After working in the ebook industry in the early days, I cannot recommend Amazon. They were so cut-throat, unhappy, and demanding people to work with. Same with Apple but they also propelled the open standard EPUB at least a little bit, whereas Amazon was fine with their proprietary format and still is.

Kobo and Barnes and Noble were always so easy to work with, friendly, and had a real appreciation for the book industry. They really seemed to be the folks that, ya know, read books. Amazon cared about the money. Apple cared about the iPad and their new business model that got everyone in trouble. Kobo and BN cared about the books. Maybe not the best eReader hardware, but good enough!

Where To Download Programming Books For Free


Scrolling is decent and navigation back is fine too, probably 2-3 seconds. Overall the Oasis is not as fast as a phone but still MUCH faster than earlier kindles. Honestly I think just about any large tablet would be better for technical books, but I mostly read fiction.

I tend to read technical books on my Macbook Pro or iMac. The main reason is that I can switch back and forth between the book and the terminal following the exercises along the way. The best setup is a split fullscreen between iTerm on one side and iBooks on the other. The terminal has constant focus and I use trackpad gestures to turn pages. This works especially well on the iMac.

I seem to manage to read books when I am travelling or on holiday. Laptop is my devise to go to watch talks and to read articles and docs while I am programming and need a solution for particular challenge.

Programming books can be found grouped on the library shelves by programming language. The Library of Congress (LC) Classification call number for computer programming is QA76.73 - for books on specific languages, notice the next set of letters and numbers. Generally speaking, the next letter after QA76.73 corresponds to the first letter of the name of the programming language. So you can browse the shelves for the language you're interested in by following the call number sequence in alphabetical order.

You've all seen programming books on the internet or in bookstores. But most of us know that those books are usually not relevant anymore, most of them are outdated. So should you buy them? I think you should, but there are a few conditions.

Books about data analysis with Apache Spark is really fun, but you won't be able to use them if you have no clue how to set up a server or work with databases. You should get books that help you to improve your skills, not books that are too complicated for your own skill level. You'll end up feeling dumb and unmotivated. You'll get to that level through practice and more practice. Start at your own level, or ideally, a little bit above your level to improve your skills. If you're just starting out, get very general knowledge books. They'll help you to start understanding how a language or technique work and it'll help you form a basis on which you can build skills. If you get very specific books right from the start, something like "Machine learning with Python", instead of starting with "Python: The beginner's guide", you will not understand why certain parts of the program behave the way they do.

I'm a PHP and Javascript programmer, this is why learning Python from the ground up, doesn't really make sense. It won't help me do my job better. However, knowing something from another language is definitely not a bad thing. Maybe you need to make a new application and your current programming language is too limiting to be able to accomplish this.Well, then you have a great reason to use another language that's much better up to the task. This project will help you develop new skills and build a better application than you'd be able to make prior to learning this new language. What I'm saying is, if you're a Javascript developer, don't start to learn something like C++. This won't have an immediate benefit for you and it'll most likely cost you a lot of time. My suggestion would be to slowly make your way towards the language, don't sprint there.

Books can be an amazing way to learn a new programming language, but keep in mind that the new language should be something that's achievable for you. Make the experience eye-opening and challenging, but don't make it an impossible task. When you challenge yourself you'll pick up the new language very quickly. If you make it impossible, you'll never touch the book again. Make sure the language you do decide to buy a book for is something that you'll end up using a lot of the time, otherwise you'll forget all about it and you will have wasted your time.

This is a list of topics and books where I've read the book, am familiar enough with the topic to say what you might get out of learning more about the topic, and have read other books and can say why you'd want to read one book over another.

If you keep up with what's trendy, this book might seem a bit dated today, but only because so many of the ideas have become mainstream. If you're wondering why you should care about this "functional programming" thing people keep talking about, and some of the slogans you hear don't speak to you or are even off-putting (types are propositions, it's great because it's math, etc.), give this book a chance.

Why should you care? Having a bit of knowledge about operating systems can save days or week of debugging time. This is a regular theme on Julia Evans's blog, and I've found the same thing to be true of my experience. I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who builds practical systems and knows a bit about operating systems who hasn't found their operating systems knowledge to be a time saver. However, there's a bias in who reads operating systems books -- it tends to be people who do related work! It's possible you won't get the same thing out of reading these if you do really high-level stuff.

The other downside of this book is that the author loses all objectivity any time Linux and Windows are compared. Basically every time they're compared, the author says that Linux has clearly and incontrovertibly made the right choice and that Windows is doing something stupid. On balance, I prefer Linux to Windows, but there are a number of areas where Windows is superior, as well as areas where there's parity but Windows was ahead for years. You'll never find out what they are from this book, though.

Microsoft nurtures a Darwinian order where resources are often plundered and hoarded for power, wealth, and prestige. A manager who leaves on vacation might return to find his turf raided by a rival and his project put under a different command or canceled altogether

An entertaining book about the backstabbing, mismangement, and random firings that happened in Twitter's early days. When I say random, I mean that there were instances where critical engineers were allegedly fired so that the "decider" could show other important people that current management was still in charge.

I don't know folks who were at Twitter back then, but I know plenty of folks who were at the next generation of startups in their early days and there are a couple of companies where people had eerily similar experiences. Read this book if you're considering a job at a trendy startup.

This book is about art and how productivity changes with age, but if its thesis is valid, it probably also applies to programming. Galenson applies statistics to determine the "greatness" of art and then uses that to draw conclusions about how the productivty of artists change as they age. I don't have time to go over the data in detail, so I'll have to remain skeptical of this until I have more free time, but I think it's interesting reading even for a skeptic.

This is one of those books where they regularly crank out new editions to make students pay for new copies of the book (this is presently priced at a whopping $174 on Amazon)2. This was the standard text when I took probability at Wisconsin, and I literally cannot think of a single person who found it helpful. Avoid.

It also makes a lot of sense from a programming standpoint, since a lot of the value I get out of calculus is its applications to approximations, etc., and that's a lot clearer when taught in this sequence.

Another one of those books where they crank out new editions with trivial changes to make money. This was the standard text for non-honors calculus at Wisconsin, and the result of that was I taught a lot of people to do complex integrals with the methods covered in Apostol, which are much more intuitive to many folks.

Unlike the other books in this section, this book is about practice instead of theory. It's a bit like Windows Internals, in that it goes into the details of a real, working, system. Topics include hardware bus protocols, how I/O actually works (e.g., APIC), etc.

Of the books that I've liked, I'd say this captures at most 25% of the software books and 5% of the hardware books. On average, the books that have been left off the list are more specialized. This list is also missing many entire topic areas, like PL, practical books on how to learn languages, networking, etc.

The reasons for leaving off topic areas vary; I don't have any PL books listed because I don't read PL books. I don't have any networking books because, although I've read a couple, I don't know enough about the area to really say how useful the books are. The vast majority of hardware books aren't included because they cover material that you wouldn't care about unless you were a specialist (e.g., Skew-Tolerant Circuit Design or Ultrafast Optics). The same goes for areas like math and CS theory, where I left off a number of books that I think are great but have basically zero probability of being useful in my day-to-day programming life, e.g., Extremal Combinatorics. I also didn't include books I didn't read all or most of, unless I stopped because the book was atrocious. This means that I don't list classics I haven't finished like SICP and The Little Schemer, since those book seem fine and I just didn't finish them for one reason or another. 2351a5e196

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