI, and the alias combines the account name andthe certificate profile. The Azure API access token is used as the keystore password.

The certificates issued by Azure Trusted Signing have a lifetime of 3 days only, and timestamping is necessary toensure the long term validity of the signature. For this reason timestamping is automatically enabled when signingwith this service. 152ee80cbc

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